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Fx Male (NSFW) Dark Fantasy Skyrim Adventure, Men wanted.


Sep 30, 2014
The War had been ragging on for only a few months now and the body count was in the near three hundred thousands... give or take. I reached the top of the snow covered hill with fur pines giving me a hidden location from the scene below, Walking in snow up to my thighs was no easy task for normal woman, but then again I was no normal woman...
It seems I just missed the battle as the fires of war had just finally been lifted by the falling of snow and the cold winds calling for calm... My hand reached out to grip a tree branch to steady myself as I slowly make trenches in the snow... my toned thighs had been working extra hard this night.

images (1).jpeg Men of this land battle for land and dispute over politics, then battle to see who wins the prize at the end... the right to rule the way they believe is right... The walk through the scene of shadows as my blue ring eyes search for someone who might of survived... each heart beat was cold, and all I could think, "What a waste..." as I step over broken weapons and torn flags. This was nothing more than a grave yard now for the crows to feed upon in the morning, I reached for my cross and gave prayer to men here. Passing a few more bodies my eyes catch the growls of wolves picking the scraps to feed themselves, soon the snow will cover most of this scene and I must make it back to my home for now...

What I want...
Hello and welcome to my little thread... so what I am looking for is someone who enjoys adventure, story, and wants to role play with a companion through a dark gritty world. I am not looking for a GM/DM I want to find someone who shares the ideas and story, I want to find someone who wants to slow build the story and enjoy the scenes together. I play in first person due to the fact that I like the intimacy it brings to the story, so if you are not up for that -Insert shrug emoji- thats what I am looking for.
I am a size Queen with in reason... I do enjoy the Bigger blacker size cocks and bigger men, I enjoy feeling small next to my partner and want to feel protected when I am with him. The partner I like to team up with is territorial with me, I want to feel in the story that I am the only woman you want and in return I will be loyal to you through the story. Now with all that said I don't want to be pushed to the side and not have my own opinion, or fight along your side in battles that are to come. The balance must be maintained or it becomes a one sided story... its not fun for anyone.

My Kinks...
This part I list what I like and don't like sexually... so I will make it simple, I do not enjoy limiting my partners to a few sexual kinks as it limits the story to only a few scenes each time... so Leave this door open as I hope you would for me. Simple right?

Who I play...
I play Drusilla St.Lafia, a Holy Knight noble born into this Body you see before you. My fantasy to play toned women who enjoy Physical acts more than to sit back, as I want to be physical with my partner with in the story as well. What to expect from me for example... - As you stand there talking to some road side bandits I slowly walk in front of you with my back toward them, they watch as my left hand kisses your skin, running up your toned body as I rest it on your chest, I smile up at you. The bandits view is of my back side as they watch me feel your body, what they don't see is my other hand slowly groping your cock before I speak. "Come now love and lets put the common rabble to ease, I did just sharpen my blades and they thirst for blood..." - As I finish speaking my lips kiss your chest before those blue eyes look up to you for your guidance.

As you can see my character is to complement the partner I play with so if you want to travel the snow covered lands with a half naked holy knight of the church then you know what to do.

The world this is....
In short this is a twisted idea of Skyrim, the land is the same and the regions with each lord or lady ruling its lands with a civil war raging through out. The twist in this version is there is less magic as in there are not pew pew spells and more so rituals that take time to cast with components to use. Its a more physical world with politics and two sides fitting for control of the land. Dragons are not in the world of this twisted version, but other creatures are like trolls, undead, and werewolves.
If you know the world then that makes it easy to create a story together, if not we can create something together that you feel comfortable.

Pm me and see if we match up!
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