
it's me, your missing sock!
Apr 4, 2021


hello there!

my name is socks, it's such a pleasure to meet you! i use she/they pronouns, and i am a twenty-one year old writer who's been writing for a looonnngggggggggggggg time, lol! i started writing when i was around nine years old, and i kind of took of from there. i started off writing soul eater fanfiction with stupidly mary-sue-ish characters with the most cliched romance stories lmfao! i'm happy to say that i've grown from those days and my writing has improved significantly. unfortunately, i will say that i no longer do fandom roleplays in the traditional sense and only partake in original plots, typically anything to do with human/monster pairings. though, most of my monster crushes come from fandoms so! i won't lie, i was like this close from making my username monsterfvker bwahaha!

i am a adv. literate / novella literate writer, though i find that many people have several different meanings for those words so i'll break it down a bit more. i only write in third person pov, and i write anywhere from 500 to 3000+ words, multi-para (multiple paragraphs) of course. i prefer to write with people who write the same amount as me, as writing beautifully long starters only to get three sentences in return has gotten severely tiring. of course, there's nothing wrong with writing three sentences, i would just prefer to have someone bounce off my excitement and ability to not stop writing if that makes sense, lmao! i also wanted to point out that i only roleplay on bluemoon, either via pms or threads. sorry, but please don't ask for my discord or anything like that!

i'm not sure if anyone else talks about it, but it's quite important to me so i'll go ahead and say it here. my reply times vary drastically, as i struggle with being called on to take care of my sickly/old mother, my short attention span, and overall just being called on by my entire family at random. saying no to them is not an option for me, so i might have to hop off at that moment and go help, which often leads to me forgetting i was even talking or replying to anyone in the first place. to get to the point, my reply times are usually between a few days to weekly. sometimes i can push out more than one reply per day, most days i'll mostly be able to get out one or two replies. please take head to this warning before messaging me, if you are not a patient person please do not test your limits with me. being spammed or rushed for replies in an instablock, if i'm to be honest.

i suppose that's all when it comes to an introduction of sorts, onto what i'm interested in!


find my kinks here!
(a bit of a wip, but gives a general idea)
hard limits/nos: snuff/death, rape, vore, micro/macro, abuse of any kind, minor/adult relationships, drowning.

mc is underlined, yc is italicized
these are all mostly just pairings, fair warning most of the images attaches are nsfw!
i would love love love any of these over my 'regular' plots, but if they don't fit your interest please feel free to look at my modern ideas!

yautja/predator x human
dragon shifter x dragon shifter
nature spirit x human
x demon
minotaur x human
beginner witch
x sex demon/genie
mushroom forrest gardian x human
/ spackle (chaos walking film)
human / poleepkwa/prawn (district 9)
human / symbiote (venom)
human / twi lek (star wars)

these are all generally some modern ideas, please bring some ideas if you have any similar you think i might like!

#1 | mc is the mother of yc’s best friend, and is happily married. although there’s been a lack of sex for a while, mc is deeply in love with her husband. it isn’t under mc accidentally witness’ yc naked one night during a sleep over after (sports) practice and is enamored at how well endowed yc is. (please note that i have done this one so many times that i've kinda gotten bored with it. unless you have a unique twist, please also include another plot you might be interested in because i might decline this idea)

#2 | mc is new and becomes quite popular very easily due to how pretty she is. yc is a quiet, nerdy guy who nobody really talks to, and has a hard time with talking to people in general. on a whim, yc decides to ask mc out and surprisingly she says yes! (super fluffy and romantic, first times, hand holding, etc)

#3 | yc is mc’s online sugar daddy, the two spending time together by masturbating in front of each other during video calls. they’ve never seen each others face, but decide to meet up to further their relationship. turns out, yc is m’s best friend’s dad!

#4 | mc and yc are neighbors and attend the same college, not to mention mc is dating yc’s best friend. however, ever since high school mc and yc have had a ritual of mc stripping in front of her open while yc watches because their rooms are right across from each other. their relationship begins to escalate sexually and they fall in love, however both care too much for mc’s bf/yc’s best friend to ever break is heart by telling him.

this is pretty much all that i'm interested in currently, so sorry it's so little honestly! i'm sure once i scratch that human/monster itch i got going on i'll have more ideas to place! i look forward to hearing from any of you who are interested! please be sure to privately message me if you're interested, and let me know exactly what you're interested in! i love love love getting to know my partners, so don't feel afraid to go all out on your first message, bwahaha! first impressions are important to me, if that makes sense, lol!

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