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Fx Male Wolf's Request!

May 5, 2021

Hello everyone!
I would like to thank you all for clicking this page, I would like to welcome you to my request thread!
First of all my name is Bella if you didn't know already, I have been roleplaying for years, though it has been a few years since I last did a roleplay or two, so I will most likely be a little rusty!

Anyways, with that out of the way, I would like to give a few requests that I have regarding rules and such that I would like to go by, these really aren't rules just kind of like Guidelines if you will. So please bare with me while I get everything all typed up and make sure it makes since! I thank you ahead of time for all of this! Anyways see you guys soon!
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Here is where the guidelines will go!
1) Please respect the rules and guidelines for BlueMoon
2) Respect everyone and their option and say!
3) All my requests will be Female x Male, it's not I don't do any other pairings, I just don't know how to go about it (Its lame) I know but please forgive me!
4) My fan-fiction Requests will me Cannon x OC (Own Character) it don't matter how we go about it!
5) I would like at least a Paragraph or more to respond with, I get writers block, being busy trust me I do.
6) I like to have someone respond as soon as possible, but I know a lot of stuff is happening in the world and everyone has their own lives, so please if you don't respond in a week or let me know it's gonna be a little later, I assume you drop the roleplay. (I have anxiety and depression so I get it)
7) For non fan-fiction, I like to brainstorm and figure out a plot, (like making a book or reading one) I like to go over details and even throw a few curve balls if you will
8) If I do not know something I will tell you, regarding plots and smut I like to try and keep it 50/50 or even sometimes more story or more smut depending
9) I do not, and will not do Love at First sight, sorry I know people loving doing that but I just have a thing about it
10) Please Pm/DM me for more info about plots or anything you see you like
11) If you see anything with an means that idea or plot is taken and a Means it's still open, also if you see a I'm really craving it
12) Take a look at my
F-List please!!!
13) Last but not least please respect my guidelines!
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Alright so here is what everyone has been waiting so long for, my list of things I can and would like to do, now these are not limited so please if you see anything that catches your eye or anything please free to PM/DM me!

Avatar (The last airbender)
Beast Stars
Black Butler
Black Clover
Blue Exorcist
Demon Slayer
Dr. Stone
Fruits Basket
Hellsing OVA
Host Club
My Hero Academia
Naruto (Shipuden)

~More to come~

Avatar (James Cameron)
Beauty & Beast
Howls Moving Castle
How to train your dragon
Pirates of the Caribbean
Spirited Away

~More to come~
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Here is where some of the plots that I like or what to try out will go, please if you see anything that you like don't hesitate to PM/DM me :) I look forward to your replies


Muse A hasn’t had the best of luck in life thus far. Despite their efforts at (becoming wealthy, getting the girl/guy of their dreams, insert Muse A’s greatest desire here), it seems as if everything they want is always just outside of their reach. Muse A is in a slump and they don’t know how to get out of it. While cleaning out their house’s basement, Muse A finds an old book with weird symbols in it and text that seems to be written in Latin. Muse A dusts it off a bit and shows it to a friend to see what they think of it. When they discover that it’s a spell book, Muse A’s friend dares them to do one of the rituals. What’s the harm? It’s probably fake, they both figure. Assuming the ritual won’t work anyway,
Muse A accepts the dare, gathers the required ingredients and performs it. When nothing happens, Muse A and their friend have a good laugh and the friend leaves. When Muse A begins to clear the ritual space, they’re greeted by Muse B, the demon that they’ve summoned. Muse B explains that they have the ability to possess the body of other human beings in order to manipulate their thoughts and actions so that they submit to
Muse A’s will. Upon signing a contract in blood, Muse B will be bound in service to Muse A until Muse A can no longer honor the terms of the contract. It is unclear what will happen if the contract is ever broken. Desperate to change their circumstances, Muse A is hasty to sign the contract and start making some demands. For every possession that Muse B is asked to complete, a sacrifice is required. Fresh blood. At first Muse B only requires a few drops of blood from Muse A. But gradually the demon requires more. The longer Muse B is around to perform tasks for Muse A, the stronger the demon’s blood lust grows and the greater the sacrifices must become to satiate Muse B, When the demon requests a human sacrifice, Muse A refuses. As close as they are to having their perfect life, that’s a line that they’re unwilling to cross. This refusal breaks their contract and Muse B is free to roam and wreak havoc on the unsuspecting.

Muse A is a hunter who travels the country in order to extinguish supernatural threats. When Muse A gets news of yet another small town being terrorized by a murderous creature, they pack up their things and make haste to the next destination. Muse A settles into town quickly and gets to work investigating these mysterious, grisly deaths. Despite Muse A’s best efforts, over the course of several weeks, they keep coming up short of catching the culprit, unaware that Muse B is watching their every move.
Option 1: Muse B is a supernatural creature, the same kind as the killer, but innocent. They approach Muse A and offer to hunt down the killer together.

Option 2: Muse B is the killer and tries to throw Muse A off their trail (by seduction or other means).

Muse A is annoyed when someone rings their doorbell late at night. When they answer the door, they’re even more annoyed to come face-to-face with their ex, Muse B. Muse B, typically smug and rude, looks panicked and makes a plea for Muse A’s help. Bitter about the sour ending of their relationship by
Muse B’s fault, Muse A is poised to slam the door shut in Muse B’s face. Just before they can, a pint-sized kid peers out from behind Muse B’s legs and asks to use the bathroom. Muse A may loathe Muse B, but they aren’t heartless, so they let the child in and begrudgingly also Muse B. While the child is in the bathroom, Muse A demands an explanation from their ex. Muse B breaks down and explains that the child is theirs but they only recently found out. The kid was left at their door by their other parent and they’re freaking out because they have no idea how to raise the child, especially not alone.
Muse B came to Muse A for help because they have no one else to turn to. Muse A is sympathetic, mainly for the child, and only because of this does Muse A agree to help.


Muse A and Muse B share a one bedroom apartment as it’s all they can afford in the neighborhood they live in. Despite their cramped quarters, they’re happy with their living arrangements and more importantly they love living together. They’ve been together (roommates/lovers/dating/married) for a little over a year now and they have a healthy intimate life behind closed doors. Both Muse A and Muse B are adventurous spirits, typically willing to try anything at least once. When Muse B comes home with a brand new video camera, the couple is quick to put it to use by making their own sex tape. The frisky pair have a blast performing for each other and for the camera and enjoy the end result when they play it back. Curious and turned on by the steamy footage, the couple decide to post their video online and see what others think of it. When the feedback is overwhelmingly positive, the pair can’t wait to get started on their next video. Eventually, the couple ventures into the adult industry by starting a live webcam show together.
How will their rising popularity as online sex stars affect their relationship?


Muse A undresses habitually in front of their bedroom window, one day discovering that muse B is watching them from the building across the street. Rather than shrink away from the attention, muse A embraces it and makes a little show of undressing the rest of the way for muse B before pulling the curtains closed. Over the course of the following few days, muse A and muse B meet at the window for some shared exhibitionism. Muse A and muse B both shed their clothes with the express purpose of teasing the other into a state of sexual frenzy. This little game is thrilling for muse A because they know absolutely nothing about each other and anyone could catch them if they look up to their windows at the right time. One day, after a particularly steamy session, Muse B presses a note to the inside of their window asking if they can meet muse A face-to-face.
What will muse A say? Will meeting up with muse B destroy the fun of their flirtation from-afar? Or will it only raise the stakes?


Muse A is the daughter of a man with a serious gambling problem. He’s a sweet man, always doting on Muse A with her favorite books and rare flowers, but he’s up to his ears in debt after borrowing money from the wrong people. One afternoon, Muse A’s father is confronted by Muse B, the ruthless crime boss of the city. Few people have ever seen Muse B’s face, as his henchmen usually do his dirty work, but everyone knows his name and cowers in fear appropriately. Muse A’s father owes Muse B a considerable debt, which he cannot pay. Rather than kill the man, Muse B offers a trade – the man's beautiful daughter in exchange for the forgiveness of his financial debts. He has one night to make this deal happen or Muse B will come for him. When Muse A’s father explains the predicament to her, she is willing to go, as long as it ensures the safety of her family and her father promises to put an end to his troublesome gambling habits. Muse A moves in to Muse B’s mansion outside of town the following day. From the moment Muse A arrives, Muse B is on his best behavior, lavishing her with gifts – a library wing for her, a pretty garden filled with the finest, imported roses – jewelry, and so on. Gradually, Muse A comes to see that Muse B isn’t a horrible person, behind closed doors, but the circumstances of their arrangement (and the terrible crimes he commits as a crime boss) make it difficult for her to fall in love with him as he’s fallen in love with her. Each time Muse B proposes marriage, Muse A refuses. Muse A becomes terribly homesick and begs to be allowed to visit her father. Muse B allows her to leave him as long as she returns to him within a week’s time. While Muse A is away, Muse B is attacked by a disloyal bunch of conspiring underlings. When Muse A returns, she finds Muse B wounded and left for dead in his home office. She realizes in this moment that she does love him and if he recovers she’ll marry him. Her quick actions save his life and once he is well enough, they marry.
Optional Twists:
Dark Twist: Once Muse B recovers, Muse A willingly becomes part of the crime business. Together they seek revenge against those who betrayed Muse B.
Romantic/Angst Twist: Once Muse B recovers, Muse B gives up his life of crime, since he’s assumed to be dead and he and Muse A run away together, with the condition that Muse A can never return home to her family.

Muse a is running away from something in their past. Walking along the road because their car broke down, they’re determined to put as much distance between them and what they’re running from as possible. Muse b, driving away from something also, aimlessly wandering or possibly just trying to get to a destination, stops and picks up Muse a. They spend the next few days/weeks/however long getting to know one another, connecting, sharing their lives, crying, laughing, traveling together, doesn’t even have to be a ship, could just be an incredible friendship. and in the end they can part ways forever changed or stick together. however it pans out.
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