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Fx Male Submissive Looking for Long-term Roleplays


Sep 22, 2019
Hello! My name is Alice and hopefully you find my thread interesting. I also now have an F-List to share.

Let me start off by saying what I expect from those who I partner with.
  1. I'm not a huge grammar Nazi, but please make your post make sense. I don't care if you forget a comma or spell a word wrong, I just want to be able to understand your writing. Grammar isn't something I focus on either, so if this bothers you then we might not be a good fit. I promise that my work will make sense.
  2. Please no one-liners. I don't care if you post even one paragraph, but please just don't put one sentence. I wouldn't be able to give you a very good response and the roleplay would probably die out pretty quick. With that being said, I do understand that writers block happens to everyone and some posts don't need an extremely long detailed post. I usually try to write 1-3 paragraphs depending on the scene or what my partner writes.
  3. Be respectful of boundaries. I hate that I have to put this in here, but please keep in mind that I am a human being. I am totally ok with talking outside of the roleplay, and even light flirting. But please don't push. I have had multiple partners ask me insanely personal and sexual questions and it really makes me uncomfortable. My preferences should only be for the roleplay, not my personal life. Of course this goes both ways, if at any point I am making you uncomfortable, then please let me know so I can correct my behavior.
  4. Please don't take over the scene. Of course I'm ok with your character doing things, or interacting with my character. But when it gets to the point where my character is not doing anything that isn't very fun.
All of these rules go both ways. I will follow them as well and if I do end up breaking one of these rules then I promise to correct my behavior so we can keep having fun.

I will list a few vague plots that I have in mind along with the kinks that goes with them. I am completely open to ideas and none of these are set in stone. So please don't be afraid to share your own ideas.

All of these plots are open to non human characters. (Monsters, anthro, gods, demi humans)

Personal Slave

Kinks: Master/Slave, slave training, punishment/rewards, affection, BDSM, humiliation, branding (optional)
This idea is exactly what it sounds like. My character for some reason is now owned by your character. This can be done through blackmail, an auction, maybe friends who just want to try something new. This idea is extremely flexible and can be as light-hearted or dark as you want it.
Image 1, Image 2

Royal Treatment
Kinks: mind break, constant sex, nymphomaniac, sexual torture, slavery, prostitution, noncon
This idea is where someone basically takes over a kingdom and controls things through the queen as she is raped, humiliated, and tortured sexually

Wanna Try It? (Craving!!!!)
Kinks: romance, pregnancy (optional), BDSM, bondage, sexual exploration
This is probably the most mild. This idea is basically where friends, a couple, or maybe coworkers decide to become friends with benefits and it turns into so much more.
Image 1, Image 2

Kinks: Humiliation, BDSM, slavery, Mind Break, machines or tentacles, prostitution, public sex/humiliation, BDSM, gangbang
This idea is where a girl. She could be some sort of warrior or traveler, depends on what the roleplay calls for. Gets captures by some monsters or a group of men and is turned into a sex doll for their pleasure. This idea is much like the Taken Over one, just without the harem
Image 1, Image 2, Image 3, Image 4

Experiment Gone Wrong
Kinks: Tentacles, personal pet, nymphomaniac, bondage, multiple penetration, excessive cum, inflation
This idea is where a girl maybe messes with something she shouldn't have, or finds a creature that latches onto her and feeds off her sexual desire. The tentacle can literally be anything that you can think of. It doesn't matter how intelligent, big, gross, weird. The idea is that she has this tentacle pet that wants nothing but sex from her.
Image 1, Image 2, Image 3, Image 4, Video

That's all the ideas I have for now, all of these again, are subject to change. We don't have to do any of these plots, this was just supposed to give a look at what I'm personally looking for. The only things that will not be included or open to are any sort of bathroom play, incest, or death. The rest is pretty open.

I hope you've enjoyed this and want to start something with me! If you do just DM me, I am open to roleplaying here, or on Discord.
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