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Adopt An RP


Mar 30, 2021
a beautiful gutter
We've all been there. You're in the midst of a fun story with an engaging partner and the plot is developed enough that it has taken on a life of its own and become it's own non-replicable creation. Hardly the sort of idea you could seek a partner for in a request thread. Oh sure you may be able to find someone willing to try the same premise, but it's likely to develop very differently and you really want to continue that same story. Well this isn't a place to mourn those losses; in fact this thread aims to be a place where you may be able to amend them by placing abandoned or dead games up for adoption, and of course it serves as a place to adopt games.

We all know why people might put abandoned games up for adoption, but why adopt? Well right off it can be one of the easiest ways to land yourself a great partner who will be motivated to create with you, it's a great for people happy to jump into a game in which all the world-building and plotting has already been taken care of, and sure you may be taking on the role of a character you did not create but most people looking for adopters will be fairly flexible in this area. I know I've read old role-playing threads, and after coming to an abrupt end in the midst of the story I've thought to myself, 'Hell, I'd pick that up,' and I can't imagine I'm the only one.

Those among you with games in role-playing limbo seeking partners to take up the fallen quill need only post a link to the thread, or an excerpt of text if it was being written via PM (take care not to post your partner's writing without permission) preferably in a collapsible spoiler:

[spoiler=game name][/spoiler]

Along with any necessary tags and trigger warnings. Additional details like the genre, length, a summary of the premise, story-so-far, and descriptions or images of any characters involved could be useful as well, but try to keep things succinct. Meanwhile for those of us who may be interested in adopting a game just watch this space. I'll be updating this post regularly to include links to any games placed up for adoption.

Lastly this is a community initiative so I can't create rules, but I would ask that we approach people to adopt games via PM, and try to be reasonable and patient about things. Finally when I have some free time I will make this thread nicer with some custom art if it takes off, and perhaps create some custom sig buttons as well.
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