CT's Rambles and Rants

Corrupt Trainer

May 16, 2021
Huh, this journal thing is nice. I've got a lot of random stream of thought that usually gets stuck in my head until it's drowned out by me suddenly making the Waluigi "WAAGH" noise for 30 minutes straight. ADHD is a hell of a drug or something. A lot of what I post in here will either be complaining about family or talking way too much about whatever video game I'm hyper fixating on at any given time. Speaking of which, might as well start on that!

I can talk for days about Pokemon. I'm counting down the days for Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, and can't wait for them and Legends. I wasn't sure about the art style for the remakes when I first saw it but it's really grown on me. I've been enjoying generation 8 as a whole, and after the Crown Tundra DLC (haha we share initials), Sword and Shield have become my favorite games in the series (overtaking the gen 5 games). My biggest complaint is how the online stuff is handled but that aside, nothing is really enough to make me not enjoy these games. The way people act about the dex cut and some of the other stuff, especially when they're calling Game Freak lazy, gets on my nerves and kind of shows they don't know a lot about what goes into making a game. I can't think of any other franchise on the planet where you're expected to be able to keep almost 1000 characters across multiple game systems for 20 years.

That aside, I've been playing Yakuza Like A Dragon and it is insane how good this game is. The story, the characters, the gameplay, it's easily one of the best JRPGs I've ever played. I can't help but compare it to fan favorite games like Persona 5 and just go "yeah this blows it out of the water". I love how well it handles homeless characters and sex workers, giving a much more nuanced and sympathetic view than we get in almost any media. Actually on that note with comparing it to Persona 5, it's amazing how a game with prostitutes and strip clubs, and where one of the classes is a lingerie clad BDSM queen, manages to be less horny than the one about high schoolers.

For other games, I got Dragon Quest XI on the Switch for Eid, and it is a very nice and relaxing game. It's just got this weird slowdown whenever you enter a building that seems to be intentional. It really throws things off. Meanwhile, I've got World End's Club and SMT III Nocturne Remaster at the end of the month, which is going to hurt my wallet and keep me occupied for a very long while. I can't wait.
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