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Fx Female [Horror] Cosmic Horror and Witches

Mar 12, 2021
Hello, I need to make it clear that I am not looking for erotic roleplay (I find ERP boring). However, this does that mean I am not looking for roleplay with romance as an important aspect. It might seem a bit strange that I am posting such a request on a website with a heavy focus on erotic roleplay, but there appears to be plenty of mature, experienced role-players here. Although, I want to set a few guidelines/precedents so there are no surprises:

1.) Roleplays MIGHT include extreme violence, abuse (both sexual and non-sexual), and gore. (varies on partner)

2.) I have no strong moral objections to nearly any topic within roleplay.

3.) I enjoy playing evil characters or characters who are disagreeable.

4.) One or more posts a week is fine with me. I enjoy this pace. I can usually post everyday if my partner is replying exceptionally fast.

5.) World building is important to me. My partner must be open to building the world alongside me rather than just forcing me to build it all. However, I also do not want my partner to claim 100 percent of the world building as there own. I like it to be collaborative.

6.) I enjoy female x female romantic pairings or just a platonic pairing. Although, I tend to RP multiple characters of all types. But for all intents and purposes, the premises I have provided all have a female point of view.

7.) I am open to talking OOC.

8.) I have a preference for drawn character face-claims( any artstyle) or just a well-written description.

Plot Ideas

I will outline a broad concept for both of my plot of ideas. These two are tentative concepts that are open to discussion/alteration.

It came from below...

Cosmic Horror/General Horror

Role: Investigative journalists/private detectives following the trail of a missing young lady.

Setting: Rural United States (current day potentially)

Fantasy Level: Ambiguous supernatural elements

Synopsis: A small team of journalists/private detectives are following the trail of a peculiar missing person case. The individual in question is a sixteen year old runaway who continues to post ambiguous messages on their social media but they are otherwise missing. The investigating party successfully traces the IP to a small town in the middle of rural Texas. An ominous sinkhole has recently formed in the town and some residents of the town are starting to display strange behavior. It is not before long that it becomes apparent that some sort of cult has appeared who seem to worship the peculiar hole in the center of the town. How will the team proceed? Will they venture into the hole to find what unspeakable horror waits beneath? Or seek to infiltrate the innerworkings of this cult to see if their missing person in question is part of this cult? Maybe she is being held captive? Or something far worse.... what seems to be a run-away person case soon escalates into something beyond comprehension...

What to expect: A lot of investigation and slow-burn organic plot building.

Our Separate World

Dark Fantasy/Steampunk

Role: A duo of witches living near a rapidly booming settlement.

Setting: A low-fantasy/dark fantasy world experiencing an industrial revolution.

Fantasy Level: Magic is subtle, yet very real.

Synopsis: A pair of long-lived witches have lived leisurely lives nestled away in a grove. Previously, a massive empire had overtaken the separated feudal kingdoms which had once employed the witches. The pair had managed to make a living off infrequently visiting the nearby village upon request to care for sick, or ease the suffering of the dying. The local folks had begun to see the pair as some sort of protectors, but a new generation of people had begun to move into the town bringing advanced technologies with them. A particular mining device had made it possible to dig deep into the soil and extract a rare mineral that is valued for being easily fashioned into conductive components for technological machinations. The witches had only heard whispers of these strange new technologies, but were okay with the introduction until the new-comers began to enter their grove and recklessly dig. They have not learned to fear the witches' magic, so an example must be made. The richest of the prospector's daughter will make a fine example...

What to expect: Graphic depictions of all sorts of magic induced body horror. Fantasy world building too.
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