Mx Female M/f - Male Dom looking for something particularly dark


Apr 20, 2021
Currently craving stories in the Omegaverse. If you are not familiar with it, read my second post on this thread and if still interested ask me more – or google it. There is a ton of info on the omegaverse out there and I am happy to negotiate certain things. If you are not into omegaverse I am still flexible.

I have come up with my own omegaverse setting (see 2nd​ post on this thread) but am willing to discuss and change things to suit my partner.

Particularly looking for a story right now where we start in a vague between non con and dub con. Where the body is forced to enjoy sexual activity. Where begging and pleading for dick happens because the body demands it. But the mind is still reluctant, deeply shamed over the verbal and body consent. Something involving cruelty, extreme degradation and humiliation, smut heavy. The fewer limits you have the happier I will be.




-Larger posts, guaranteed 1-2 a week (I am a single dad with a fulltime job, my time is not my own)

-1st​ or 3rd​ person

-Wide range of characters from rough white knight to cruel psychopath

-Always some form of romance, even twisted romance

-My character obsessed with yours at 1st​ sight

-Be an active participant in the RP

-Can play multiple characters

-Plot with smut

-Playing older/stronger dom vs younger/weaker sub

-Filthy talk within the RP (can just be my character at first if yours is more innocent – but words will be taught)

-Degradation/humiliation – both light and heavy


-Sharing my toys (your character being the toy)


-One paragraph or shorter responses

-Failure to regularly capitalize/punctuate properly (Mistakes happen)

-humiliation/degradation outside of the RP

-pressuring me to post more frequently – I do the best I can and always communicate expectations

-quick back and forth – I just don't have the time sorry

-brats (being bratty for the sake of being bratty)

-obesity on the part of any characters


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Omegaverse Setting:

Modern Fantasy. One world government with a president, congress, and judicial system – all of them elected by citizens in defined "sectors".

Hunters: Men who locate, secure, and bring "outlaw" omegas to the safety of the Sanctuary. Rigid discipline is required – these men will not fall into rut at the first – or even second scent of an omega. In fact their duty often requires they 'service' omegas in heat who have no one else, and are unable to take suppressants since they are dangerous to take in the middle of a heat. These men are on the front lines of the war against the rebels who insist that omegas can live normal lives, denying who they are through the dangerous regular use of suppressants. They usually work together as a pack, and when one "matches" to an omega – they all usually match. Once they take an omega as their own their job generally shifts from hunters to training other hunter teams – though often at that time one or more of the pack will work another job or create a business.

Guardians: Men who work in each sectors sanctuary guarding the omegas brought to them. Betas tend to the omegas physical needs – feeding them, making sure they have clean comfortable rooms, teaching them. The guardians keep them safe and protected from rebels who will continue to try to kidnap them, comfort them, and service them during their heats. Guardians usually work in pairs, are rarely seen apart. Once they claim an omega they no longer work as guardians and will often join the military or pursue another career choice.

Society, rebels, and designations:

General society considers the rebels to be cruel to omegas. Though the rebels insist they are freeing omegas from their biology and letting them live normal lives, every else thinks it is cruel to deny omegas their normal nature. The regular use of suppressants will stifle the heat and make their heat like a very bad version of PMS, but they sometimes fail altogether and the rebels will "contain" the omega alone, forcing her to ride out a vicious heat alone and unaided, without even sex toys to help. They will not educate the omegas who grow up amongst them, leaving the poor girls (and guys) knowing very little about their own bodies. And when an omega comes off of long term suppressants their heat is often longer and more debilitating than a normal heat. Unfortunately, the rebels are not exactly uncommon – there are a lot of them and they are a real threat to society. Though mixed in with society they also have their own hidden bases.

Children born in society are tested at birth, and it is known if they will present as an omega or an alpha. They still live with their families, but just before they present (usually around 16 or 17) they are removed to either the Sanctuary or the Kennels – the place where young alphas are trained and educated. Most everyone is beta. For every 100 betas there are about 15 alphas. For every 15 alphas there are perhaps 5 omegas. And there are faint alarms amongst the scientific community that the omega birth rate might be dropping lower. This is not a commonly known thing, but many of those in the know wonder if the rebels have found something to eventually get rid of the omega designation entirely. Beta + Alpha can breed children, but they are almost always beta children. Alpha + omega always breeds alpha/omega children.

Some omegas have special talents, but not all. Those who are found to have special talents are called "Gifted Omegas". Some talents include healing, empathy, sensing truth/lies, sensing nearby life forms, etc. Many of these omegas are drafted into the military and placed under the control of an officer/guardian team whose job is to keep them safe and obedient on special missions. Empath gifted omegas are never placed into the military, such a violent environment would be far too cruel. But empath gifted omegas are highly prized and alphas will go to any lengths to claim them.

Alphas: usually form packs of 2-3 alphas and 2-3 betas. The betas will act as the physical caretakers for the pack – cooking, cleaning, sometimes assisting with businesses, and once an omega joins the pack, nannies. There is always a prime alpha – the one in charge of everyone.

Sanctuaries: Omegas are given a choice about what pack they want to mate with. There are events such as dances, garden parties, etc where omegas mingle with alphas. If there is a match the alphas apply for the omega. If she agrees, the pack offers a 'donation' and the happy omega goes to her new home. But there are rumors of more sinister happenings. Young naïve omegas sold to high bidders "under the table". Sanctuary nests "seeded" with alpha scents to make one pack more desirable than others – after a bribe, of course. But these are rare. Omegas have legal right of rejection of a pack, however once they are claimed they have no legal rights – their pack makes decisions for them….all decisions.

Once in awhile the Sanctuary will gain custody of an "outlaw" omega – omegas born to rebel families who are not registered with the state. These omegas are often feral and hostile, and cannot be trusted through the process of choosing a pack. A pack will be chosen for them – almost always a military or ex military pack or a guardian pack.
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