Mx Female The Man Of Yesterday (DC-centric, plot > smut)


May 8, 2011
Looking for any particularly literate women that might be interested in putting together a bit of a going-back-to-basics DC-centric roleplay; pre-Justice League, pre-massive-continuity, when everything was just getting off the ground. In this particular case, while I am certainly willing/capable of playing multiple characters, I do have a particular 'main' in mind who would likely occupy the lion's share of the time and plot development, at least for the time being.


To be clear, this is not to be rooted in any particular movie, show or comic interpretation of the character. Obviously there are plenty of elements shared across most versions that would be retained, but above all else I'd really enjoy taking the character back to the genesis of his superhero alter ego, the early days of when Clark Kent decided to slap on a colorful costume and intervene openly in crime and disasters, rather than doing it from hiding or wearing a mask as most other people with secret identities would do. Exploring themes of action, romance, etc are all things I'd definitely love to tackle, in the nerdiest ways possible. :3

An angle I've always enjoyed for Superman is the idea that, fantastical alien powers aside, he's fundamentally just a man raised to try and do good. He is left to grapple with the fact that, due to his powers, he is capable of shouldering far greater amounts of responsibility than most others, heroes included. Not just due to his physicality, but due to hyper-powered senses that make it very difficult not to be acutely aware when some horrible disaster needs his intervention. On more than one occasion, he may even find himself having to prioritize exactly where he will intervene and when, failing to stop something bad while he's stopping something worse.

In some ways, it's a calling he risks being almost as obsessed to as a certain pointy-cowled brooding billionaire; the alias he takes, even though it bears his real name, works at a newspaper largely to get early information that he can use as Superman. When he interacts with virtually anyone as Clark Kent, it's as a near-jester, a bumbling dolt who avoids eye contact, stammers and bumps into shit. And yet, even with all his speed and abilities, every time he chooses to indulge in any form of personal life, he's making a conscious decision not to prevent some smaller, but nonetheless tragic death or disaster halfway across the world. For early-days Superman in particular, finding ways to explore that concept, how he juggles being Superman while finding a way to accept that he has a right to be literally anyone but, could make for some interesting character tidbits.


Beyond that, there's the upbringing that got him to where he is. Deep down, he's a farmboy; raised in mundanity and spending much of his life unaware of any 'greater calling,' in fact trying to live as normal a life as he could. He's still vulnerable to the vices, temptations and doubts of any human, but as a man who aspires to be the best he possibly can. He therefore might seek to shroud those doubts and insecurities in a Bigger-Than-Life persona that he uses when facing the public at large; creating a symbol intended to inspire them, but deep down never quite feeling like he can live up to those high ideals.

He's also someone who, on a fundamental level, risks always feeling somewhat disjointed from the world he lives in; he always has to be exceedingly careful, cautious with his strength, dealing with people and objects that could snap under the faintest pressure. As such it could be difficult to ever truly relax, to feel like he fully belongs. Meanwhile, he conceals his identity by always appearing somehow 'less' than he truly is; bumbling, awkward, the kind of man you could look right through and barely notice. One of my favorite examples of that was the idea that the reason Lex Luthor, for all his intelligence, never realized that Superman and Clark Kent were the same person was that he could never understand how anyone with all the power and prestige of Superman would ever willingly choose to be a Clark Kent.

In the strangest way, neither of the two biggest parts of his life- that of Superman and the bespectacled Clark Kent- are representative of the person he truly is, the 'real' man behind both rarely getting an opportunity to see the light of day.

Having somebody meet first the confident, inspiring symbol of superheroism, and eventually working through to the real man underneath, while learning about the mundane alter-ego life he leads, could make for quite a delight.

Yeah, Okay, So... What Do I Want?
As the start of the thread suggests, I am looking to structure this plot around a main character/central pairing of characters, as well as playing various DC canon characters in side roles to fill in the gaps; over time I'd probably also be up for taking some of those characters in their own directions, and focusing more on them without Big Blue's involvement. I might even start putting supplementary posts in this thread is a particular side character interests me so much I want to find partners to pursue a roleplay heavily focused on them.

Because of this structure, though, at the bare minimum, I'm looking for a partner willing to do the same; having a main canon character, if they'd like, but also fleshing out the cast with side characters while leaving room for juggling multiple characters as the cast expands and things develop. On top of that, while I do think sex can and should be a fun and descriptive part of things, this is one of the comparatively few instances I'm not looking for a smut-heavy roleplay, and the more outlandish stuff in my Grigori angel thread- threesomes, foursomes, orgies, etc- likely won't fly here. Again, superpowered sex is definitely something that can be discussed, but there'll be a lot more restraints on the lewder side of things than I normally operate with.

Anyone who would prefer to just stick to one character without any flexibility for playing secondary roles, or for that matter who might just approach me with a pitch on their totally-made-up Original Character, I am not interested.

On the other hand, if you're someone who's extremely fluid about the characters they play- not particularly needing a 'main,' and instead bouncing from character to character where needed- then you will most certainly get priority, and I will work that much harder to mix things up character-wise for you as well! On top of that, those who are willing to bounce freely from character to character will probably be able to suggest the kinds of less obvious pairings and ideas that wouldn't really interest me for a long-term setting. For example, there might be some weird opportunities to pair up Harley Quinn and the big boyscout for a sort of rehabilitation/redemption angle post-Joker, but that kind of thing wouldn't really sustain an entire long-term roleplay in my opinion, unless the prospective partner can make a really good pitch. Having such a thing be an 'episode,' on the other hand? Perfect.

And, more to the point, as I said I'm be more inclined to offer greater flexibility to partners who offer the same. You actually want a Harley Quinn and Bruce Wayne rehabilitation/redemption episode? You've been doing such a good job scratching my itches, be only too happy to reciprocate and have a fun detour away from the Man of Steel! <3

Yeah, But... Who Do I Want?
For the ones that want to operate under their own main character structure, I'm not going to say there are many absolute restrictions, (aside from them obviously being female,) but it's worth bearing in mind that any character proposed should include a good bit of information on why they'd be a good long-term match. If you're someone who- for whatever reason- is convinced that Poison Ivy should totally be the main squeeze, then I might need an itty bitty essay on just why that's such a compelling idea, because I definitely don't see how that stretches much further than one smutty seduction scene.

On top of that, as a quick veto, offering to make Lois Lane your main is probably going to be an uphill battle with me. Not to say I wouldn't be interested in having Lois Lane be a recurring side character- she is a pretty important lass, after all- but ultimately I'm looking for a pairing that would give Clark an opportunity to explore both sides of his constructed persona, and participate in them. Kara Zor-El is another one that might work best as a side character because, as said earlier, I would like there to be strong potential for romance, and... not really up with the incest angle on this particular plot.

On a more encouraging note, a perhaps too-obvious favorite option you could throw my way would be Diana Prince, aka Wonder Woman, especially in a plot that begins with them not having met one another yet, where their budding interpersonal relationship can be built from the ground up. I can even think of some more combative encounters where they first meet in less-than-amicable circumstances for some superpowered fisticuffs, but all that kind of stuff is open for discussion.

So, yeah! That's what I have so far. Anyone interested, or who has any follow-up questions or requests, feel free to hit me up! I can't guarantee I'll accept any pairing or idea presented to me, but I'm happy to discuss stuff that doesn't immediately catch my interest in order to see if there's something to work with. As the last paragraph suggests, I do already have some Wonder Woman-esque thoughts and ideas, but nothing particularly set in stone, so feel free to present your own thoughts and interpretations on whatever character pairing you have in mind!
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