Mx Female Grim and extreme!


Oct 22, 2017
Hello, nice to meet you, I'm Starcaller. I won't bore you with details about how I write and all that, it's all in my other search threads if you care to look for it. Normally, I would put new requests in the same threads as I do the older ones, however, for this one, I feel like a new thread is absolutely mandatory. So, here you are. In these next paragraphs I will be detailing what I'm looking for in terms of plots and in terms of a partner, and if you did not heed the title's warning, I will warn you again: this is NOT a regular request. Turn around now if you don't have a strong stomach or you don't have the desire to write EXTREME SITUATIONS with a terribly unhappy ending, something that'll make us both uncomfortable and trigger negative reactions. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!

And now you might wonder, why on God's green Earth would you write something you don't enjoy? Well, to begin with, there's a difference between enjoying what you write and enjoying what's depicted in the writing. Sometimes, the two might be united, such as when you write a particularly steamy scene and think of how nice it would be for you to experience it. At other times though, you might find yourself disagreeing with what's portrayed entirely; just the same as with movies. Do you enjoy horror movies? You might, but do you enjoy what the serial killer does to their victims? Do you enjoy their suffering and the sadistic manners they get tortured and tormented in? If you do, there might be a little problem there.

So, if that's clear enough, so should be what I'll say next: glamourizing or romanticising what happens in this RP is absolutely off the table. None of that "She was starting to enjoy it." or "She was falling in love with her tormentor." bullshit. I do NOT want to create some sort of weird, fucked up Suicide Squad Joker/Harley relationship, or any iteration of it whatsoever. If that's what you hope for, turn around now. At no point in the RP will that ever happen and it's not something I'm even slightly willing to budge on. Trying to twist the RP into any of that will result in discontinuation, full stop. And if you're not clear as to what that might mean, let me explain it.

Your character being happy about being fed actually comestible food for once instead of... whatever, that is okay. Your character suddenly feeling better about her captor after he feeds her comestible food and thinking he might not be as terrible as he seems, that is NOT good.

Your character being relieved for not getting punished for whatever she may try to do, and feeling slightly less tense but terrified for the future, that is good. Your character suddenly feeling like her captor is not such an abhorrent monster for not treating her to a beating, as usual, is NOT good.

If you need more explanations, I'm happy to provide them, but the gist of it is: your character will not enjoy what is being done to her, and I will not enjoy what my character does to yours.

What I'm looking for is visceral, Gut wrenching, fucked up beyond all recognition, terrifying. I seek to delve into the depths of depravity that the human mind can muster. I'm looking as much for the physical side of it as I am for the psychological side. What goes through the torturer's mind, what goes through the victim's mind, all of that.

Something such as this can not have a happy ending. One of our characters has to die, whether it's my character or yours. We can discuss preferences on that later. Now, if you've come this far, I might as well give an example of the things that will transpire through this RP. This is your last chance to turn away before it gets really heavy. The warning has been given.

- Abduction

- Physical torture

- Pain

- Psychological torture

- Rape

- Video taping of rape or physical torture acts

- Sexual molestation using foreign objects such as sex toys or other items

- Bloodplay

- Knife play

- Gore

- Extreme bondage

- Other

Once again, I must stress it that I do not agree with any of those, I am a sound of mind individual and none of these things create a positive response on my side whatsoever. I don't have rape fantasies, I don't watch rape porn, I abhor any of these acts and I am an advocate for capital punishment for anyone doing such things. But I detach myself from my character's, as should anyone.

Alright, so, with that out of the way, let's put down the plots or prompts:

- He had not thought this through at all. He impulsively snatched her off the sidewalk, entranced by the sway of her hips. And now she's in his backseat, locked in and helpless. The deed is done, he can't let her walk out of it.

- He had wanted her since high school, but she never even noticed him. Years long he had fantasized about her being helpless in his hands, and now she is just there. What things would he do to her?

- She always disliked him. Humiliated him in school, teased him relentlessly. And now she dares to laugh at him when they meet, randomly, after so many years? Oh, he would have the last laugh.

- He wanted her, but she refused him time and again. Now, she is freshly married, and he can't bear the thought of another man having her.

- She is just another pretty thing, just like the many others buried in his backyard or lying dead in his "pleasure room". Another piece he wants to add to his collection.

Right, there you have it. Other ideas are readily available should you ask for them. If you're interested, send me a PM!
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