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Fx Male ᴛʜᴇ ᴄʀᴇᴇᴅ ᴏғ ᴛʜᴇ ᴅᴀᴍɴᴇᴅ | ᴀʟᴡᴀʏs ʟᴏᴏᴋɪɴɢ.

e i g h t

𝖇𝖊𝖆𝖚𝖙𝖎𝖋𝖚𝖑 𝖙𝖗𝖆𝖚𝖒𝖆
Sep 19, 2020
E I G H T 'S
T H R E A D.

whɑt ɑm I looking for?

  • Literacy, ideally in the 1,000+ (characters) range. On that note, I mean it whole-heartedly when I say quality over quantity; never feel the need to stretch out a reply to Moby Dick's standards for the sake of a word count. It's hard to give a definitive range with writing, seeing as I personally tend to write anywhere from 1,000 - 5,000 characters... or more. It's all dependent on the scene. At the end of the day, I won't place a minimum or cap on your writing — it's your writing. As long as it progresses the story in a meaningful way or gives me something to bounce off of, we're good.​
  • I am game for romance, with one minor caveat: I don't enjoy writing romance for the sake of... well, romance. It's more of an after-thought to me — the result of fleshing out and progressing our characters' relationship. The emphasis is placed in the story, not the mashing of two characters together.
  • A writer who's down for OOC talk. I like to get to know the person I'm writing with! The process is a lot more meaningful when I can attach a personality to the person who's sending me replies, in lieu of feeling like I'm bouncing back and forth with a brick wall.
Would we be ɑ good mɑtch?

  • I'm ghost-friendly. Not feeling an RP anymore? Mental health taking a dip? No worries! This is a hobby. Let me repeat that: this is a HOBBY. You have no obligation to pump out a reply every single day, nor do you owe me an explanation as to why you can't. Take your time, go at your own pace.
  • Ideally - you'll only write to me if you're into much darker themes, as that's pretty much all I write - fluff is good and all, but not all that interesting to me.
  • If you write in third person, I love you. Too soon?
  • Threads only please! I don't mind PM's but you have to be pretty special to get me writing through there.
  • Multiple main characters? Yes please.

Whɑt do you hɑve in mind, E?

Glad you asked! I'm a little shaky when it comes to putting my thoughts onto paper, so please for the love of god, bare with me. As previously stated: these are all dark themed ideas. Meaning violence, gore and torture are huge aspects of it. Sometimes I'm a huge fan of non-con, however, for these ideas I'd love to focus primarily on physical pain rather than anything sexual. Though, that doesn't mean I'm not willing to include anything forced/non-con related. Ask anyone and they'll tell you how big a fan of that I am.

Muse A pulled against her bonds, panic racing through her veins like white, hot fire.

“Please,” She begged, voice nearly failing her under the weight of a cracking psyche as her eyes darted nervously towards her best friend slumped unconscious in a chair. “Please. Don't hurt her, hurt me instead.”

Muse B clocked an eyebrow, twirling the knife through their fingers. He chuckled. “Is that what you think?” He grinned. He moved to place the tip of the blade underneath Muse A’s chin, forcing her to look him in the eyes. “Oh, you poor, naive thing. I was always going to hurt both of you. I just planned to hurt you worse.”

Muse A tightened Muse B’s bindings as she struggled and squirmed.

“Oh no, trust me sweetheart, you're going to want to stay strapped in for this. We're about to find out just how many times a person can break.”

A group of friends are captured, but the captors are only interested in torturing just one of them. Over and over and over again. Thrown back to their friends weak and terrified and dragged away again the next day.

The friends are defiant and sure they'll figure a way out of there, but every day when their friend is returned, hurt worse. Stumbling, crashing to the ground with shaking hands, coughing and wheezing, holding their injuries, flinching from touch more and more? The friends lose their bravado, and eventually begs for their friend to be left alone, denied by their captors every day.

“Yes, yes, you helped your friends get away. How clever of you.” Muse A murmured. “How dreadfully noble.”

Muse B gulped, but held her ground. The door was barred and there was nowhere to go. But her friends were gone, safe, so she had to smile in a reckless and giddy defiance.

Muse A smiled too.

“How stupid. You're the one I wanted. Let them run and never come back - I prefer it was just us. More intimate, no?”

Muse B’s smile wobbled.

Whɑt ɑbout kinks? Limits? Anything you're uncomfortable with?

So it's much easier for me to simply comment on things I won't do as there's a very short list, I've always had the mind-set of trying something at least once before I decide whether I'm uncomfortable with it or not.
  • Gags. (Anything that restricts my character from talking is a big no-no for me).
  • Mother/Aunt pairings.
  • Playing the older character.
  • Dub-con. If we're going to write out non-con scenes, that's what it's going to be. My character(s) will never like it.
  • Playing submissive characters, I hate it and cannot do it.
If you're interested in writing with me, please don't hesitate to shoot me a PM! Maybe include a writing sample or something, too! I'd definitely appreciate it. <3
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