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Writing Partners Please :)

Oct 26, 2016
Why hello there! :)

I am back after some serious mental health issues I had to work through as well as dealing with some issues with my family. So, as a result, I'd love to start some roleplay's up (and continue any if my older partners want to)! I can reply fairly often since I'm working from home and it's entering into summer when my kids won't have as many activities. But first, I've a few things to go over so please check out my other info.


Communication This is huge for me. I will admit that I can sometimes get sick, caught up in real life, or just not be in the mood for writing but just let me know. I’m incredibly patient and if I can’t get a message sent to you before the break I would definitely apologize profusely when I came back and/or when I have a moment to get on the computer to let you know. My phone has been dumb lately. If you don’t like something about my posts, I would also prefer my partner telling me.

Writing When it comes to writing, all I care about is that I can read it and that you give me quality posts. I can write anywhere from a minimum of two paragraphs to what seems like a novel at times for each character played and would like the same in return. I enjoy details, description, and to know both what your character is thinking and doing. Along with this, I want someone who will plot with me and help drive the story, not just respond. I also will roleplay as either gender. However, because I've roleplayed so many males recently if you want me to roleplay a male, I'd like you to double with me. I love doubling to begin with so I'll always be up for that. Along with this, I do mxm, mxf, and fxf but it's the same thing. I'd like if you want me to do your pairing of mxm or fxf you do one pairing of fxm with me as the female. It's not always a requirement, so ask anyway! I may be up for just doing yours, it'll just depend on what else I'm already playing.

Respect This is the most important part of being a partner to me. If you’d like to be a partner then I expect you to respect me. To me, this means not calling me names, respecting me if I say no, respecting yourself enough to say if you’re unhappy with something, and making an effort. If you don’t want to be friends, no big deal, but I don’t want anything disrespectful to be said.

Methods I will roleplay via PM, Thread, email, or google docs. Not necessarily in that order so just send me a PM and we can discuss :)

Smut This always seems to come up and if you’re 18+ then that’s not an issue. In regards to this, there are some things that I do not want in my roleplay’s as I’m sure there are some that you wouldn’t want either. So, we can discuss this when we talk. However, The most I’ll do is 70/30 plot/smut ratio.

Pairings <3​

I will list pairings/fandoms/genres and then plot ideas. The bold is my preferred role and the more * the more I'd like to write..


Human X Shapeshifter
Mother (as in has a kid, not incest) x Shapeshifter ****
Mother x Magician
Human X Witch/Wizard/Druid
Human X Vampire
Vampire X Shapeshifter
Vampire X Witch/Wizard/Druid
Shapeshifter X Shapeshifter
Shapeshifter X Witch/Wizard/Druid
Shapeshifter X Human *****
Prince X Princess
Prince X Queen
Prince X Commoner
Prince X Female Captain of the Guard ***
X Captain of the guard ****
Princess X Commoner
Princess X King
Princess X Knight
Demon X Human
Demon X Angel
Angel X Human

Harry Potter
  • Draco x Hermione
  • Draco x Ginny
  • Dravo x OC
  • Fred/George x Hermione
  • Fred/George x OC
  • Neville x OC
  • OC x OC
If interested I have a Harry Potter/Flash universe I'd love to write with someone :)

Mystic Messenger**********

Era’s/Types of roleplays:
Arranged Marriage
Victorian Era
Thriller/ Horror

Plots: :)

For this plot it would involve some world building. What I would like to do is have each of us create two countries. One country that would be your main character and one country that would end up being at war with our two main characters. What it is going to be at first is a marriage arrangement. YC, the Prince of your main country and MC, the only Princess of my main country have been put into a marriage arrangement by their fathers to end a long lasting war between our nations. There would be drama, angst, and action for a while just involving our two characters (and others if you want to double up). Further down the road our characters would end up ruling the nations due to some event that causes war to become an issue again between the second countries we set up. If you’re interested in this plot and this didn’t make as much sense just ask. It was easier to describe it in my thoughts then on the computer screen here

Full disclosure: This is from a book I read that I cannot for the life of me remember it’s name because I read it years ago and it just popped into my mind and a plot formed from it. Demons have overrun the world, humankind has been spread out. There are a few cities that are protected with Wards. The Wards have the power to repel the demons that come out only at night but Wards are dangerous, if done incorrectly it means the life of you, your family, your friends, and your neighbors. But what happens when the people stop fearing for their life and start trying to fight back? Our roleplay would be about two (or four) people who don’t want to just live in fear and never go out at night. To rely on hoping the people with their needed food and supplies make it through the harsh traveling conditions is too much when people are dying. It would involve action, hard times, learning, maybe some romance, and adventure.

Werewolf/Shifter finds a human mate who is less than willing to accept the fact that they are supposed to be the werewolf/shifter’s mate. The only problem is that the bond goes both ways and when they’re separated for an extended period of time the human becomes ill faster than the werewolf/shifter since the werewolf/shifter is an alpha.

This is based off of Akatsuki No Yona, a wonderful manga I highly recommend. The Princess hates acting like a Princess and as such sneaks off fairly often to go out to the training fields and fight or just roam around with one of her best friends who is a skilled knight through the commoners in town. One such time her father is killed by his advisor and the princess is only able to escape the immediate area, and avoid a forced marriage to the man who murdered her father, to find x amount of others who were prophesied to help her in bringing down the man who took the throne so she could take her rightful, but never wanted, place on the throne.

Prince is a constant thorn, either always carousing with women or never taking a serious interest in the throne, or both and MC is a female guard who is assigned as the captain of the personal guard after an assassination attempt. She is trying to get the Prince to stop being a pain in the ass, but will he listen?

Harry Potter Plots:

Roleplaying the founders as they started their teaching at Hogwarts. This is loose and I don’t have a set plot but I thought it would be fun.

Character A ends up being thrown into the past due to a messed up spell, to the Marauders or golden trio era preferably. They recognize Character B and say said person’s name but then collapse and go unconscious. When they come to they have no memories of said person or themselves other than their name, magic, their house at Hogwarts, and Hogwarts itself.
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