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Fx Any Looking for a storyteller/GM for my OC (Longterm, Discord, Medieval Fantasy)


Apr 10, 2021
Hey there, BM

I'm here once again to search for some people with a bit of storywriting experience. I've got some lovely characters that i'd love to play in a lovely medieval fantasy world. I'm hoping to have a bit like the large open world experience within those games. Freedom to roam around and seek the quests and later find out the longer story that was slowly developing throughout the world. I love certain inspirations from stories like the Lord of the Rings world. I love inspiration from games and lore from the Elder Scrolls, Warhammer Fantasy, Dungeons and Dragons. All of those stories and creations give so many inspirations out that we can really make a nice and vibrant world.

Now the more... Smutty side of things. I know that i'm posting it on DPP and not just on any sfw roleplaying sub... So, i just want to make a little bit of a disclaimer... I really like a good story over smut. So ideally i'd love a divition between Story and smut to be somewhere around 70/30. So i hope that we can work on that together through some good planning. Now my kinks. First and foremost i really enjoy the idea that there's a risk for pregnancy, And pregnancy in itself. I just love breeding and would love to implement a system for fertility so that there's actually a bit of chanceplay to it. Along with that i really like Monsters, Beastiality, Special fantasy races. I'd love my character to be very fertile to any other race. So she'd even be able to get pregnant by wolves, a horse and maybe even other creatures. The offspring would probably be a hybrid or just a full blooded copy from the father's race. Otherwise i really like bad ends as in slavery, capture, perhaps a bit of vore that won't result in death. We don't have to include that last one, but it shows that i'd love bad ends to just be another turn in a story. Further more i have a full list of kinks that i'd be very happy to share with you once we connect.

I hope that we can connect on something like Discord, there we can discuss everything we need. It is also a great platform to keep things nice and organised in the channels of a server.

Now here's my character's backstory:

Emilia Beauventur is the daughter of a simple farmer. She was born in a large family in the middle of the lands. She was as far as she knew a normal human girl, growing up in a normal human family consisting of her parents, her grandfather, her five brothers and two younger sisters. She was living a very normal life, working the fields, helping with the animals. That was something she really enjoyed. The family was renown for their breed of horses. Very great warhorses came from their prized stallion Bast. This large horse has come from the same line of breeding horses that the family has kept for centuries. Bast itself has only started participating in the business for a year.

Though when she got older and her brother got older as well, the two oldest had to leave the farm to join the military of the region as was usual. They would normally return after five or ten years with a good pay and perhaps even land for themselves. That was how her ancestors acquired the farm they lived on right now. But one day, when she turned 16 years old, she has gotten the news that she’d be married to the son of a farmer that wanted to share in the business her family had set up. Something she really didn’t want to participate in. She knew nothing of this other boy or even man. She has been told she’d leave the farm the week after her eighteenth birthday. She waited her time off and tried to talk her way out of the wedding the whole first year of waiting, but with no success. She talked often with Bast, even though she couldn’t understand him. It was a time where she really began to value Bast as a friend and possibly a companion, if things were heading where they were heading. And it really did. She tried to practice a bit with swordfighting along with her remaining brothers. Using sticks and fake wooden swords she tried to skill up on it up to a point where she was more comfortable with a blade. She knew her grandfather still had an old sword laying around, something that he kept well looked after. It was cleaned and sharpened regularly.

Though eventually the dreaded days were drawing closer and she had to prepare quietly and efficiently. She prepared and saved a number of coins to help the start of her own escape. She needed it for food, lodging and whatever needs she’d might get when she was on the road. She made sure that she hid a tent near the stables and all the other survival equipment that she would need like a bedroll, cooking equipment and spare clothing until the day would be there. She grabbed Bast’s saddle and prepared him rapidly, fixing the bags with her belongings to the saddle and then grabbing everything she needed, including the blade of her Grandfather. And with all that ready to go, she mounted Bast and left the farm as quickly as she could. She’d go as far as she could. Maybe she would return whenever she had made something of herself, but for the upcoming months or even years, she would be by herself for as far as she knew. But who knows what the future brings.
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