Mx Female Seeking long-term, story driven RP partner (Fantasy/Sci-Fi)


Apr 27, 2021
Hello and welcome. Thank you for taking the time to check out my request thread.

What I'm looking for
  • I am currently looking for a lit/semi-lit RP partner who would be interested in a long-term, story driven RP.
  • I prefer high fantasy settings such as D&D, but I also enjoy Sci-Fi settings like Dark Matter, Killjoys, and Outlaw Star. However, I strongly prefer to create my own original characters, and build a new world with my RP partner, rather than sticking them in a preexisting setting. This doesn't mean I'm against playing within certain fandoms, however. If I do, I will still creating my own character set within that universe, rather than playing an already existing character from there.
  • I would prefer to RP through private messages or Discord rather than in threads, but I'm not completely against it.

About Me
  • I'm a male in my 30s, and write as male for main characters and love interests.
  • You and your characters must be 18+ if we RP together.
  • I have been RPing for 13+ years, but that doesn't mean I think I'm better than anyone who has been RPing for less time. I am not perfect, and still make mistakes.
  • I write in the third person when RPing. I don't mind if you want to post in first/second person, as long as you don't mind me remaining in third.
  • I usually try to match the post length of my partner, but that isn't always possible. In those cases, I will always attempt to post a minimum of two paragraphs (usually around 150 to 200 words).
  • I prefer to discuss setting and ideas before we begin, that way we can both be on the same page.

Demon Slayer
Dragon Ball
Dungeons & Dragons
Goblin Slayer
Monster Hunter
My Hero Acadamia
Outlaw Star
Star Wars
Yu Yu Hakusho
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