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Feminization in New YGGDRASIL (Madis X Daleen)


May 13, 2012
Eldorado, AR
Cannis readied a spell as he looked out from the bush he was hiding in. He looked over at Levaldien to see if he was ready, once more he caught himself staring at his friend and his gaming partner. Cannis had been crushed when Yggdrasil had gone offline but he had found a fan made server and had convinced Levaldien to join him and so they started over using the same names creating their characters and setting off once more in the world they had spent hours playing in on the original servers.

Though they had to start from square one the two were soon rising through the levels Cannis the forward fighter keeping agro and fighting up close with Levaldien staying back and supporting. Though they sometimes joined with others the two pretty much kept to themselves and like in the main game became famous as the duo hunters. They had even been known to clear certain smaller dungeons faster than smaller guilds.

At the moment though the two of them had been able to track down one of the hardest to find beasts in the game and dropped some of the best loot as well. His spell ready He dashed from the bushes. As he suspected the creature began to charge straight at him Cannis fired his spell it was meant to bind the creatures legs but his aim for the spell had been off and it only tripped the creature up. As he drew alongside it the creature lashed out with his tail clipping the spell blade and sending him into a roll. As he tumbled out of the way he shouted. “Any time now Levaldien”
Levaldien crouched along behind Cannis, the white of his tunic and pants showing up bright in the sea of green of the forests the two were in. While Cannis was preparing, Levaldien was scrolling through his spell quick slots, assigning his healing angel summon to the middle, his water elemental spells in front along with a angelic shield summons, and ending his hot bar with earth spells and his only offensive summons, the Arch Guardian. Ready and prepared, he was just finalizing everything when suddenly Cannis dashed out from the bushes. "Cannis wait! Wait I'm...." he groaned, as Cannis rushed forward, doing as he pleased regardless of Levaldien, as usual. Groaning, he rapidly began closing out of the menus before he stood from the bushes.

"Earth wall!" he cried out, pointing his open palm towards Cannis, before jerking his arm up and summoning forth a protective wall in front of Cannis. "I told you I wasn't ready yet! I had to rearrange my spells!" he pouted, his long red hair blowing in the breeze created by the summon intrusion of an earth wall into the world. He grabbed his white staff and rushed forward, his long white coat billowing out behind him as he moved to get behind the wall with Cannis. He quickly reached up, grabbing onto the man's wrists. His own hands were to small to completely wrap around Cannis' wrists but they were sufficient to do what he needed. "Pure Iron" he whispered under his breath, before two rods of pure iron suddenly shot up from the ground, wrapping around the man's fists before molding into skin tight gloves. They would increase Cannis' strength, as well as add damage with the extra weight to any swung weapon. "Soothing flow" he whispered, his head bowed, his rainbow colored eyes drifting shut as water spread from his hands, surrounding Cannis before engulging his body, the spell would act as a barrier for most mental attacks, such as fear, confusion, mind control, things of that nature.

With that, he stepped back, before a pentagram spread around his feet. "Angelic Shield, Eighth Tier Summon" he called out, before a portal of bright light suddenly appeared in the sky, and a massive knight in platinum armor lowered from the sky. "Protect me!" he called out to the summons as the monster continued tearing down the earthen wall he had summoned. "I've got your back Cannis!" he called out, before clapping his hands. "Shrouding Fog!" he called out, before stepping back away from Canis as a thick fog rolled in from the forest, surrounding Cannis, making him harder to hit. It was a lot right out of the gate, but they had worked hard to track this beast down, and they both knew it was not an easy fight. He wanted to give Cannis as much advantage as he could right away.
Canis smiled at his long time friend, “Yea sorry about that I guess I was a bit too excited” As he stood there Levaldien casting his buff spells the bigger man opened his own menu. Prepping another spell of his own he reached behind with his free hand he drew his great sword releasing one of the spells. The blade briefly flared up before returning to normal. With the buffs in place the Draganoid stabbed the sword in the ground in front of him and stretched out a bit as the creature continued to assault the earth wall.

Watching the red head he couldn't help but think how lucky he was to have such a friend. He was the only person that put up with the spell blades rashness and also in a way kept him grounded. Of course there was the fact Levaldien’s avatar was extremely pleasant to look at. Letting out a sigh he shook his head come on Canis it’s just an avatar in a game. Herring his friend shout he drew his sword out of the ground with his right hand while prepping another with his left. It was part of a new skill he had recently acquired that allowed him to wield large weapons in one hand. It allowed him to use his specialty dual wielding of magic and melee with larger weapons.

Stepping forward he looked back at the summoner and nodded. “I know you do, you always have” Then facing forward he muttered “Now lets see if this skill was worth the trouble” Charging forward as the beast broke through the wall Canis released the acid spell that he had prepped swinging the blade as the creature reared up. Though most spells where hard to cast while moving Canis’s charge had brought him close enough to hit the creature square in the eye. However the creature's skin was tough and even with the flame enchant it did not do much damage and the spell blade found himself having to dodge out the way as the creature came back down.

Of course the dodge had brought him square in the path of the creature's swinging tail. Quick thinking though let Canis dodge the brunt of the blow as he activated one of his few buff spells that gave him a slight boost to his speed and agility. However the blow still sent him into a tumble and after getting his footing he smiled big getting ready to charge again. “Phew we haven't had this much of challenge in some time”
Levaldien just stood there, hiding behind his angelic summons, watching the fog cloud envelop Canis before the man disappeared into it. Canis would be able to see clearly enough but anything else would have a very difficult time seeing into the fog that swirled around him. It wasn't a complicated or even high level spell but it was a very useful one so he liked to keep it around. "Just don't be an idiot, and we should nail this bastard!" Leval, or Lev, called out with a teasing grin while watching the fog cloud stroll forward towards the creature. Leval was already preparing a few minor healing spells and debuffs in case of poision or anything that his other magic's weren't able to counter. He watched, holding his breath as he heard the sounds of combat begin, and he waited, his spells ready and prepped to go with just his word. He tensed as he saw the fog suddenly roll and the creature came out of the mist, before the creature lunged back in.

The sounds of combat continued for a little bit before suddenly all he heard was....nothing. The cloud wasn't moving, but the beast wasn't coming out either. In fact he heard no sound of cheer or victory from either Canis or the creature. Suddenly worried, a pit of ice formed in his stomach, and he called out. "Canis? Canis are you okay?" he asked, a bit worried while he began preparing a ressurection spell he had learned a while back. "Dispell!" he called out, dismissing the fog cloud. Or at was supposed to. Instead the fog hung around, and it seemed to be....growing? Cobnfused, he raised his hand, pointing it at the growing cloud. "Dispell!" he called out with more force only to watch as the cloud kept growing, swarming towards him.

He brought his angel forward. "Defend me!" he called out, worried that somehow the beast might have turned the fog cloud against them. Yet there was no damage to his summons, leaving him as confused as ever. Biting his lip, he slowly stepped forward, disappearing into the cloud of fog. "Canis? Canis you there?" he called out, before crying out as he suddenly stumbled forward as suddenly the ground underneath him changed, and he was blinded by sudden sunlight. He yelped as he stumbled forward, wincing as he landed on his face, staining his white tunic. Then he realized something. That....that hurt. Like no damage but, pain, and the sun was truly warm on his skin, the grass was soft and lush under his hands. The game had always been realistic but this was on a whole other level. He winced, before rolling over onto his stomach, and looked up at the sky. "What....what in the world?" he asked softly, before looking over as he saw Canis standing. "Canis! Are you okay? Where's the beast?" he asked in confusion.
Hearing his friend's comment Canis turned to see his friend’s teasing smile. “I won’t make any promises.” Then he turned back towards the creature that was getting ready to charge and ran at it with his sword drawn. As he got close he engaged the creature first by blasting it with another minor spell. It hit in the creature's eyes causing it to slow down enough allowing Canis the opportunity to use it’s head to springboard onto its back.

Quickly before the creature had the chance to react he withdrew a dagger that seemed to be made of smoke and plunged it down into the creature's back. It was a special dagger that bypassed anything solid but the fun part was when activated it became a solid blade. The Draganoid was rewarded with a roar. Unfortunately the creature began to buck wildly causing the spellblade to go flying off into what was now a fast forming thick fog.

Having trained heavily in acrobatics as well as strength Canis was able to land on his feet but slid a bit further before coming to a stop. He started to prepare another spell holding his sword out waiting for the creature to come through the thick fog. Something seemed off though. The first thing he noticed was the fog had gotten thicker. Not only that but he could no longer hear it.

Canceling the spell he had ready, Canis began to walk slowly through the fog ready to pounce if he hred the creature. As he moved forward the leather grip in his… wait leather. Canis stabbed his sword into the ground and looked at the sword. Something was off he had never felt the hill of the sword cautiously he picked it back up and ran a finger along the blade. Yanking it back and could see the cut and blood starting to run down his finger.

It was then that he heard the yelp and sheathed his sword as he looked towards where the sound had come from. As he did, the fog started to clear and he could feel the warm rays of the sun and looked at his friend who was on the ground. The spellblade ran to his friend and offered him a hand helping him up. “No Idea but seem you were laying down on the job” He gave the summoner a grin as he helped them up. “Regardless I can tell you we are no were near the location we found the beast.” Pausing for a moment once his friend was up Canis looked around. “Well wherever it is I think that is the least of our worries. Not only can I feel things that were not possible to feel before. But you look much cuter now as well, kind of like looking at something up close instead of through a window. And judging by that yelp of yours you can feel it too. So first things first we have to figure out what just happened how does that sound”
Levaldien winced a bit as he got up, and looked down to see the knees of his pants torn, and...there was a bit of blood seeping out from his scraped knees. Frowning, he tried to make sense of what was happening before he saw Canis. He frowned, before rolling his eyes over at the man and accepted the hand. "I forgot how funny you were" he said with a roll of his eyes as he was helped up onto his feet. He then realized he felt the weight....all of it. His body shifting from sitting on the ground to standing, feeling his muscles tensing up as he used them to get was like he was out of the game, in the real world but...that was impossible. Technology for virtual sensations like that was next gen three times over. His frown deepened, before nodding his head as he looked around. "Yeah....something's definitely weir-.....shut up canis!" he said, pouting a bit as the called told him how much cuter he was now.

"Hmmm.....yeah. Yeah you're right. We need to figure out what happened....but if you keep calling me cute, I'm going to poison you and hit you with holy fire" he said with another pout, before dusting himself off, trying to get the green grass stains off his tunic, the red of his blood starting already to stain the white of his pants. "Hold on" he said with a sigh, before casting a minor cure wounds on himself. He relaxed as he realized that at least he still had his character's skills at least, so they were still in a game....of some sort anyways. "We should try and get to a town or something. Actually...have you tried logging off yet?" he asked curiously as he reached up, brushing some of his hair out of his face after realizing he felt it on his face.
Watching his friend standing up, Canis could see the scrapes on his knees. Even more importantly he could feel the warmth of his friend's hand. He couldn't help but think how nice it felt. In fact he felt as though he was holding the hand of a woman. Filing that away he gave his friend a cheeky smile at the threat he threw his way. “Oh do not threaten me with a good time Leva, besides you know I have high poison resistance and remember this, he pulled out a pendant he wore on his neck. “You gave it to me in case one of your holy fire spells went wide or if it hit me while I am close to an enemy, Besides you keep pouting like that you're just going to look cuter cutie.”

As he watched his friend casting his healing spell he was already opening his player menu as his friend finished talking. To his dismay the log out button was gone. He then checked his friends list. Opening it up he sorted it bye level. He could tell from that setting that only those who were 80 and up seemed to still be online. Though there were a few higher levels that were grayed out as if offline.

He finally looked at the map, there was a small town not far from where they were but he did not recognize the name. Curious, he started to expand the map. When he had zoomed out to see most of the continent they were one a frown appeared on his face. “Well Bad news is log out is gone so is any way to contact admins, semi good news we are not the only ones to be affected buy that fog though it seems only people 80 up are still logged in. Not sure how many in that range were on but a few of my friends are still showing up online. Well the ones in that range and the ones that were online.”

He then paused for a moment and closed his menu. “And then the interesting News. You remember that one big dungeon no one could defeat. Was run by that monster guild. There was that huge news story about the guild leader disappearing shortly after the main game shut down. Well it is now on the map so are some other locations that were not in the game, and some things have moved around. I think we should equip some of our less conspicuous armor and weapons for a bit. I don;t know what is going on but I have a feeling we do not want to stick out too much”
Leval just frowned over at the man, his pout deepening. "Canis, I swear to the Goddess, if you call me cutie one more time, I will find a way to end everything you know and love" he said, his face bright red with a blush, before he sat back down onto the ground. "This is weird..." he mumbled as he began wiggling his toes in his shoes. He looked up as Canis finally began talking again, and his pout turned into a frown. "No log out? So...what is this some sort of timer thing? Maybe a beta version of a new server we were transferred to?" he asked, mostly thinking out loud. He closed his eyes, trying to think. So at least they weren't completely alone here, it wasn't just them, which meant he was using in some hallucination from to much gaming.

He looked back up, before nodding his head. "Yeah...Ainz something right?" he asked curiously, before moving to stand back up and stretched out. "Hmmmm....yeah alright. I don't have any other clothes though. I kept meaning to check the auction houses for some more curse protection but...I just kept buying items instead. I wonder if they have a repair shop I can get my pants fixed at" he pondered. He'd never really worn armor, for his class it had to many penalties. Light armor such as cloth or leather was all he'd been able to equip and keep his current skill layout at it's prime, but now he regretted it. Especially if it tore as easily as the real world here. Though....did that mean that the armor was broken now? He opened his screen, looking at his items, before relaxing. So it was still intact, just a cosmetic tear then.

"I'll switch to a staff, but I'll have to get some new armor and clothes at the town. I'm sure they'll have something" he said with another nod as he began moving forward. "And something to eat and drink...I'm thirsty somehow. This is just weird" he said, before looking over to Canis. " your weapons weight anything to you? I can feel the weight of my staff...I can feel it digging into the ground....what is going on?" he asked as he continued moving.
Smiling down at his friend he just tousled his hair. “Go ahead cutie, you would miss me too much so I know you won't do it.” He then set about changing out his own gear removing his armor underneath which was an outfit that looked like some kind of woodsman. He then put away his sword exchanging it for a simple looking spear leaving his dagger in his belt.

Of Course when his friend mentioned not having any other armor he looked at his friend who was starting to move with a slightly scolding look. “How many times have I told you to have something for back up. You know sometimes I think you get too distracted by pretty bubbles and don't tell me everything you buy has a use. I know you like toys” His look softened and he smiled mischievously. “You know you're lucky you're so cute or I would leave you behind at the next tavern we come to.”

He then started on is way Nodding his head at the last of his friend's question. And rubbed his belly. “Yea I Could use some food too, Actually you know what” He stopped for a moment and opened his inventory screen he found what he was looking for and picked the item a small loaf of bread enough for one appeared in his head it felt like it had just been cooked. Turning he handed it to Leval “Here take this should be fine feels like it was just baked and Yes I can feel the weight of what is one me. Like when my armor was on and I had my sword. But without them I feel much lighter. Also I suggest when we find something for you we find something that does not cost much. Now let's move on. According to the map there is a road just to the west of here. It goes north and south and there is a village not too far the southern way.” With that he turned and once more started to make his way west taking a slow pace so his friend could keep up.
Leval stared forward at the man, watching him with a dead pan face. "I swear upon all the Gods ever forgotten, known, and yet to be discovered, that I will end your blood line" he said, before sighing and running a hand through his hair. "They do have uses..." he grumbled as he adjusted his inventory a bit, double checking if he had anything else he might be able to use, before sighing and closing it out. With everything set, they began moving out, Leval trying to figure out what was happening, before looking over at Canis. "Hm?" he asked curiously, reaching up to brush some hair behind his ear, before watching as the bread suddenly appeared. "Hm.....yeah alright" he said as he reached out and accepted the loaf, before tearing it into two and handing half back to the man. "Interesting...." he said, before bringing it up to his mouth, expecting it to simply disappear after the first bite. Instead, there was just, half a loaf of bread, with a bite mark. "This is getting way to realistic for am I supposed to gorge thirty cheese wheels for health in a fight at this rate?" he half joked, before taking another bite out of the bread. It was quite tasty actually, a bit salty, but he could also taste honey on the crust. Experiencing all of these things just, confused him.

"This is so weird" he said under his breath as he walked, headed towards the village according to Canis' directions. "So once we get there, there should be some other players if this is some kind of weird beta build....maybe someone will have answers? Maybe even an admin? I kind of want to log out, like this is just really weird, it's to much for me in a game" he said with a nod as they crested a small hill, and within sight of the village. It was definitely busy, like any village he had seen, it had a smith banging on his anvil, stalls full of gear and items, and NPC's just, milling about. At least some things were normal in this game. At least so far. "You grab me some gear, I'm going to hit the tavern, look for an admin or other players, and we meet up at the inn later today?" he asked curiously.
Canis just shook his hand at the latest threat. But he held his tongue, as much as he enjoyed teasing his friend he knew when to stop. Though his friend hid it, Canis was pretty sure Leval liked the attention or the summoner would have left his side long before now. But the draganoid spellblade had other things on his mind at that moment. His friend was right whatever was going on with them. As they walked he took the half of the bread that Leval had given him and ate on it as he looked at the map and his friend’s list.

As they walked and he looked over things he listened to his friend. He was right, whatever was going on here was too weird but the more he looked at the map and the fact that no one on his list seemed to be logging on and off yet and the more he looked the more he thought they were no longer in the game. Closing out the map and list he nodded. “Yea it is weird no doubt and I am sure we can find someone with answers.” As he finished speaking they crested a hill and down in front of them they could see a village. As they stood there for a moment Leval started to plan out what they should do and he grinned. “You want me to get you gear” He gave a small chuckle “Ok well I will make sure to find something cute something that will make your eyes pop” HE then let out a another chuckle as he moved to the town and a slightly fast past not giving his friend the chance to catch up to him.

Walking into the town Canis looked around at the people moving about. As He did he noticed something odd. The people moving about were not moving around like NPC’s in fact they were moving and acting like people. Of course there were other races besides humans but the way they moved the way they were talking and though the words seemed different from his own lounge he seemed to understand what they were saying. Of course he was so astounded with it all that he almost ran into someone till they shouted out “Hey watch where you're walking. '' Stopping, he looked down, it was a dwarf who had said the words and they gave him an angry look before going on their way. No NPCS did not act like this and so Canis began to think they weren't just in a game.

Keeping that in mind the large man who seemed to stick out a bit made his way to what he guessed was a tailor shop and walked in. As he did, the woman inside looked up and smiled. “If you're looking for something your size you may have to wait a few days. Sir, we just had to send a lot of clothes off to the front lines so we only have a few outfits currently made.” Canis smiled at the woman and shook his head.

“No, I am looking for something for a friend of mine. They are about this tall and on the slimer side of things” The woman’s eyes lit up and her smile got bigger.

“Oh so you are looking for something for a lady friend, well you're in luck we have two different dresses available one is a simple outfit good for traveling and the other is somewhat fancy. It would be nice if you were attending some kind of a high end function.”

As the woman finished Canis started to say his friend was a guy but stopped himself and thought to himself for a moment. Not only would Leval look absolutely gorgeous in a dress if they traveled around as a couple it might make. Of course there might be questions if they ran into anyone that they knew but they could cross that bridge another time. So Giving the woman a smile he nodded his head. “I am sure my friend would love both and it would be nice to have something nice if she needed it. I will take both. How much?” Thankfully the money system seemed to work the same here as it did in the game and so paying the woman what was owed he put the dresses in his inventory and made his way to the inn a very devious idea spinning in head as he did.
"Of course, you have points in identification so if there's something useful about it, especially armor, you'll see it. That and you have more money then I do" he said, before blinking as he heard the others comment. "Canis! Canis don't you dare! Canis!" he cried out in frustration as the man rushed off. Leval stood on top of the hill, glaring daggers into the man's back, before sighing and shaking his head. "That man is incorrigible" he said to the wind, before moving at a slow and easy pace into town, wanting to get a better feel for things. He strolled forward, watching everyone carefully. It was....surreal, as though he had somehow transported himself into a fantasy land. The NPC's were acting like....well, like people. He could only put so much of this all onto a new and updated game they had somehow been dropped into, and he had hit that wall, yet the weirdness only grew. He had to stop and think for a moment about the possibility that he was in some kind of coma like dream, or that this was entirely real, somehow.

Curious and confused, he moved towards the tavern, unaware of the lingering eyes following his path, or more precisely looking at his ass as he moved along the roads. Finally he found his way to the tavern by following the loudest sounds he could hear. He stepped inside, before looking around to see if there were any other players. He figured they'd stand out pretty easily, wearing armor and armed to the teeth, yet all he found were more villagers. Another smith, a lot of farmers, some folks playing cards in the corner, and one tired looking woman running around passing out drinks. This was no some very lucid dream, or a new reality altogether....this was not a game. He felt his heart beating faster, before yelping as he felt a hand pinching on his backside. He quickly swatted it away, before scowling and looking at the leering man. He lowered his staff at the man, before unleashing a simple burst of magic, unrefined, not enough to hurt, just enough to knock the man over and daze him. "Pervert!" he cried out, much to the laughter of the crowd.

His face burning red, he stormed out of the Tavern, before leaning against the outside wall, catching his breath as the potential realities of this situation presented. He had so many questions, and no idea of where to even get started for answers. For now, he needed peace and quiet, so he figured it would better to just grab a room sooner rather then later. He stepped away from the wall, and moved further down to the street to the tavern where a singular old man was standing behind a counter. "Hello there traveler. Looking for a room? One a week, two for food and hot water for bathing, extra fifty for stabling any horses....what can do for you?" he asked. Leval pondered for a moment, before nodding his head as he reached a decision. "Here's two fifty, no beast to stable but the fifty is for some information throughout the week. Also I'm expecting my friend to join me, his name is Canis, please send him to the room when he arrives?" he asked. The Inn keeper raised an eyebrow. "I can do is your key, room is down the hall, in the corner, bathing chambers across from it. Welcome to town mis....ster.....stranger. Hope you have a good stay" the Inn keeper offered.

Confused and exhausted, Leval just accepted the key before moving down the hall. He frowned as he opened the door, and saw one single bed in the center of the room, along with a chest at it's foot, and a large full length mirror in the corner. The one bed could be problematic, but he also wasn't sure that they would even need to sleep. He was exhausted but, it was mostly mental weariness. Either way, he'd deal with the sleeping problem if it arose. For now he just wanted to relax, and so he laid down on the bed, figuring he'd just, close his eyes for a moment, before promptly passing out in the bed, curling up into the fetal position as he drifted deeper into sleep.
Walking through the town Canis’s stomach grumbled seeing a stall selling some food he stopped and bought what seemed to be some kind of meat. He was not sure what the woman had said it was but he took a bite. It had a nice enough flavor so he thanked the woman and started to head towards the inn. As he made his way through the crowd once more blown back by how he was actually in a fantasy village he heard a voice talking about something that caught his interest. “We're going to set up about 5 miles south of here chances are they will be heading to Ariwinter that is when we will nab that red-head bitch. She will learn her place and make a pretty penny for us I am sure.” The guy standing next to him scratched his head with a confused look on his face as he spoke.

“Yea but Damion what if they aren't traveling alone they might be part of a larger group” The man Damion who was a squat creepy looking man looked at the taller no less unattractive man and started to speak when Canis strolled up to the two of them. And shouted out a friendly greeting.

“Good day to you fine gentleman you were talking about a redhead. Was she yay tall, wearing whit robes, had a staff, cute as button and probably a bit flustered bye something you did?” The two men looked at the Draganoid both of them having to look up to see his grinning face. The taller one moved back cowering while the shorter one pulled up as far as he could before speaking.

“Yea that's the uppity bitch we are talking about, does that wench belong to you I will give you a….” Before he could finish Canis had swiped him off his feet with the shaft of his spear and was pushing the tip at the squat man's throat.

“You listen here you little good for nothing swine. That young lady is my friend and like well I won't go into that right now. You come near either of us and I find out this spear will not stay. Now I suggest that you take your slave scum ass out of my sight before I change my mind and slay you here and now” Removing the spear from the man;s throat the creep of a man scurried up and ran off with his partner. As they got further out he spoke to his right hand man.

“Call the whole crew I want not chances with that guy, he has to be as big as the butler looking fellow that works for Lord Ainz”

Finally making it to the Inn the man behind the counter looked Canis up and down. Your Lady friend is up in the room. Try not to mess…. “ Canis held up his hand and shook his head.

“I promise no funny business, she is just my traveling companion. But I understand your concern, we should be out of your hair in the morning” With that he went to the room. Sithis spear against the wall he noticed Levaldien had fallen asleep. He was about to go and wake up his friend when he heard a voice in his head.

“Canis is that you if you're hearing this it’s Vera just find my name on your friendlist hit message and reply back” Slightly confused he shrugged and did as instructed.

“Vera how are you doing, I take it you're just as confused as I am with what is going on or do you have some information or looking. If you're looking I can not tell you much but I have yet to find out much myself.”

“No that's fine you and Leval need to be wary and try not to stick out to much. I don't know if you realized but Ainz is on this. Whatever thi is and it looks like he is in charge at least for the most part. From what we can tell most of his men are pushovers but he has some that are on footing with those who are level and higher. Also from what we can tell we still rez if we die but you go to the nearest temple so be careful but don't fret too much. Anway I am currently in Dova but it seem to have been merged with some other city things look weird will let you know if find anything else out talk to you soo”

With that Canis could tell the connection had been closed and he went over to the bed his plan he had thought of at the tailor seeming to be more of a good thing then he thought it might be when he thought of it Placing a hand on His friends shoulder he shook him and spoke softly “Leval wake up we have things to discuss and I ma sue you will love the idea I came up with”
Levaldien groaned softly at being shook, before rolling over onto his side, facing Canis. This would be the first time that Canis had seen Levaldien sleeping before, since that wasn't really much of a thing for the game, but the sight was stunning. His furry red eyes drooping over to the side, his hands curled up under his cheek, his tail twitching to some unseen rythym, his knees curled up to his chest, with his long red hair splayed about him. As if the world had aligned for this moment, a stray beam of the sun broke through the clouds, shining into the window and alighting on the sleeping Levaldien, the sun making his red hair glisten.

At the light though, he groaned, face twisting into annoyance, before his rainbow colored eyes drifted open. "Mmmm....Morning Canis...." he said softly, before yawning and sitting up, and set himself to stretching. "So....not a game then.....we're really here" he commented to himself, not recalling any game that let you sleep like that....and he'd never had a dream inside of a dream he'd either lost his mind, or something truly strange had occured and this world, was his new reality. Frowning at the thought, he dragged his hands down his face, before looking over to Canis who seemed to just be staring at him. "What's up?" he asked curiously as he stood from the bed, and set to smoothing down some of his hair that had become adorably puffy and annoying to Leval, who was trying to smooth it down.
Canis looked at his friend as he shook him gently. He looked so peaceful laying there that the draganoid wished he could just watch the rainbow eye fox boy sleep. But not even the slightly swishing tail of his friend could stop him at the moment. The two of them had some things to discuss. With the fact that they were in a completely new world they would have to have some rules. First of which was Levaldian controlling things like whatever happened to set the creep on his trail. But first would come with how they would be traveling.

Standing up as his friend started to stir he watched him rubbing his eyes as he spoke softly. Watching him wake was so adorable. Canis again had to control himself as he badly wanted to scoop up his friend and make out with him but Canis shook his head and cleared his throat as his friend finished speaking and had stood up and was working on trying to get his adorable puffed up hair under control. “First it;s not morning, it's just afternoon. But you are right we are not just in a game I just talked to Vera… yea turns out we can communicate long distance with those on our friends list… anyway turns out Ainz does have something to do with this. But most importantly she warned me that we do not need to stick out so I kind of came up with a plan that may let us look a bit less conspicuous or odd. Now I need you to stay calm and keep you cool because I was thinking we could travel under the guise of a couple you know boyfriend and girlfriend mostly because all they had at the tailor shop were these”

Canis opened his inventory and in his right hand the plain traveling dress appeared and in the other the fancier party type dress appeared. “I mean they would fit you and you would look completely cute. And besides it seems most already think you're a girl around here. I mean I don't know what you did to piss off the short toad like guy but he was calling you so none to flattering female names so it;s perfect. Also I'm not asking as much as saying this is what we are going to do” Canis then fixed his friends with a look that pretty much said there was little to no room for debate over this before speaking again. “Besides it was my money I spent and your silly spending habits are why I had to buy the clothes in the first place.”
Leval looked up at his friend as the other cleared his throat. He waved a hand at the comment about the time. "Same thing..." he grumbled, before perking up and focusing as Canis mentioned getting into contact with Vera. That was....interesting. It was followed by what he had already begun to suspect, that Ainz was somehow tied into this whole thing, before he frowned, looking over at Canis. "I am calm" he said rather coldly, already aware that he was not going to be happy about what was coming next. He was certainly right about that as well, as Canis mentioned them traveling as a couple...and he was only to well aware of what role the man intended for him to play. His face began burning red, with anger as well as embarrassment as he looked down at the two items appearing in the man's hands. Leval's jaw set forward, his teeth clenched as his hands clenched into fists against his laps.

His heart rate was rapidly rising, and he had to take a moment to collect himself, before he stood up, trembling with indignation as the man continued on, telling him how they would fit, and he'd look cute, and everyone already thought he was a girl. All of it was boiling inside of him. His rainbow eyes were wide open as he went over in his mind the various spells he could use against Canis at the moment. However as his temper was nearing it's limit, he found it quickly backing away under the rather intense gaze coming from Canis, a look he had never seen before. His lips parted as if to say something, his face slack with surprise at the intensity and authority in the man's tone and face suddenly, before he let out a sigh. "Canis. When we get out of this, I will find where you live, and I will make sure you suffer for this. I will steal all your batteries, I will let the air out of all your tires, I will play horrible music outside your window every night so you can't sleep. Your life will be one of misery and irritation....and then, when you're ready to end it all....I'm going to kick you in your nuts" he said, before storming off to the bathing chamber.

He opened his inventory, looking at the dresses set before him, before scowling and pressing his back against the door, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath. "I hate you you, you you testosterone filled knob head! Why couldn't we just be brothers or friends, why not just regular boyfriends?!?......Why do you only like me when I look girly....why can't you like me for being me?" he asked the empty room, sniffling a bit before wiping away the tears that had threatened to well up in his eyes. He slipped into the travel dress, annoyed at how well it seemed to fit his curves, enhancing them and showing them off rather then hiding them like his usual attire always seemed to. He reached up, pulling his hair out from inside the dress to flow behind him, grateful that at least the game customized it with a hole for his tail to poke out of. Wiping away the last bit of his tears, he stepped away from the door and strolled out into the room, his face as red as his hair as he moved to Canis. "Fine, I'm wearing for that pervert, he grabbed my butt. I didn't hurt him, I just used a tiny baby blast of unchanneled mana, not enough to do any real damage. He'll be fine" he said while still scowling. "So....what do we do now?" he asked as he dropped onto the bed and began playing with his hair, working it back into a braid.
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