Mx Female Ethereal Eroticism Enclosed

The Phantom Gentleman

Scrupulous Specter
Apr 2, 2021
Beyond the Pale

"Join me in that empty hall
Way out beyond the folderol
Standing loose, faded and tall
awaiting Boatman's dry, cracked call."
-Ian B. Thackland


From the dank and dreary Halls of the Underworld comes The Phantom Gentleman, a peculiar, particularly picky spirit with a taste for a bit of the Word-Soup, and my, how I hunger. I could regale you for hours on end with a tawdry list of likes and dislikes, but this is something of an ongoing project for me, and I shall most certainly be adding to, refining, and finely tuning this little advertisement of mine throughout the eons that I remain anchored to this warm, sultry realm.

Without any further ado, we shall begin with the basics.

-I am a descriptive type of Apparition, adept at forging sentences that quiver the underparts of ladies the entire world over. As the name might attest, I am Male, and I seek a certain Female someone to write some heated tales with. I do believe that flow is paramount to a scene, and very strongly seek to deliver lively, creatively stimulating, informative and sensual posts that come in Paragraphs and not skimpy sentences. If you’re looking for a Single-Sentence-Slinger, then you are communing with the wrong Spirit.

-I am a flexible soul who can drum up highly polished Kink in a number of vivid genres. I pride myself on not being boring, and feel equally at home in any number of Settings and situations. Test me on this. I dare you.

-Ever the Classic Gent, I am not particularly one for extremes as far as the Sexings go. Matters of coitus are lovely and rather personal, yes, but I do NOT find throwing a gal into a steaming Volcano, whipping her with a rusty iron chain, feverishly mating with my immediate family members or beloved household pets or other...extreme forms of getting your proverbial rocks off stimulating in the least bit. In short, I don’t do extremely violent, extremely gross, extremely familial, or extremely woof-woof types of scenes. Call me old-fashioned.

-As for what I expect from a writing partner, it is less about specifics, and more about the person in general. A character’s looks and physical features are not so important to me as finding a partner that is attentive, reliable, descriptive, and above all, fun to be around. No one comes here to NOT have a real banger of a time, after all. I do have ideals and preferences, like anybody else, but I’m not looking for a massive army of writing partners. I am one for quality over quantity.


Choice Chapters
The above information-dump not nearly enough to tell you if we’d be fast writing fellows? Fear not, gentle reader, for below are a few easy story hooks from a nice variety of Settings to choose from. If one of these gets you all sorts of hot and bothered, won’t you please slip me a message ad tell me about it?


Setting: Fallout Universe
My character is a rough and tumble Raider boss in command of a small, but terribly ferocious gang of brutal Wasteland Raiders called the Geiger Gremlins, who have luckily stumbled across the deliciously vulnerable Vault 51. Sensing the imminent danger that this horrid band of Wasteland Hyenas presents, the Overseer decides to initiate peace talks, offering up the Vault’s prized slab of smoothskin titty-meat as a gesture of peace in exchange for leaving the Vault be. Surely, a sheltered, demure Vault Dweller and a tough-as-nails Raider Boss have much in common, no?

Character Qualities: My Raider Boss scratches that ruffian itch, and comes as the ideal brute. Strong, intimidating, and downright at ease in the violent, horribly violent Wasteland. He's tall, brooding, muscular and almost primal in his attitudes. His gang fears him, maybe even worships him as some kind of roving, invulnerable killing machine who revels in gore and conquest. This is the typical Brute Male meets Civilized Female trope.

My character is a suave, dangerous Elven Guildmaster of a notorious, brutal Thieves Guild called the Bleakbone Brood. Your character’s Father has gambled away the family home and fortune, and without ample means to pay off the remaining debt, delivers his last worldly possession, a young, plush Daughter to the nefarious, dangerous Guildmaster in hopes that it can satisfy the ever-growing debt.

Character Qualities: Streetsmart and dangerously graceful, my Elven Guildmaster is the epitome of the sleek, brilliant Mastermind. He's three steps ahead of the game, and revels in the seedy, shadow-drenched underbelly of his lifestyle. He's the sort who has the dirt on everyone, and isn't afraid to get what he wants through threats, intimidation, or skillful blackmail. He's certainly not the brute, but every bit as dangerous.

Star Trek (Original Series only, because I have taste)

My character is a handsome, brilliant Vulcan Scientist aboard the USS Photonic Prince, a science vessel of some renown. Tasked with studying the feverish mating habits of some rescued Orion Slave girls, our pointy eared intellectual must do all that he can to satiate the crazed desires of his new, minty green paramour. Set phasers to HUMP!

Character Qualities: Our logical fellow here is quite simply above it all, and his icy, cold, distant demeanor is exactly what makes him so goddamn appealing to the slippery-thighed, space-skirt wearing females of his ship. He indulges in the frantic, feverish sex because it's his job to, and he's rather scientific and studious about it all. That, however, doesn't mean that he is altogether unhappy with his assignment! His Orion plaything might certainly be jealous of the hungry glances the other women of the ship give him, and that makes her work all the more to keep his permanently aloof interest.


So, how’d I do? Too vague? Too specific? Too...spoooooooky? I guess you’ll just have to inquire via PM about any mysteries I might be able to solve for you, hmmm?

Fair tides, Mortal.
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