Deleted member 42282
The timeline starts Saturday, OCTOBER 31st 2020, moving slowly forward.
We will kickstart with an event where everyone is invited, and then you decide if your characters have interacted with anyone before or after this,
if they were there or not, what happened there, etc etc. I will create a thread where we can actually roleplay together - when we're ready,
but when we start you'll be free to roleplay whatever you want with whomever you want! Just try to include everyone, even though you don't roleplay with them.
Now, I am going to create a timeline where we'll keep track of all the BIG HAPPENINGS - events, parties, big fights, etc
But I hope you will be so kind & keep track of what happens to your C H A R A C T E R S.
I hope everyone can create ONE POST per character - so I can link back to that post - and write down what happens to them and when it happens.
This will make it easier for others to play along & it'll also be easier for you as a player to squeeze in stuff before / after a specific incident.
All in all, I believe this will make the overall experience a lot more f u n for ALL parties involved !!
We're not actually starting this off before everyone has finished their characters <3
But when we do, try not to move too fast or too slow. I'll explain this more thoroughly later.
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