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Hello Gemmies {FxM}



Apr 7, 2021
Hello, I am ToxicGoblinQueen. I have been roleplaying via forum since I was 18 and I am now 25. Its been a few years since I was on here and because of that I created a new account and I cant wait to make new friends and have fun. As many experienced Role players, I do have a few rules and they will be listed below. Just to start off though, I am a pretty easy person to please and as long as the idea is equal measures smut and plot or plot heavy I am happy; Also, I will be adding my own plot ideas in separate posts below and will only bump my thread whenever I update my plot lists after today. I will keep a running track of the ones I have available right here on this first post. I will only play the same plot with three partners as to help me keep the games separate in my head.

Thank you for your times and understanding, also thank you if you managed to make it this far into my little bit of a ramble.

Do not be rude or disrespectful and understand that I have a life off the computer and patience is a necessary thing for us to play together.
2) As I will respond at least once a week (most likely way more) I expect the same from you unless life comes up, in that case a heads up would be appreciated and I will do the same for you.
3) Do NOT make me carry the story. If you cant give me at least two small paragraphs with some detail to work off of don't contact me.
4) If extreme pain/mutilation, same sex, scat, necrophilia/snuff, or animals are your thing, im sorry but I am not your partner. Those things are not my cup of tea and I wont be able to satisfy you.
5) Communicate. This is my most important rule and the one that will make me never play with you again if broken. If the game is to slow, or moving to fast, or just what you thought it would be? tell me and we can try and fix it together. Have an idea you want to work in? Tell me. Communication if the only way we can both be happy so please communicate with me.

I enjoy NonCon, corruption, reluctance, bondage, rough(aka biting, spanking, light slapping), anal, vaginal, oral, foot, and taboo topics (age play and step parent/siblings. Incest is a no go usually so ask.) basically anything that doesnt fall into Rule #4 but if you are unsure please just ask and I will let you know if im not ok with something.

I will play female, and usually only female characters of all species unless you want me to be a straight up animal. I also prefer to not play any most animal beings (such as centaurs) or Futas. As a preference I dont play characters older then my current age and I prefer my partners characters be no more then two years younger unless I am playing a vampire or some other being with a long lifespan and then I prefer them to be no more then two years younger then my character appears. Im sorry if this upsets anyone but I feel icky if my character is or appears to much older then my partner. You can play a character older then mine, the only limit is on how much younger they can be. Im sorry.

4 plots up as of April 8th

Superhero/Super powers
1) The Tattooist {CRAVING}
2) Vigilante vs Hero

1) Fairy Master
2) The Virgin Queen

Games In Play
Vigilante vs Hero-1
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1)The tattooist
(This one can be played out as slow burn romance, fast passed smut, NonCon, Bondage, and basically anything you think of.)

A long time ago humans mutated and some started developing powers, now it took awhile and a lot of conflict but finally a level system was put into place. It was relatively simple, at eighteen a person would go into (or be brought into) a government building a take a set of tests that then determined a persons level. Though difficult to cheat, it has been known to happen but rarely. Levels start at A and go to D; A means very little power and example would be that if their power was water they could maybe pull enough moisture from the air to have a cup of water, B under this same example would be able to fill a few gallons, C would be able to fill a pool and D would be able to fill a decent size lake. No obviously C and D levels are heavily monitored and in same cases fitted with a monitoring bracelet that would notify the government of high scale use of the persons power without permission and immobilize them. Most C and D level Powered are in the Government employ as to allow them to use their powers without consequence.

YC is a government bounty hunter/Agent who is in charge of catching C and D levels that have run or used their power excessively and following up with edge grades, those that almost qualified for C but didn’t. When following up YC is supposed to be discreet and test the edge grade as to make sure that they hadn’t fooled the test somehow and are actually just a stronger then average B. MC is a young tattoo artist that runs a small shop in the seediest part of town, her gift has been registered as liquid manipulation but is it really? Lucky for YC, an ad recently was put up for an apartment above her shop and if YC rents it, it would allow them to watch MC up close and personally for days on end without any need to lie about why YC is always hanging around.

2)Vigilante vs Hero
(Previously been played NonCon, but can be played as a slow burn or basically anything you would like.)

Vigilantes, the bane of the government, often times when caught are offered to either be sent to detention centers or a monitoring collar placed on them for span of five years. Filled with an enzyme that slowly enters the wearers body and keeps them from being able to use their power for the five year span. After effects include but are not limited to the permanent weakening of the persons power, the weakening of control and the complete removal of said power. Most chose the center, the risk of losing their power being to much

MC’s father runs one of the few Hero agencies in our nation, a large manor house filled with twelve heroes that MC has grown up with. After a devastating villain attack one of the twelve has to retire do to their wounds. It leaves a valuable spot in the agency open, many applications have been put in. YC is a hardened vigilante, they don’t care about laws or rules only about helping people, and themselves. Using a friend who hacks, YC have managed to wipe their record every time they are caught and are up for the collar which YC takes because they can get it off. This time when caught YC ends up in front of a judge who was seen them before, instead of sending YC to a detention center they are sent to MC’s fathers agency.


1)Fairy Master
(NonCon, Bondage, Rough, probably fast paced and smut forward. Stockholm syndrome and a weird type of love can be played out with later on if you really enjoy our characters and want to continue playing)

Fairies are prized for their wings; some fairies are no bigger then a thumb, others are as tall as a small adult (5’3ft) and of course there are many sizes in between. Fairies, upon their discovery, have been kept in captivity for their wings mostly. When dried and powdered they can be added to food and drink, having strong magical power whoever consumes it will have a strong euphoric high occasionally giving them glimpses into the future. Some fairies are kept as pets, or in some cases as sex slaves. The world has ran this way for so long many don’t even give two thoughts about the little winged humans being kept in cages in store windows or their neighbors homes, about the wing powder being sold on the sly or being given away free in clubs.

YC is a (fill in the blank) with a lot of money, a friend invites him to an underground auction where fairies and other mystical beings are up for sale. Drunk, a little high, and wrapped up in the experience, YC places an outrages bid, sight unseen, on a freshly caught wild fairy. Originally thinking that it would be like the others that had come before on the action block and be small enough to be kept in a cage on YC’s desk at the office. What YC got instead was MC, at 4’11ft and vicious with large dragonflyish wings that MC likes to use as weapons (hence why they were wrapped and chained upon delivery to YC) Bitter, angry, and not good as a pet.

2) Virgin Queen
(reluctance, corruption, possible bondage, possible NonCon, slow burn. Though this can be played multiple different ways, the tags given are the ones that I was thinking of when I wrote it.)

In a land filled with monsters, humans are the minority and there is a war long in the workings taking place. King Francis, married to the young MC, has fallen on the battle field to the rival nation from the west. Rumors say it was a monster tamed that finally took the noble Francis down, some say it was a simple arrow to the throat, and others say that no monster was tamed but willingly took the Kings life. Either way the nation is falling apart around MC’s ears as her brother in law trys to take the thrown from under her and the westward neighbor marching toward her door step. An unknown force siding with them bringing fear to the streets of her lands that have slowly been emptying as her people scurry toward the Eastward neighbors gates, the fact that they are Elves no longer mattering to her Bigoted people.

YC is a face that comes to offer MC help, (you can decide if YC is from the Westward nation simply conning MC, a mythical creature with a humanoid form that killed her husband, of an Elf from the Eastward nation) Taking advantage of MC isn’t hard, she had never consummated her marriage before her husband went riding off to war and was hidden away from the outside world most of her life.
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