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Fx Any New ideas


Dec 18, 2018
Hello all,

Thank you in advanced for reading my thread. I've got a few ideas for roleplaying. However before we get to that let's get the about me out of the way.

I'm Katie. I've roleplayed off and on for a few years. That being said I do not give super long replies, I try to give at least a paragraph depending on what's given. I'm usually not on every day, but I try. Also I usually don't have access to a computer so I use my phone so replies maybe delayed.

Rough, bondage, blindfolds, oral, con

These are just some of my ideas, but I'm pretty open if you want to suggest one I'll hear it out.

The manipulator-So I just came up with this idea. A new woman moves into town and manipulates people to do whatever she wants with empty promises or maybe she wears skimpy outfits. Eventually someone takes what they were promised.

Parent/Kids teacher

Friends with one wanting more-I'm thinking this one would be like high schoolers or college.

New employee

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