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Fx Male Lit/Adv - Looking for partners interested in age gaps and/or power disparity.


May 1, 2021
Greetings BMR community, I’m Sara

I’m a recent member of the site but have already had some great success picking up partners for some quick smut. If you’re interested in something a little more casual, check my profile for my other request thread and try your luck.

With this post, however, I’m looking for talented writers who are looking for something a little more intense. Ideally I’m looking for posts in an average of 700-1000 words with a slightly slower reply schedule - maybe a post a day or every other day. I’m looking for someone who wants to go deep into plotting with me and help push each other as writers, creating a story you might read in a book rather than a few paragraphs back and forth of two people bumping their uglies together.

I’m a big fan of slow burn stories with drama and intrigue. My kinks are varied but one of the overarching ones is power disparity. I find it really hot when someone holds leverage over the other. Another kink of mine is age gaps, and in most of my plots you’ll find either older woman x younger man or the other way around. These don’t necessarily have to be included in every role play, but if they are will really get me going.

If you have a plot of your own you think I’d be a good fit for, let me know. Worst I can do is say no. If you’re looking for some ideas from me, check below:

Note: I don’t mind playing older or younger in these pairings, so if you want to swap roles with an older woman x younger man or the other way around, feel free to approach me with the idea.

“Jonah? A word, if you please…”

The words were innocent enough, yet at the same time dripping with a darker subtext. What started as a simple performance evaluation turned into regular rendezvouses at the Chateau Marmont, a bright eyed and bushy tailed intern in his 20s falling into his place as a plaything for a California senator 20 years his senior. He’s young and with the energy to please her multiple times a night, and she’s a woman in her sexual prime with ambition and a sex drive to match. At first its just sex, but soon her demands becoming a little more...nefarious. Will young Jonah remain trapped under her thumb as she uses him as a pawn to rig the next election? Or will he risk everything and escape the tiger’s grasp with some dignity left intact.

Only time will tell…

He was an oaf, but a lovable one in her mother’s eyes. 18 year old Nora, on the other hand, despised the man - in her mind, an unwelcome visitor in their lives who was trying to step into shoes he could never fill: her dearly departed dad. With a recent engagement announced, Nora had to take quick action if she wanted to avoid “Steve” becoming a permanent fixture at home.
It was then she struck gold: screenshots of her mother’s fiancé trolling for pussy on Tinder - catfished by his cunning would-be stepdaughter. Nora gave Steve a choice: Enter into a life as her secret little slave, catering to her every whim - or face the wrath of a woman scorned as darling little Nora spilled the beans. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.

She was a runaway, he was a millionaire with very...particular tastes. 18 years old and desperate for cash, she responds to a house cleaning ad on Craigslist for a single man in his 40. Showing up to a mansion rather than the rundown sketchy apartment she was expecting, the girl finds herself showered in tips on the regular that make her more than happy to oblige her boss’s little requests. At first it’s to remove her top, maybe a few weeks later to clean in the nude. But will she turn tail when her employer walks into the room and places a ball gag down next to that crisp stack of hundreds?

She was the love of his life, and then she was gone. The cancer sucked her life away long before her time, and Mark found himself the single dad of a 9 year old girl. Busier than ever at the office, he looks for household help to keep an eye on little Maya and take care of the house - do laundry, wash dishes, that sort of thing. A young woman in her 20s takes up the job, quickly bonding with his daughter and settling into a routine taking care of Maya, the house, and even Mark himself. As his desire for intimacy and closeness grows, can he make his move on the household help without dishonoring his dearly departed wife?

Feel free to reach out if you think we might be a good fit. I’m looking for quality over quantity when it comes to the amount of people I pick up from this post so please don’t message me with a simple “I’m interested.” I’d like to know your thoughts...give me some ideas of your own, even if it’s my plot so I can see you want to be an active participant in plotting.

I’ll update this post as my tastes change and I fill slots for RPs, so check back if you see me bump.

Talk soon,

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