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Living With Arachne (beta & I)


Jan 9, 2009
The Pits of California
It had been a month scince he found her. Seventeen year old Jonas had stumbled onto an abandoned building in the countryside on his way home from school one evening. The sounds of rustling and rumbling inside peaked his attention so he went in. There he saw something. Not quite a spider, but not not quite a woman either. She seemed sad and alone when he first saw her. In fact, her natural instincts led her to attack him. Jonas felt pitty on the poor thing and decided to bring her some food the next day. It came to the point where she began to get used to his presence and warm up to him. She could even speak english which made communication between the two far easier. Soon, Jonas was finding out that this arachne had certain cravings and desires. Things that at present, only he could provide to her. So began Jonas' life with the arachne girl.
The sweet spider girl had made herself quite at home, in the intervening time. Within a few days of moving in with him, she had turned his house into her new nest, weaving her silken threads over almost every surface in his home. No amount of requesting or warning her otherwise changed her mind, which usually meant that Jonas spent a good bit of his day cleaning up after her.

Like today, the entire living room was covered in sticky spider silks, arranged in rather lovely patterns for sure, but still making a mess out of his home.

Arachne, herself, thought this was just great fun, watching from her perch in the upper corner of the room as he would go around with mop and broom and bucket every day.
And today would be no different as Jonas drove up to the abandoned house in his old, beaten down truck. He had fixed it up himself and no one seemed to mind that he wasn't old enough to drive yet because of it. Anyhow, it made it easier for him to transport his cleaning goods which he would use to clean up the place. The truck rumbled to a stop and the young man got out, taking his cleaning supplies with him. He put some cleaning gloves on his hands, a bandana on his head and even a leather apron on his torso. Jonas figured dust would be getting everywhere and he didn't want one lick of it to get on his clothes.

Slowly, the door of the house creaked open and the young man stepped in. Other than the sunlight, there was nothing lighting the house and that's how the arachne liked it. Once in awhile, he would bring a flashlight or something to light the corners and such but today, he simply forgot. Around the house was the usual. Dust and cobwebs, most of which came from the spider girl herself. And thinking about where it origionally came from made Jonas shudder a little. Still, he had to keep this place in tip-top shape and that's what he was going to do now.
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