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Fx Female What Mistress Wants {deliciously nsfw} — closed

Mistress Minny

just … done.
Apr 24, 2021
"LOOK AT ME ..."


"... when I speak to you."

Why, hello there ~
Thank you so much for stopping by my humble request thread. I’m Mistress Minny, and you may address me as ‘Mistress’ if you feel your interest piqued by the tantalizing opportunity about to be laid before your eyes. I am seeking female writing partners of exceptional quality and erotic disposition for Fxf stories. Those inclined toward multi-paragraph posts with sumptuous details are most welcomed, as are those with exquisite taste in visuals that paint that perfect image where words may fall short.

What Mistress Seeks ~
Slice of Life stories in a Modern setting that are anything but ordinary. Main themes will depend on chosen Domme for the tale, but expect intense, sapphric erotica with class. My ideal partner would be one able to write compelling characters with a craving for submission. This yearning need not be conscious or overt, but my Dommes will (regardless) find you and bring you to heel. The willingness to write multiple ladies for stories goes a long way in pleasing my interest of group dynamics, and there is the potential of intermixing characters in related stories with my other partners should that be of interest to you.

What Mistress Offers ~
Stories of corruption, sensuality, darkness, ownership, and raw lust. You won’t find pairings here, as I’d rather get to know you, your interests, and craft a custom story that uniquely suits us. Replies come as often as able, most likely one every few days. Stories can be written in either thread or PMs, and Mistress will stay on-site so please refrain from sharing your discord information. Having said that, I love to chat OOC in PMs.

Mistress’s Dommes ~
When approaching me in PM, kindly indicate which Domme you would like to be paired with. Doing so helps Mistress tune into the personality or flavor of the story when considering ideas.

Emma DeWitt {the seductress and corruptor, a sexual goddess of supreme confidence}
Abbey Watkins {the ice queen, cold and aloof, expert in bringing brats to heel}
Meredith Remington {geared toward darker stories, enslavement, violence, more extremes}

What Mistress Expects ~
Respect. Respect for one another and a mutual respect for one another’s kinks and limits. Respect for our interests and writing abilities. Respect for the story by giving it our best effort with the time available to devote to it. Part of this means taking the time to review spelling and grammar. I will let you know if I will be away, and I trust you shall do the same. Having said this, I’ve been known to tolerate partners who prove themselves worthy of my patience.

If interested, you are welcomed to contact me via PM__do not reply to this thread. Many thanks and happy writing!​
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