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Fx Female Getting straightshamed


Nov 20, 2020
We first met when I was in college. You ran a women's group striving for better rights and equality for lesbians. You were very charismatic and had a lot of followers.

I was going through a political campaigning phase and taking part in protests on lots of issues. I was so attracted to your drive and passion. Even though I am straight, I joined your group to try and help.

Somewhere along the line, your message wanting equality for lesbians turned into you believing all women should be gay.

You kept using me as an example in your meetings of what was wrong with being straight. My clothing, my body language, going on dates, the way I spoke, it was always wrong. Nothing was ever good enough. You enjoyed criticising me and humiliating me in front of the group. I wanted to prove I was a good person and an ally to the cause, so I went along with what you wanted. I wanted to show I was a supporter of the women in the group, not an enemy. How far will I have to go to prove my dedication?
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