Mx Female A Knight's Tales (Current Cravings: Persona 5, D.Va, and FFXIV. Mostly FFXIV and Persona 5)


Apr 4, 2021
Note: Current Cravings are in the most recent bump. Some plot and general thoughts are there.

Greetings! Most people just call me Knight because doing the whole name is bothersome. And I tend to agree most of the time. In this thread I'll throw my ideas out there and hopefully someone out there is willing to do the same. Also, please forgive my inability to format things well. I dunno what it is but I just can't make a good format stick to save my life when it comes to request threads. I promise my writing is better than my ability to make a decently presentable request thread.

So let us get to the expectations so you know what I'm looking for and you know what to expect from me. I can go anywhere from a one liner to a few paragraphs depending on my partner. However much you're comfortable with I'll try to match. The longer a reply from me tends to be the longer it'll probably take to reply to our thread, if that makes sense. At worst I try to reply to everyone once a week. From you I just expect you to use spellcheck and let me know if you have to wait to reply to the RP for longer than a week. Just shoot a PM and let me know what's up is all I ask and I will very much try to extend the same courtesy though of course some times things just go sideways.

Oh, and I play via thread, PM. Sometimes I'll share discord for plotting and whatnot but generally not right off the bat.

Kink wise...well, long story short as long as what belongs in the bathroom generally stays there, pain for pleasure is kept to somewhere around heavy spanking, and you don't try to put anything in my guy's rear end. Oh, and vore/snuff. Doesn't do it for me really.

Now then, with the formalities out of the way let me get to the ideas. I'll split them by genre so that if you want to go straight to the modern based, fantasy based, or whatever type RP you can do so easily. These ideas in the Fantasy/Sci-Fi setting are just kind of basics. I generally just love playing in those settings so if these ideas don't specifically do anything for you but you have an idea then please feel free to run it by me!


Elven Prince x Drow Captive: The Underdark was always home to those who would seek to destroy the wood elven way of life. They were intimately close to nature and sensed whenever the dark elves attacked however. The bold tactics of one drow earned her the right, as it may be, to become the servant of the prince. This was not chosen lightly but the prince believed that if the captive could be broken or convinced that the drow were wrong then she would prove a powerful ally and perhaps an equally powerful concubine.

Sorcerer in Training x Sorceress: Every magic user needs to learn and often they do so by learning from others. However not many are graced with a youthful teacher. One who is more willing to showcase their power and use it in the world instead of living within gilded towers. MC has come under the tutelage of YC, a travelling sorceress who offers her talents for a price. MC, seeking both a life of some adventure and to expand his talent, has come to learn. And in due time he, and even she, will perhaps grow enamored with one another along the way.

Avatar of War x Harem: The God of War has long watched the peoples of the world with interest. They fight for glory and yet so rarely achieve as much as he would like. At a time of great peace, however, the God decides that he has had enough of their little games. He will take the fight to the people himself. Choosing to grant a human his great power and knowledge the God of War creates the beginnings of an empire. And one by one the Avatar shall sweep across the land and claim his prizes: the beautiful knights and princesses of all the kingdoms. (There can be as many women in the harem as one feels comfortable playing as well as of any particular race one might be craving.)

Science Fiction

Ship Bound Assassin x Ship Captain: The dirty work of an assassin is never done. Especially aboard humanities Generation Ships. Huge vessels designed to travel to distant stars going at less than the speed of light. Using all sorts of hyper advanced technology, but not being able to maintain lightspeed, means that generations of children will be born, raised, and die before the destination is reached. One of the tools given to the captain and their line, however, are the Void Blades. Children born and raised to find and kill those who would compromise the mission at the direction of the current captain. MC is one such Void Blade who has, like the others, pledged his loyalty to the captain. However, what would happen if the captain discovers herself growing attached to this killer. Perhaps they knew each other in their youth before they began killing. Can someone tasked with murder truly be redeemed?

Space Pirate x Merchant: When given the choice does someone go down with the ship or do they let themselves get taken? YC is a merchant going from system to system hoping to make enough money to retire some day or perhaps they are a high stakes smuggler. When MC captures their ship they demand all of the cargo and take the crew captive. MC chooses to take YC as his personal assistant. While at first it seems like total servitude she, in fact, has a chance to earn her way into the crew.


So these will be a bit different from the above. I'll either have the plot with the fandom noted or I'll mention which characters I would play/would like to play opposite. As an additional note for any setting wherein characters are under 18 they would be aged up appropriately to a university level 18-20's. I'll try to mention how/if I think that would change the story, like in Persona, but otherwise this can just be a blanket assumption.

Persona 5

First of all, the obvious caveat to all of this needs to be this: This version of Persona would take place in a version where similar events happen as the games excepting that the characters are in Shujin University instead of a high school. Honestly, most of the character arcs in Persona fit just as well in a university setting considering people are still finding themselves and deciding who they want to be there. All kinds of stuff but to be clear I'd figure Futaba would be a freshman, Ann/Ryuji/Protag are all in their second or third year, and Makoto/Haru being fourth years. Or something like that.

Plot A: New Game Plus

In this version of the story Ren/Joker actually made the deal with the Grail except, in true Trickster fashion, he pulled one over on 'God'. Rather than locking the world into the Grail's vision of perfection Joker was sent back to his first day at Shujin. The day he ran into Ann on his way to class, the day he met up with Ryuji while he was running late, and most importantly the first day he had awakened to his Persona. This time he knew everything going forward. Not only that but he had all of his Personae (Personas?) from the first time around. This time he could do it better and pull the greatest trick of all.

So the meat of this story is running with the idea of what it would look like in-universe if you took a completed save file and started new game+. While the game itself just gives you stats and some items to make social links become much easier to get I thought it would be fun to turn it into a story. How would Joker get in that situation. What could he do with his foreknowledge and power? How does it change things between him and the rest of the Phantom Thieves? Do they get a sense of Deja vu around him because he remembers the previous timeline so they get flashes of it too? What does it mean for romances? All these things would be, and will be, fun to explore in my opinion.

Pairing(s): Look, I'm a sucker for a harem especially in a Persona game but I know that's not everyone's cup of tea. I think Joker/Ann or Joker/Makoto would be my favorites but Futaba is great too alongside people like Takemi, Kawakami, and Hifumi. And Sae.

Plot B: Shadowhunters

The Metaverse was gone, shut down, and not to be seen again. But the world wasn't rid of shadows. It never would be. Just because one specific avenue was gone didn't mean they all were. Over time the Phantom Thieves discovered they were not the only ones to have dealt with shadows. It took time but they learned they could manifest their Persona in whatever variation of the Metaverse, as they would continue to call it, manifested. While the world had been rid of one threat it seemed that there would always be another. And the Phantom Thieves would be there to stand in the way.

Here the story focuses on them finding out that there is more going on. Not just like Strikers happening, though that could be the opening storyline, but discovering the events of Persona 3 and 4. Learning that the Metaverse wasn't the only way shadows struck. It could be fun to go through and have new enemies to content with while our characters flesh out their romance in a post-graduation world.

Pairings: Pretty much the same as Plot A.

Fate Series

I don't have a specific plot in mind here, to be honest, but give me a reason to play Gilgamesh (either the Archer or the Caster version) somewhere or Hakuno in the Moon Cell with all the fun they can have and I'll be in. Honestly, for the most part, if you know Fate and are interested in it please message me. I'd love to work something out to play.

As an aside, Rin is my absolute favorite so bonus points for an aged up Clock Tower attending/graduate Rin.

Final Fantasy 7

Same as above, no real plots come to mind here but I love playing as Cloud. Tifa and Aerith are both excellent, especially in the remake, so I'd be happy to play around. Hell, Jessie is amazing too. And Yuffie. Not many misses here.


I'm just going to put both of these fandoms together which might be sacrelige but that's never stopped me before. I enjoy playing Nightwing, Red Hood, Quicksilver (more based on the recent movies where he's a lighter character rather than a Brotherhood member), Deadpool, Captain America, Conner Kent/Superboy, and Peter Parker. And probably more guys than that. Lots of wonderful ladies to play against but special mentions go to my favorites from Marvel and DC respectively: Laura Kinney/X-23 and M'gann M'orzz/Miss Martian. Predominantly familiar with Teen Titans/Young Justice/X-Men but I've gone on enough wiki runs and had enough comic pals to know most broad stories out there. Or I've watched videos on them. Point being I love playing around in these worlds and would be happy to do so again.

Alright, so we've reached the point where I don't have much specific to say about these fandoms besides the fact that I like them so I'll just drop a list and if they interest you let me know and perhaps we can hammer out a story proper.

Street Fighter
Guilty Gear
Final Fantasy 14 (Male WoL x Y'shtola is a craving to be sure)
Fire Emblem Awakening
Kingdom Hearts/Disney (Who wouldn't want to corrupt Disney Princesses?)
And probably more that I forgot...

With all of that said, please feel free to shoot me a message if something piques your interested. I'd be very happy to brew up an RP with people here and get things going!
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Giving this a good ol' bump.

Would be very interested in something Marvel/DC as a side note.
Oh, look at this. It seems to be a bump. Still really craving something with Persona 5. Added bonus cravings: Miss Martian from Young Justice and Y'shtola from FFXIV.
Another classic bump. Still looking for what was mentioned above in case you were wondering. Also would be interested in doing an RP opposite Neo from RWBY.
Oh, look at that, it's a bump.

This bumps specific mentions go to: Y'shtola from FFXIV. The closer I get to Endwalker the more I want to play something as the Warrior of Light romancing this sassy brilliant mage.
Why hello, it's been quite a while but I'm back on the look once again. So here goes nothin'...

Specific Cravings (beyond those in the main thread): Y'shtola (still), Tifa and/or Aerith, and something in the Exalted setting. Wouldn't complain about something with some superheroines either.
Well look at me, back again. Here's some current cravings.

Y'shtola (The biggest craving. I mean the expansion drops in a few days so I'm all for playing opposite Y'shtola though other Scions or characters would not be opposed either)

This Mi'qote has learned the art of healing and the art of casting deadly magics while still managing to have enough common sense and sass to keep the Scions in line. Someone has to be the voice of reason and often it ends up being her. It is for that reason that the ever logical and brilliant Y'shtola could use another to lean on since she has so many leaning on her in turn.

x Warrior of Light: Perhaps the most natural connection is with the Warrior whom the Scions so often find themselves rallying around. Their strength is undeniable and they are unshakeably resolute. There could be almost no better bedrock than them. It helps that they're multi-talented and often prove interesting in discussion when pressed on things. It's hard to be as learned as someone proficient in sixteen seperate careers but Y'shtola more than manages that while they provide the wit to match her own.


The star pilot of MEKA she's known the world over. Having a normal life is...difficult at best for someone of her status but that doesn't stop her from trying her best.

x Dae-hyun: Her childhood friend who also happens to be the mechanic assigned to her mech. Is it any wonder there's inevitable attraction between them? How many people can claim to know Hana, not just D.Va, like he can? While they've never so much as admitted feelings for one another it's hard to see a world where they don't develop something due to proximity, friendship, and a mutual interest in things. Besides, he's the best confidante she'll probably have.

x Rival: She might have been undefeated when she was still a professional gamer but that doesn't mean she didn't have rivals. Only a few actually gave her a run for her money and only he managed to stick close as one of the other MEKA pilots. He's still not quite as good as her even as a pilot but that doesn't mean he doesn't give it everything he has. If nothing else he's determined to make her admit that having him around makes her excel.

Makoto Niijima, Ann Takamaki, Tae Takemi, and Sae Niijima

There was a grand journey to be had by both the Phantom Thieves as well as their allies who never really ventured into the Metaverse. Ann Takamaki, the beautiful woman who found the fire to stand up for herself and her friends no matter what. Makoto Niijima, the Class President who determined that sometimes the rules need to be broken in order to achieve true justice. Tae Takemi, the Doctor who never gave up on a former patient and struggled to heal no matter what. Sae Niijima, the prosecutor who discovered that sometimes justice can be evaded and those who deliver it can grow complacent despite themselves unless they devote themselves to the cause. All of them, in one way or another, aided the cause of the Phantom Thieves whether directly or not and from those connections came something more.

x Joker: The most natural pairing for any of the above ladies. He pursues a relationship with them over the course of their adventure. This story can take place during the game whether P5, P5R, P5S, or something taking place entirely after their adventures are done. The story would have to be more nuanced depending on which of the four ladies you have a particular urge to play. With Ann it could be them traveling while Ann pursues her career in modelling while Joker has perhaps focused on being her manager or his photographer. With Makoto perhaps it takes place while they're in college together pursuing different fields. With Takemi perhaps Joker has the desire to go to medical school and she helps him with that? And with Sae it could be that Joker, who has some measure of skill as a thief and ability to read people, becomes a sort of unofficial consultant or private detective using his unique skills to learn things and pass the information to her.

And those are my main cravings right this moment folks. I'd love to hear from people and try to work somethin' out.
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