In A Slump

Apr 5, 2021
Lately I've noticed that I just feel mentally exhausted all the time, to the point where I have little or no motivation to write.

My writing quality has dwindled (More than usual) and I feel perhaps I'm letting my partners down.

Maybe it's because we've all spent over a year in lockdown and being unable to see people and do things has affected me, despite (In the UK at least) everywhere opening up again.

I just want to apologise to my partners.
Lately I've noticed that I just feel mentally exhausted all the time, to the point where I have little or no motivation to write.

My writing quality has dwindled (More than usual) and I feel perhaps I'm letting my partners down.

Maybe it's because we've all spent over a year in lockdown and being unable to see people and do things has affected me, despite (In the UK at least) everywhere opening up again.

I just want to apologise to my partners.

Hey Danny
The lockdown has had a very great impact on many people and yes it is okay and perfectly normal to feel this way.
I am quite clearly late in replying to this, however I have joined only recently. Mental exhaustion due to the lockdown is natural and you needn't apologize for your writing quality going down due to it. Its only natural.

I hope you were able to take sometime off from writing and for some self-care? If not, that would be my suggestion and I'm sure your partners would be understanding as well. :) Though I hope you are feeling better now?

If at anytime you feel that you're mentally exhausted and that it is affecting your writing, its usually better to excuse yourself for a few days or even a week and come back renewed and rejuvenated. How are you feeling now though? Hope the relaxation in lockdown had helped?

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