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Fx Male Walk on the wild side (Seeking Furry rp currently)


Apr 2, 2021
As the title suggests, currently this thread is a work in progress so please bear with me whilst I get out the majority of the essentials for now and clean it up to a much easier to read thread as the days go by.

Hello to those brave or bored enough to browse my thread, thanks either way for taking a quick gander to see if anything takes your interest or not.

Feel free to call me Flare. I'm an aussie lady in my 30's with a fairly long history in rp, somewhere between 16 to 20 years I think? Either way it's a good long while despite having taken a rather long break due to real life issues making it a bit hard to focus on much else until now. Hence my search begins for a couple rp buddies. I have at least one or two things specifically in mind at the moment and I will continue to add more pairings or subjects I'm interested in when it's not so late and I have more of a chance to fill out this thread a little better.

What you need to know:
- I'm reasonably literate but not perfect by any means, I can and do make mistakes. So if you are a stickler for perfect grammar I suggest you search elsewhere.
- I give anywhere from a single paragraph to 4+ paragraphs. I enjoy writing but in most cases expect to get back what you give in return.

- Don't worry too much about the time differences. I'm sure with the hours I tend to jump on, we will get the chance to get a good bit of rp in. However I do not promise that I will be able to reply everyday. Whilst I will try my best, sometimes replies can be sporadic thanks to work and home life. Thursday, friday and Saturday usually being the days I'm unlikely to be able to reply or it will be limited if I'm able.

- I would prefer to play over pm's only at this stage. I have no interest taking this rp off site nor really do I have much interest in rping over a private thread.

- I am pretty chill and open minded to most things. However there are some things I just will not do. Most of what I will and won't do can be located in my F-list Below and a few quick references of the yay and nay underneath that for some specifics.

- Whilst I prefer to play Male characters. This is the female search thread and as such I will bump it when I feel like playing the occasional fem character.

- I am more than happy to at a later date play with multiple pairings and so on to keep things fresh.

- In the rp I only every use third person and I do prefer my partner to also use third person. ( He, she, him, her. Third person.)


- At this stage I am looking for someone who is also reasonably literate and at least be able to pop out a paragraph or two depending on the situation.

- Short term or Long term at this point in fine with me as I work to get back into the swing of things.

- Please don't just PM me with "would you like to Rp?' Give me some concept of what you're interested in, whether it be from my list of pairings/plots or possibly an idea you may have.

F-List Here's my current F-list that covers the majority of subjects I am interested and no interested in

Things I will not do!:
- Anything that breaks Blue Moons tos/rules. (No shota or underage characters in general, etc)
- If it belongs in the toilet, that is where it stays. Not scat or watersports.
- Vore,
- Hyper/micro stuff
- Foot fetish (sorry, just not my thing)
- Zombies

Things I will do:
- Non-con
- Incest (Siblings only for full incest. Not really a fan of mother/son, father/daughter unless it's an adoptive/step parent -which doesn't really class as incest-)
- Bestiality (I will only use Shapeshifters taking animal forms, werewolves or creatures like dragons for example. Not your standard every day animal with no idea what is going on.)
- M/F Pairings. Occasionally Herm
- Furries and Furry/human Pairings.
- Multiple penetration/Harem

Whilst I'm sure I could add many bits and pieces here. It's best to take a look at the F-List for an in depth view of what I will and won't do. The below post you will find my current cravings, pairings I do and and any plots I may have at the time.

This thread won't be as active as my Male search thread as this female search thread will be limited to specifics of what I will happily play female characters in.
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Current cravings:

Looking for an furry M/F pairing using my mare character. No real plot idea for this one. Honestly just looking for something along the line of Teacher/student or something similar. We can always work out the details. Honestly just after something smutty.

Looking to do an MxF Pairing with a very basic plot idea involving a human female and a Male shapeshifter. Preferably I'd like to play the male or female shifter at this stage. The idea would be your character would have taken in a dog or some kind of stray that gradually starts proving to be smarter than your average pet. Not gonna lie, just more or less looking at this being a bit of a smut idea, but i'm happy to bounce ideas. For bare bones plot idea click the spoiler below and keep in mind it doesn't just have to be a canine. It can be wild or domesticated animals such as a deer or a horse for example or it can even be some fantasy creature like a dragon.
(This was originally written out with the intention of Playing a male shifter. I have tweaked it to a point to compensate for this being the female thread. So if it souns a little off in some parts, that's why.)

There has always been a weird sense that the dog you recently took home from the shelter has always been that little bit smarter than the average canine. When they sit besides you, occasionally you swear you've caught them nodding or shaking their head to what you thought was a one sided conversation only to shrug it off as being tired. During a night of pleasure with that hot guy/woman you've been dating or just simply a quick fling, you swear that dog's been watching far more intently than it should have. As time goes by strange dreams start happening sporadically. Dreams where this new pet of yours starts to press its nose between your legs and let a slick and oddly skillful tongue work you into a lustful frenzy. However the moment you stir, the dog is seemingly comfortably asleep besides or at the end of your bed. Another dream may be of a different creature taking the dogs place, something either of the known world or the fantasy world such as a dragon. Occasionally it's not a creature at all but a handsome human man or woman fondling and once again working you into a flustered mess. However just like before, once your eyes open there is nothing there but the dog peacefully sleeping and a need for release as these dreams have almost always left you hard and frustratingly on the edge of that blissful state of ecstasy orgasm would bring with it.

Gradually these dreams start to raise a strange sense of curiosity that you're character has either always had but never dared act upon or peaked a new interest. Will they give into that curiosity and eventually find that those dream may not have actually been dreams at all but a tricky shapeshifter working to get what it's wanted this entire time or will that shifter simply grow impatient. Throw caution to the wind and take what it wants before another night has passed?

M/F or werewolf pairing. I do have a few ideas that you will find in the spoilers below, each will have a different plot idea.

This kind of goes off the idea of little red ridinghood but with more of an adult spin. It can involve non-con or be a sweet little tale of forbidden love. I can play either male or female role but I would be more inclined to have "red' as a werewolf. Whether she is aware for the fact she is a werewolf or not we can discuss.

She was know as red ridinghood simply for the obvious reason, he choice in a bright red hooded cloak. Often she would visit her relative deep within the woods with various goodies from the garden and the rest of the family in the form of baked goods or well wishes and general messages. Occasionally her peaceful walks would be interrupted by a young rather feral lad who would become her friend in the end. When she would tell him the warnings of the townsfolk about a big bad wolf lurking the forest he would often laugh and brush it off. They would play games along the way but upon drawing close to her relatives home, he would bid her farewell.
Now that red was much older, her visits with her forest dwelling family and friend didn't cease. However questions occasionally arise as to why she had never seen her friend in the village or even been invited to his home. Soon enough her visits to family occasionally were delayed as her friend would start taking her deeper into the woods. Showing her beautiful places she could never have imagined existed there. He also attempted to woo her during these times. Eventually he would have to reveal his secret that the village hadn't simply been making up stories. The big bad wolf existed or at least had at one point before it had been killed by the huntsman and it's son left behind to roam the woods alone up until a girl in a red hood had chanced upon him.

~~~~ The less sweet version

A beautiful woman in red should know better than to walk alone in the woods after the townsfolk had warned her time and again that a wolf lurked the forest. Whilst she may have been lucky in the past to escape an unfortunate fate, luck would eventually run out. The woods were not inhabited by the average wolves, sure they were here and there but in most cases they were shy and avoided those that traversed the path of the dark forest. It was the werewolves that were the true creatures to be feared, especially with their numbers dwindling and the alpha looking for a new mate to call his own. Whether by ill-fated chance or luck for either party as the wolfs attention was caught by a shade of scarlet passing between the dark tree trunks. Noone would hear the screams of Little red as the beast snatched her and carried her off deep into the depths of the forest, into pack territory where she would by choice or by force become his mate, for all that entailed.

M/F pairing Happy to play either alpha male or female gifted to one of the packs in this one.

Two neighboring packs have always squabbled over the territory and prey as the packs grow in number. However the alphas grow old and eventually then younger generation step up to take the old alphas place. Tired of the squabbling one of the new young alphas suggest they unite the packs or at the very least form a truce. to cease the bloodshed. From each pack there was to be one female was to be gifted to the opposing alpha under the full moon in spring. Whilst one she-wolf was resigned to the fate placed upon her shoulders, the other was not and peace or war would rest upon her shoulders. Whilst the exchange was made upon the night agreed upon. Whether this rebellious female would stay or escape and risk turning the packs against each other only time would tell. For all she knew she may not even have a chance at escape and may find herself trapped until she was resigned to her fate or forced to eventually bare the next generation of pups.

Alternate could be that the rebellious shewolf has another male she planned to take as her mate before the trade off that could attempt to sneak in and steal the female away.

Not currently interested in. Please don't ask.
Adultery. (i've had so many requests for Adultery that it's turned me right off it right now.)


Timelines & settings:
I'm generally happy to brainstorm up a world of our own over a modern world with its current nonsense going on. However if there is specifics required, these are generally what I'm happy to work with.
- Modern times (Usually just meaning mod cons of the current age, technology, vehicles, buildings like skyscrapers and so on. Nothing more)
- Medieval fantasy.
- Rarely something mildly sci-fi or even something older like Romanesque times.

These are more loose guidelines than anything, I'm as i said. Open to discuss times, worlds and so on.

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