Mx Any A Sapient Axolotl Tapping away at a Keyboard! [Long-Term, Setting Focused RP]


Aug 23, 2019
"For Walk where we will, we will tread upon some story"
- Marcus Tullius Cicero

A Foreword....

This is my first attempt to create a real, honest to god Request Thread. I have had two Posts in the Request Thread Section before, but neither of them were true Request Threads in any true sense of the term. Both of them were half-baked and fully-loved ideas I put out for public scrutiny, and they got as little feedback as one could expect. This is truly my Request Thread, a living bibliography of my Roleplay Interests. So, I welcome you. If you have even clicked on this, there is some stifling interest in what I have to say, so thank you, and enjoy your time....

About me...

I am not terribly important. Nor do I wish to be. There is not much that you need to know about me. I am a Young Adult who goes to college and writes on the side. But for all intents and purposes, I may as well be an Axolotl typing on a keyboard. I'd much prefer you imagine that image of me instead, I believe it to be much more entertaining than any truth about my person. Let's get on to the fun stuff, shall we?

Q: I want to approach you, but I am not sure what to post in my first approach.

Well, first, know how to approach me, in the most technical sense. Obviously, do not approach in the thread. Just don't, you're smarter than that. Send me a PM. I do have a discord, and we can RP on it. But I'm not just going to give it out here. Ask for it. We can also RP In threads if you really want.

So, what to put in your starter-post is a question that we should breach. I'm not terribly picky, just give me something. What idea interested you? What plots did you have in mind? What kind of character do you want to play? Anything is good. Even if you just send a hi, I'll at least know you're interested enough to send me a PM, but anything extra is very helpful. So, really, just put some substance into your first post, and we should be good.

Smut and Story...

Ah, the old familiar questions of Smut vs. Story. Here's my thing, I don't write smut, I write stories. In these stories, sometimes characters have sex, because they are grown adults that can make decisions of their own volition. I do not write stories based around smut, I write stories based around worlds and the characters that exist inside of those worlds. So if you just want an extended meet-and-fuck, there are other places for that.

On the topic of smut, we should talk about kinks. I'm not going to bore you with a long and drawn out kink list, what I will entertain you with is a list of limits. It is far more pertinent that you know what I won't do, rather than what I will do. With that in mind, don't come to me with a single kink in mind to base the whole plot around--see the above paragraph. Also, limits are within a sexual context.

My Limits Are...

Filth (Includes Toiletplay)
Extreme BDSM (Please leave your full latex-encasement suspension stomach punch kinks at the door)
Additionally, all characters important to the plot will be 18 years of age or older. There's no two ways about it. If they are volitional characters within the plot, then they must have been alive for 18 full rotations around the sun.

Now let's talk about references.

I prefer Drawn or Animated References and will use them for my side of the RP. You do not have to do the same, but if you choose to use Photographic references, use that of a Pornstar, Model, Celebrity--someone who has knowledge that their photographs will be distributed online to the public. Do not just use some candid photo you found on the internet... that is, gross, simply put.

Okay! We have the bone out of the way, let's get into the meat!

A note about my roleplaying style....

I can write, a lot. I like to give details on the scene, setting, character motivations and thoughts, mentions of background characters, all of that. As a result, some of my posts can get up to 500-900 words long, especially starters. However; for the purpose of comparison, my average posts tends to end up around 200-400 words, getting longer during big scene-setting posts and smaller during action or smut scenes.
Now, for writing style, I write in 3rd-Person limited. Narration is limited to character knowledge but does not take place directly from a character's perspective. I'd prefer if you wrote the same way.

Now for Plot Styles, here's what you have to keep in mind. I write some very large-scale plots that involve multiple characters, and us having to write multiple characters besides our "Main". This isn't wholly a bad thing, though, the issue is, it's not how a lot of people want to write. For some people, that is easiest when writing from a "GM" Role. While I did not make this thread looking for someone to be a GM, if it's easier to grasp the plot that way, it's not a bad idea. Additionally, I'm willing to double-up if it makes it more palatable. I also do not plan out specific characters for Plots, I create general character archetypes we can follow. Also, I don't write "Real-World" Plots, I write plots purely in fictional worlds.

Additionally, since I did use the word GM alot, I am willing to do system-assisted Roleplays, if that's your poison.

For the sake of ease-of-access, I will put "Small-Scale Ideas" and "Large-Scale Ideas" in their own categories. Feel free to brainstorm!

Now, what all of you have been waiting for, Plots!

Any way the eagle flies...
Genre: Low-Fantasy

The sun had risen on a blood-soaked battlefield and painted it amber. 7 Portent Birds made 7 Circles around the field of the dead. If they landed on the dead, all present would be doomed, cursed by the gods to die. If they landed on the ground, if meant the gods had spared those that were present. The birds lowered down towards the field--and an archer plucked one of them out of the sky, the flock fleeing. It landed in a tree. Was this a defiance of fate? Or something more sinister?

Last Night's battle was hard, the men needed a drink.

So! Any way the eagle flies takes place in a Low-Fantasy setting. Low-Fantasy means that magic exists but it is by-and-large not a huge part of society. This is versus Mid-Fantasy where Magic and Non-Magic exist interchangeably, and High-Fantasy, where magic dominates the setting. The Setting has a predominantly roman theme, and the age of antiquity in general should be used as a general book-mark for the kind of setting we are going for.

Short-Term Ideas: The Relationship between a Centurion and a Warrior from a Barbarian Tribe, a Senator forming a bond with a slave, Two Gladiators in a Prize Match

Long-Term Ideas: A Senator rising up in the Crusus Honorum, A General's tales as he conquers lands for the Republic, A Legionnaire fighting for his life in the name of his people...

Candles Flicker in the Night Sky....

In the belly of the ship, Harsh LED Lights flicker, strapped to the walls. Cables are strewn across this place, as are the many pipes. Some pained white for water, blue for lubricant, red for catalyst for the engines. Suddenly, all of them rattle at once, like a thousand ball bearings banging inside of the cast steel. The entire ship lilts in the void, as the lights flicker. Then... like that, it was all over. The only sign it ever happened being a small pool of viscous liquid left on the ground from one of the pipes... drip, drip, drip.

Perhaps the ship needed retrofitting. Corporate needed one more run, though.

So! Candles Flicker in the Night Sky takes place in a Sci-Fi setting. Think Elite: Dangerous, Stellaris, or Starbound for the kind of vibe I'm going for. This one is a lot more speculative, so feel free to get a lot more crazy involving this one. Basically, the idea is that the characters are all agents taking on Jobs for a massive Megacorporation that acts as a Space Empire in this far future. Or maybe not! This one is a bit more crazy, have fun.

Short-Term Ideas: Defector from another empire trying to make it in good with Corporate, Breaking out of a Corporate Detention Block, a Ship-Battle with extreme stakes

Long-Term Ideas: A Crew making their way through the world, trying to make a living doing Corporate's Work. A long-term engagement on an Alien World. Diplomacy between two radically different peoples.

Old souls laid to rest on Dusty Trails...

There was nothing to really hide the night sky, here. In the dust of the salt desert, there was not much in the way of light pollution. The air was fouler to the west, probably where the marshes where. If you wanted to be a slave you could head back south to the big cities, or continue north to the deep-freeze. Mostly peaceful up there, just plug your ears. You didn't want to head east, there. There was clear rivers, rice paddies, and open fields of wheat there. Just... well, horses know better than to go there, and you better keep strapped with something heavy.

And bring a second gun, for yourself.

Old souls laid to rest on Dusty Trails is by far my most abstract idea yet. It has the basic idea of being in a post-apocalyptic west-world where the apocalypse was so long ago people have created a completely new Post-Apocalyptic society. So almost Post-Post-Apocalyptic in a sense. Very much a kind of cowboy vibe with this one, heavy, cast-steel guns full of heavy black powder bullets. Everyone's hands are smeared with powder-marks and their teeth are chipped from tearing open paper cartridges. Have fun!

Short-Term Ideas: Having to negotiate with the Norfolk to trade. Navigating the dystopian wastes of the Southern Cities. Foraging in the Marshes.

Long-Term Ideas: Leading a Posse on an Expedition Eastward. Taking over one of the Southern Cities. Colonizing the Westmarshes.

Life is fickle, yet we never die...

It took a couple of attempts to get the squeeze lighter to work, it's soft, yellow flame doing it's damndest to light up the room. On the walls in Filth and Gore were written scientific formulae of insane and ridiculous detail, words in unknown languages scrawled into the walls. Even as the man swallowed his own shotgun strange symbols carved themselves into his bones, as if done by his own undying hand. His fingers were coated black, even down to the bone.

The flame wavered, they were coming.

My Horror themed one! This one involves playing some sort of Detective or Private Investigator that has to deal with a Cult of sorts. Or, someone who has to deal with creatures outside of their wellspring of knowledge. This will involve a lot of exposition and a whole lot of hide-and-seek. I don't mean to scare you too hard with this, but more play around with the concept of horror storytelling in general. That kind of thing can be fun all on it's own.

Short-Term Ideas: Escaping from a Cult's Dungeon, Figuring out the mysterious circumstances behind a man's death, bringing a wanted fugitive to justice

Long-Term Ideas: Investigating a Cult Fully, Bringing down a Criminal Organization one step at a time, an expedition into parts of the world yet unsurveyed...

Well, that's about it! PM me if any of these interest you, I hope you enjoyed yourself!

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