Mx Female Searching for Long Term partner


Sep 7, 2019
Washington, US
Hello BlueMoon. I have been around for a while, but have had to take multiple breaks due to real life and work, as I am sure everyone has lately. If we have had discussions in the past or even had an RP and you would like to continue, please just send me a PM. I'll try to keep this as short and sweet as I can so it's not a wall of text.

I've been RPing for roughly 20 years, though not consistently that whole time. I started with an old MMO called Dark Ages of Camelot and have dabbled in various other games, as well as DnD. I started the more adult/lewd side of things about almost two years ago as a way to grow as a writer and explore some things outside my comfort zone. I have published a book and am planning to write many more, and that is where RPing comes in. To help my creativity come out and flourish so I get that motivation to write. I very very rarely will do any fandoms, mostly due to not knowing enough about any of them to properly do them. The other reason is I don't like to put myself into someone else's world in that way (aka a major, popular one like GoT, Star Wars, anime, etc).

I do consider myself to be a literate writer, though I have seen that means many different things. I can write novella length replies, but I stay away from those because I have found it interrupts pacing too much, otherwise I'd just be writing my book. As many have said on here, quality over quantity is key, but that doesn't mean I'll be happy with a short paragraph for every reply. I tend to mirror my writing partner, but when the occasion warrants it, I have been known to do 10+.

OOC is by no means required, BUT it is one of the highest positives on my list. Getting to know the person on the other side of the story makes things so much better in my experience. Not a deal breaker, but just a huge plus if you do it. I like feedback, positive or negative. I like knowing if things are good, bad, meh, if what I write has a certain effect on you. I can keep our characters separate from the writers, but I am also a flirtatious beast. With that said, I do respect people's boundaries and once set, they stay that way unless told otherwise.

-Please be a female IRL (as I only do MxF pairings and is just my personal preference)
-No toilet play (stuff that happens during a battle or when someone is sick is ok to mention, but nothing sexual or the center of a scene)
-Characters will be 18+ (21+ is preferable, but as long as they are ADULTS)
-No Vore (unless someone can convince me to do a cannibalistic story)
-Will only RP as and with humanoids (humans, elves, etc)
-No monsters/furries (excludes vampires and succubae)

-Dark/Gritty stories
-Well written responses (mistakes happen, but constantly confusing things like their/there/they're really does put me off and can make reading a response tough)
-OOC (the more the merrier)
-Medieval/Fantasy themes (anything from historical to high fantasy)
-Exploring kinks that may be considered taboo (or that I've never done)
-Making my partner squeal at a response (DUHHH!)
-Third person/past tense

I don't have any plot bunnies to share as I make them as needed when I find someone to write with. Doesn't mean I won't listen to any you have, so bring them on! I'll do slice of life, adventure, romance, psychological, or anything else, but the more "fluffy" something is, the more we have to work on it to keep me interested. Darker themes and tones definitely hold my interest more (Think shows like Dexter vs your typical cop show).

Alrighty, I think that is all I can think of at the moment. Don't be afraid to inquire about something that I may not have mentioned (there is A LOT) as the worst I'll say is no (and usually cause I'm just not in the mood).
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