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Something to spice up these long days..


Jun 14, 2011
A dark place
Hello everyone! I've been gone off this sight for awhile now and looking to pick up a few more rp partners. With my days becoming less erratic i have more time to write. A few things about me. I work for a donut shop and right now i've been baking a lot which means long nights and short days. I'm no in my 20's anymore and i have a dog and a cat. I am female. Though i write both male and female. I enjoy a good and long read for me to respond to and rather enjoy sending back extra long replies. My normal range can be from 2 - 6 paragraphs. i tend to match what is given and rather hate doing one liners. So Please! If your normal response is a few sentences, I apologize but you are not the person i am looking for. I usually play characters over the age of 21 and wish to play against those over that age as well. My normal response time is within a day. Though if i do not respond within that time frame please send me a message. I will do the same for you, just please understand if it takes a little longer. I have rp partners i have role played with for years and hope to find a few more friends out there that might enjoy some writing together. i've been in the role playing world since Subeta first appeared and have been in love ever since. I play both Dominant's and Submissive characters and love to play them both. They do usually both have very feisty personalities and can be hard to handle. I enjoy going pretty much every direction. Below i will list a few pairings I am currently interested in playing.

Dragon shifter X Dragon Shifter
Master X Slave
Vampire X Vampire
Vampire X Slayer
Werewolf X Human
Demon X Human
Prince/Princess X Knight
Prince/Princess X Prince/Princess
Angel X Demon
Dragon X Human
Demon X Human
Dragon Shifter X Human

These just so happen to be the ones i am interested in right now. Of course if you have an idea yourself i am more than willing to work with it as well. I do rather enjoy world building and have been known to create full scale muli class worlds in one sitting. Now for a few things i should mention i do not like.

Anything that belongs in the bathroom. Tentacles. Loss of limbs. Overly submissive characters. Humiliation of my characters or of yours. Bestiality, in the sexualization of animals that are just that. Animals. Anyone under the age of 21 being sexualized. Incest. Last but not least no controlling my character. Please.

Now that that is out of the way onto Plots! I have a few that have been rattling around in my brain for awhile. However i am VERY open to working on plots with my partners. The best part of writing is the unpredictability of another person. These are just a few i've been thinking about for some time. If you ave one of your own i'd love to read it.

Prince X Prince
To kingdoms are at war Though both have become exhausted of the back and forth. An aggreement is made that the best way to end the war is to unit the kingdoms. Both kingdoms put up one child. A daughter from one side and a son for the other. It is agreed that they would wait until the children's 21st birthday before the wedding is set. However before the daughters 21st birthday a disease spreads through that kingdom, killing most of that sides people. Including the princess. Their king decides not to inform the other kingdom and instead decides to decieve the other side. So on the day the wedding is set instead of sending his daughter, he sends his son dressed up like the princess.

Dragon X Human
Dragons and humans were at war but finally the war has ended. Humans have won. Imprisoning their dragon foes. the humans have killed the dragon king and are victorious! Every day new untamable dragons are brought to the chopping block, killed before a crowd to make whatever profit that can be made from them now. One day a very special dragon finds themselves on that very stage in chains. The dragon Prince/Princess, though no human knows who it is. Right before they can be killed however the kings son/daughter stops the execution and buys the dragon. For what purpose? To what end?

Demon X Angel
An angel is captured outside of the demon realm. Could it be a spy. Or maybe they'd taken a wrong turn. All this demon knows is the second they had seen them they had to make the Angel theirs. The back stabbing and lying had been easy to get their hands on that Angel but now that they have them what will they do with them? Heaven and Hell has been at odds since the fight had ended. What will the demon do to keep their angel by their side. Who will they have to kill and will the Angel go peacefully into the dark nightmare that is the demon realm.

So there you have it. These are the few ideas that i had in mind. Please send me a message if any of these interests you. Also if i seem like fun to write with and you have your own idea and need an angry possesive character, i'm your woman. Shoot me your idea. i don't bite. Well that hard. Also i prefer to roleplay on either Pm or email.

if you've made it this far and have actually read everything. Please tell me your favorite color. Hope to be hearing from you shortly. I can't wait to have loads of fun writing with you.

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