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May 5, 2021

Saelyn’s Den


My name is Saelyn and I will be your host for this thread. Don’t be afraid to take a good look around at plots and pairings, and maybe send me a PM.

I don't want to make this post go on for too long, so here are the basic things you need to know about roleplaying with me.

The Basics

  • I don’t do one-liners. My posts average between 3 - 6 paragraphs or more. I expect those who start threads with me to be able to handle at least 3 paragraphs as well.
  • I will only roleplay in third-person, and I would like my partners to do the same. This format is simply more comfortable for me and it can get very jarring if I need to do some re-reading and have to constantly deal with a changing POV.
  • I generally prefer long term plots that have a story behind them and good characters that can be developed over time.
  • Don’t be afraid to nudge me. Ever. Seriously sometimes work can be very draining and it can lead me to become a little forgetful. If it’s been a few days just send me a PM with a nudge. It’s helpful :)
  • My only no’s are no serious non discussed heavy body modifications and no parent x child. Additionally assuming control with my character is also a huge no. Don't assume my characters will react certain ways because you may find out otherwise.
  • Don’t be afraid to talk to me! Even if it's just because there is a problem or plot hole we stumble into.

Things I like to rp:

F x M


**Note** Plots are open to discussion and can be adjusted as needed.
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