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Fx Any Demons and Angels, plus other cravings


Feb 4, 2019

Heaven Doesn’t Take Prisoners, Hell on the Other Hand….

“Angels and demons have been at war since the Beginning, at first fighting on Earth, but as humans started spreading, they moved on to Purgatory. Humans were, of course, used as pawns in the war, but this isn’t about humans, not at its heart. It’s about demons, beasts meant to be selfish, cruel, unable to love and angels, unfeeling and so good it hurts. And those few individuals who break the rules, or reveal that what the enemy thought they knew, was wrong all this time.”

I had two main ideas for this roleplay, either Hell and Heaven is at a stalemate, until Hell’s forces learn how to make a weapon that could change the war. A metal, and a series of carved runes, that when spun into a collar and sealed around an angel’s neck, can make them mortal- and terrifyingly human in strength. In this setting I was imagining MC would be an interrogator/torturer who is in charge of the captured angel’s interrogation. Or as a the healer in charge of cleaning up the mess afterwards or the guard. This could be a straight forward dark roleplay, or we could add more layers in. Maybe MC is not just trying to get information, but convincing YC to Fall? Or perhaps overtime we could add in romance, overcoming their differences and flaws, and history, despite all the odds.

Alternatively we could set this at a time where Hell is winning the war, and captured angels are often kept as slaves or pets by high ranking demons? Straightforward MC could just be a high ranking demon who wants a pet angel as a status symbol, as getting to play with an angel in a demon’s way is considered an artform, an exquisite experience. Or MC could, inwardly, disagree with the whole slavery system. Not liking angels, but knowing that that life isn’t one they’d wish, even for their enemies. I was thinking about MC’s decision to purchase YC would be a spur of the moment decision, maybe something about YC calls to them and MC can’t let that spark be crushed by Hell’s fury. Or, if we want to do a hurt/comfort, recovery type roleplay, maybe YC has been in the slave trade for awhile, traded and sold between demon hands for too long. And before YC can be purchased by an especially cruel demon, or executed, MC decides to intervene.


Hereditary Enemies

I’ll be honest here, I’m kind of stealing this idea from Good Omens. I’d still love to roleplay even if you haven’t read the book/seen the show, but light spoilers. Story wise, it would still be Heaven and Hell, at war- but after the first Fall, the first Rebellion, the powers that be decided to wait, save their strength for Armageddon. Of course it wasn’t peace, just a draw, until the real war could begin. Demons and angels still hate each other, don’t understand each other, and are willing to kill each other when they come across each other.

Except, for two. A demon, stationed on Earth and meant to be the Tempter. Whispering little things into the ears of mortals, calling into their deepest desires, darkest evils. It wouldn’t hurt anyone, would it? And an angel, meant to sway people for good. To protect against temptation, to call to people’s mercy, to their soul.

And like a shadow, where good goes, evil follows—or was it vice versa? Either way, in this roleplay our characters would be stationed on Earth throughout history, and slowly, after continuing to run into each other through the centuries, become important to each other. Mistrust, to wariness, to begrudging companionship, to uneasy friendship, and all the way to friendship, and something more, despite the knowledge that someday, there will be another war. And they will be on different sides, and if those sides found out?

This would be a slow burn romance, with lots of twists and turns, seeming betrayals, threats from Heaven and from Hell. If you know Good Omens I wasn’t thinking of exactly sticking to story, we could involve some of the same characters (Gabriel/Beelzebub/Hastur/Sandalphon/Etc) and scenarios/settings, with our own characters taking the place of Crowley and Aziraphale, or we could play as them, I’m happy with either.


Character wise I’d love to involve multiple characters, but my main character is usually female and I have no preference on what you’d like your character to be. I am a switch, and I am very flexible with my sexual preferences, so if you want something just ask. If you’d like to run any of these roleplays, please send me a PM. And if you have any ideas of your own that you’d like to explore, with demons and angels at the center, I’d love to discuss them.

This is my f list, to explain, Fave is what I want to involve, Yes is what I’m happy to involve, Maybe is if you want to involve it I’m happy to, No is…well no, it’s a hard limit. If something you don’t like is on my Yes/Fave lists, please just let me know and I’d be happy to not involve that, again, please just tell me.
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