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Mx Female What the heck. Come at me with your ideas.


Fuck Donald Trump
Dec 30, 2020
Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Hello people (particularly ladies) of BlueMoon! Let's get right to it. Since I've joined I have relied on repeated bumps of my main request thread to attract potential RP partners. But lately it seems that interest in my specific plots has waned. So, allow me to introduce my own personal "Your Idea Here" thread, where I entertain whatever plots or ideas that you come up with. Sounds simple, cause it is. My only limits are outlined in my F-list, and some of them, particularly the more realism-based ones, are negotiable depending on what you come to me with. Hope to hear from you soon!!

P.S. I would like to add that I have had almost no luck with female partners who are looking for darker or less clearly consensual themes, so please, if you come to me with that, bring an extra dose of patience or another idea. And for the love of God, don't just drop me out of the blue! That's sometimes worse than ghosting.

Oh, and another edit: I wouldn't mind a bit of post-apocalyptic stuff, but that's about all that's on my main RT that's not filled. That said, you may simply take that or leave it, it's not a big deal to me.
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Bump, but please note that my "original" RT does provide for "doubling" so this thread might be made redundant if I decide to put more emphasis on that.
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