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Fx Male Unsatisfied lover has an awakening.

Lady Irony

Feb 14, 2021

Quick intro, I like story line, interesting and multi dimensional characters. I like to explore the thoughts and emotions of the characters and I like conflict and drama.
Even when my ideas are smutty, I still like STORY.


This idea, I am happy to play M or F as required.

The Female is in a relationship where she is sexually unsatisfied. Her lover/husband etc just uses her and sex is done when he is done.

One night her best female friend takes her to a BDSM club to try and cheer her up.
once in there she notices a man on his knees, chained to a wall, he is also completely naked. Curious and shocked, she approaches cautiously for a better view.

It seems his role is to orally please women who approach him, they simply nudge his balls and lift their skirts. He is provided with no relief at all himself. This one sided act is obviously amazing to a woman who is only used for orgasms herself by her man.

I see the above as a catalyst or turning point for the woman. If you like, the man on his knees, when she sees him better could be an old boyfriend or friend that she once knew. When she recognizes him she talks to him during his break and perhaps that is when she starts an exploration with him about her own pleasures?

I have kinks that would work with this scenario, if you wish to chat about it.
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