Syringe Of Citrus
- Joined
- Feb 10, 2009

EDIT: I'm looking for YAOI only at the moment.
I'm actually craving something vampire [typical]
Looking to try something like this

Dom/Sub [I play either one shhh ;D ]
I'm not very good at making these threads but here it goes. I'm looking to pop my yuri cherry. With some practice I could become a dom but at the moment I'm shakey. I'm not looking to play dom at the moment. [wait do they even have a dom for yuri pairing?]
Haha anyways;
I consider myself about semi lit, I can write about a two paragraph intro [unless I get an explosion of inspiration] and paragraph post following. Decent spelling and grammer. I prefer it if we can roleplay third person, the whole ' I walk over to you and say Hi' is a pretty big turn off. So for literacy I ask about the same, not too much please I get intimidated by extremely large posts.
I welcome yaoi too! Yaoi I can play dom.
Het... not so much. Rps coming soon.