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Fx Any Interesting Characters, Smut with Buildup, Feminine/Androgynous Partners — A Rhia-quest Thread!


Aug 29, 2014


And welcome to my request thread. I've never really done anything like this, so please bear with me; in addition, my personal tastes are often hard to pin down and put words to and there are rarely particular plots I'm craving, so this will likely be a taste of what I'm into and what I like to see as a writer rather than an in-depth request catalogue. That said, I recently returned to Blue Moon from a hiatus and am looking to get a few things started up, so if you see common ground with me as a writer, let's chat a little and see if we can't get something off the ground! I can often be blunt and straightforward, but I try to at least be polite — I'd say I don't bite, but that would honestly be a half-truth at best. Let's just say I don't bite OOC. Without further ado, let's get into who I am, what I'm into and what I'm not, what you can expect of me and what I expect of you!

What's in a Rhia?

So, first, a little about myself — I'll keep this brief, because who I am matters a whole lot less than what I'm here for in terms of writing. I'm a bisexual woman with a fairly strong preference for other women, which comes across in my writing and what I'm looking for, though it may be more accurate to say I have a preference toward femininity and androgyny. I don't care one way or the other, however, for my partner's gender; be creative, interested in some of the same things I am, and not dreadful to talk to, and we'll get along fine. I'm in the US Central time zone, but my schedule is a bit unpredictable; I'm often up late into the night and wake up in in the afternoon. I think that's about all I feel like I need to say here — I'm not opposed to getting to know my RP partners a little more than that, but it's on a case-by-case basis.

So, what do I like/dislike?

As mentioned above, I'm a bi woman with a preference for feminine and androgynous people; what this means for my RP proclivities is fairly simple and straightforward: I'm largely only interested in playing female characters, both cisgender and transgender, and I'd like to play them across feminine and androgynous characters of all genders. I'd probably rather not "double up" to cater to others' dissimilar preferences; mine are fairly flexible, and if they're not what you're looking for, we're probably just not going to work out as writing partners and I'm sorry for that! Now, let's get into some details.

The Most Important Thing!

I need a good, interesting character dynamic for an RP to grab and hold my attention. Characters with personality beyond the role they play in the story is important, and the way these personalities intersect and the friction between them will drive my interest in what we're writing more than anything. Whether we plan much of this beforehand or not, I will absolutely lose interest if the in-character chemistry falls flat. To that end, I'll do what I can to make character interactions interesting; I only ask that you do the same.

Story and Smut "Ratios"

I personally never understood putting numbers to how story-driven or sex-driven a roleplay is, but I'm looking for both. Even a brief one-shot RP should have some build-up, but in general I'm looking for chemistry to be organically built and for sex scenes to feel natural and in-character. How much build-up that takes depends on the characters and scenario; there are no hard and fast rules.

Character Types

  • As mentioned above, I'm interested in playing cis and trans women. For the purposes of this thread, I'm probably not looking to play "futa" characters and the like, but I adore playing transfeminine characters.
  • Similarly, if you're looking to play transgender or nonbinary characters, you've come to the right place, but as mentioned, I welcome feminine and androgynous people regardless of gender. Girly girls, androgynous types, pretty boys especially if they might be mistaken for girls at a glance.
  • I tend toward active, dominant characters. This isn't a hard-line preference, but I'll definitely enjoy playing that character type more. Whether this means a cruel, sadistic woman who wants to hear you cry out in pain at least as much as she wants to get you off, a smooth-talking flirt who wraps you around her finger only to pin you down and wring every ounce of pleasure she can get out of you, or a reserved girl who ultimately takes the lead and follows her feelings despite her own shyness, expect most of my characters to be more dominant than submissive.
  • Even in a more submissive role, your character should be as active a participant as the circumstances allow. Even in the most sexually submissive roles, characters with some fight in them are adored.
  • On the opposite hand, I am not interested in playing men, nor playing against masculine characters or passive submissive types.
  • When it comes to faceclaims and reference images, I enjoy them, but don't need them; if we're using them, however, I prefer drawn (often anime-styled) faceclaims to real people.

Plot & Setting

  • While I don't have any hard-line needs in this regard, settings and plots that are a little further away from "normal" are likely to be more interesting to me than boilerplate slice-of-life plots. I've enjoyed regular modern slice-of-life before, but it's almost always going to take something a little unusual to grab me, even in that kind of scenario.
  • I like fantasy and science-fiction settings, but the same goes for them: an unusual setting hook will do wonders to grab my attention, especially if it's something our characters can interact with in some way. A standard D&D-style adventure isn't going to be as interesting to me as a skyfaring romp through a kingdom consisting of a series of floating islands. A textbook space opera is not going to grab me as well as a romance between a mecha pilot and a mechanic living on a besieged station on the edge of settled space.
  • I love drama and angst as much as fluff and romance. Give me both and I'll enjoy myself even more. Wrench my heartstrings and then make me giggle with something lighthearted and I'll do the same for you!
  • Any sort of large overarching plot should take a backseat to what our focal characters are doing. Whether they're involved in a quest with the fate of the world hanging in the balance or just going about their lives, whatever it is they're specifically doing should remain the focus, lest we get mired down in overexpanding the story's scope.

Kinks / Turn-ons

This isn't, and will never be, an exhaustive list, and none of these things are necessary by any means! Especially the more extreme ones. In the end, what our characters would do and enjoy is going to be more important to my enjoyment than hitting as many of my own personal checkboxes as possible. These will range from explicitly sexual to story elements that make the smutty bits more interesting.
  • Vanilla Sex — Just for emphasis; none of these kinks are remotely necessary. Perfectly vanilla sex between the right characters with the right dynamics and the right buildup is incredibly hot all on its own.
    • Oral — Also emphasizing something vanilla and expected, but which I love dearly; blowjobs most especially, both giving and receiving.
    • Cute Fluff — Dating, gestures of affection, general sweetness.
  • TeasingPerfect. A drawn-out build-up of tension is one of my favorite things, in whatever form that may take: provocative flirty conversation, lingering touches, holding back just when things are getting heavy. Anything that serves to rile each other up.
    • Edging and Orgasm Control — Give me a scene involving this with detailed reactions and I'll be positively thrilled.
  • Clothing — Attention given to outfits, leaving clothes on during sex, undressing each other just enough, revealing outfits. Anything involving clothing is a plus!
  • Drugs & Alcohol — Whether they're real drugs, fantasy aphrodisiacs, or just drunken "mistakes", they're great for lowering inhibitions and enhancing sensations.
  • Femdom — As someone who leans toward playing dominant female characters, I'm sure this is a huge surprise. Still, I'd like to make a note of it and say something about it — that is, I don't really tend toward cruel stereotypes of femdom, and my characters will likely be women who happen to be dominant, rather than dominants.
  • Romance — Now, I don't usually enjoy writing overly sappy stuff, but I love a good romance arc! As with everything, I want to feel some level of chemistry with this; it'll lose me if it feels forced. Much love especially for polyamory and for enemies/rivals falling for each other.
  • Roughness — Biting, scratching, hair-pulling, aaaaand so on. Acts of physical passion delivered through wild instinct.
  • Light BDSM — Rougher. Some bindings, restraints, pain over passion. Blindfolds, handcuffs, gags, rope, flogs and whips. Anything more than that I'm a little more iffy on.
  • Sexualized Combat — The inherently intimate tension located on the point of a sword as it tips an opponent's chin up, threatening to pierce their throat, a smug smirk adorning the aggressor's face.
  • Risk & Danger — From barely-concealed stealthy near-public fooling around to outright dangerous bladeplay, anything that gets adrenaline going greatly enhances the right scene.
  • Blood & Injury — Whether through actual fighting, a side-effect of general roughness, or sadomasochistic intent, a little bit of blood, bruising or the like is adored. (Bloodplay especially is one of my favorite kinks when the scene and characters allow for it, but it's absolutely not right for every RP.)
  • …And More! — Just because something's not listed here doesn't mean I don't love it! This is all off the top of my head; if there's something you're interested in, don't be afraid to ask about it!

No-nos / Turn-offs

These are exactly what the title implies — things I don't like. I won't go into much detail at all about most of them because… I don't like them. I might be willing to make exceptions for a few of them, and I'm not going to attack you for asking, especially if we have a lot of likes in common.
  • Common Gross Things — What happens in the bathroom stays in the bathroom.
  • Unrealistic Proportions — Foot-long dicks, tits the size of your head. Let's be real, here; six inches is very much above average, seven is definitely big, eight is huge, nine is bordering on monstrous. A bit of a struggle is hot; an impossible penetration is not. Trust me.
  • Incest — This is one I'd possibly make an exception for under the right circumstances, but historically I've never had a good partner for it.
  • Rape / "Noncon" — Another possible exception. Not fucking likely, though.
  • Sexualized Bigotry — Sexism, racism, homophobia, transphobia. I don't mind them as plot elements, when they're definitely a bad thing. Making them sexy isn't something I want to see.
  • Ageplay — Possible exceptions, if the age gap isn't on the order of decades. But generally, I want characters to be over 18; if they're younger, they shouldn't be more than a couple years apart.
  • Bestiality — Nope.
  • Anthros & Furries — Kemonomimi and monstergirls/boys are fine. Anthropomorphized animals with muzzled faces and furry bodies are not.
  • Miscellaneous Weird Kinks — Vore, inflation, extreme size differences, and so on.


If you've read this far — thank you so much, first of all! You're a delight. And I assume you've seen some things you've liked if you've been patient enough to get here; if that's the case, I'd love to hear from you! But I just have a few notes to add before I wrap up, regarding what you can expect of me, and what I expect from you in return. I don't mind if you're not outright friendly; you may be here to write, or you may be here to make friends with like-minded writers. But I do expect polite correspondence, and you can expect the same from me; even if I can be blunt from time to time, I do try not to be impolite. I expect you to bring some ideas to the table (eventually, I'll have some particular ideas and cravings listed, but my tastes can be hard to pin down), and in return you can absolutely expect me to bounce my own concepts back at you. I'd like some planning ahead of time, but maybe not much plotting; what planning we do should ideally focus on our characters and what kind of interactions we're likely to see. Additional planning and communication after the RP begins is appreciated; I'd like to keep a DM conversation thread for OOC discussion even after we start writing, even if it's not often necessary to use it. Whether we keep much OOC chatter going is up to how both of us feel about it.

When it comes to writing, I write almost exclusively in third-person; there are some exceptions for GM-adventure-style threads with one player playing one character and the other (the GM) playing many, in which case the GM using second-person writing may be warranted. I'm only interested in RPing on-site for now, either through threads or DMs; after writing together for some time, I might be open to RPing on Discord. For post length, quality and creativity matter so much more than quantity, but quality requires some quantity. I can write anywhere from single short-paragraph posts (ideally rapidfire), to lengthy posts of hundreds of words. How much I write depends both on how much you write and how much the particular moment-to-moment action warrants. Scene-setting posts will very likely be multiple meaty paragraphs; quick back-and-forth dialogue may only need a couple sentences, lest we get bogged down in unnecessary forced detail that doesn't add to the scene.

(You can also expect me to add ideas, hooks and cravings to this thread before too long; in the meantime, I'd still love to hear about yours!)

Thank you for reading — I hope to hear from you soon!

You Don't Seriously Expect Me to Read All That, Do You?

I kind of do! If we're going to be writing together, I expect you to read a lot more words than this in time, after all! But if you want a quick rundown without having to read a couple thousand words…


  • Me: a long-time writer returning to the site! A bi woman in the US Central time zone with a fucked-up sleep schedule!
  • I play: cis women and especially trans women, and usually active and dominant ones!
  • You play: androgynous to feminine characters of any gender. I don't care about your gender!
  • Also you: an active and interesting partner, even if in a submissive role!
  • Number one rule: interesting character dynamics above all else!
  • Smut and story: or at least smut with build-up!
  • Setting preferences: fantasy and sci-fi with a twist! Flexible!
  • Tone: Drama! Angst! Fluff! Fun! Any or all of that!
  • Kinks: Whatever fits our characters, but you can look at some of my preferences above!
  • Planning: At least a little! Ongoing as we play! Let's bounce ideas back and forth!
  • Posts: Third-person, flexible length!
If all (or most!) of that sounds good, I'd appreciate you reading through and dropping me a line!

Clawing and scratching my way back up. ♥

I know I owe a few of you planning replies, but I'd like to get a couple more ideas flowing. I probably won't be up to writing much for a few days — vaccine side effects.
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