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Sick and Tired


Jan 11, 2009
Too much has fucking built up. I am near a breaking point, to a standpoint that people won't hear from me again. NO, this doesn't have anything to do with Yuki and her thread. This has to do with my family and the shit they are putting me through. Leaving is harder then people seem to think, it's easy to say ... 'leave them'... But when you are raised on the importance that family is all you have in the end... You would understand my placement.

I'm taking a break, if you bitch at me for not posting in a roleplay... and I don't happen to personally love you to pieces... expect a BIG FUCK YOU! I am sick and tired of everything keeps building up... Well I don't know what I would do.

By the By, Reaper is Blocked. I don't plan on interacting with him anymore. I would say a choice few other things, but I happen to be a individual with taste.

So for all of you that even bother to take the fucking time to read what I post... I'm done for a good week or more. I'll wander around and maybe read some threads, and occasionally post outside of roleplay. But goddess helps anyone that brings me to snapping point.
I don't know you, but it probably is for the best. When you start letting things on the internet bother you it is time for a bit of time off. Had to do the same thing myself once. Good luck with your life and the stresses within it.
I'm at the point where inside I am laughing as hysterically as a crazy person. Right now I feel like... just feel... fuck, I can't even SAY what I feel like. Let me tell you this, roleplaying is my safe haven. But when it gets to a point where I don't want to do it, you know it's bad. Internet doesn't effect me as much as some people would believe. Situations happened to me when I was rather new to the internet. It was bad enough that I because callous and never trusted people. That was over five'ish year ago. I have opened up more, but what people say to me is usually taken with a grain of salt. Insults are usually allowed to glance off, unless I personally find them offensive.
I know exactly how you feel. It is best to take time off of things like that, when you find something you normally love to be uninteresting just stop for a bit, deal with real life and if anyone bitches about you leaving then they're probably not worth associating with because they obviously don't care about you as a person.
Yeah problem with that is, the situation will just continue. I have health problems that prevent me from getting a fulltime position with an employer. I promised, and I take my promises seriously, my mother I would remain until my stepfather returned from Iraq. Which he leaves for in a few weeks.

Yes, I know you can read this my dear Stepfather, if you are reading this. Know my words are not condescending, and I know the way things are going aren't making you happy as well. I have not revealed much else of our family situation to the forum, nor do I plan on it. So you do not have to worry. I know mother has released me from my promise, but I will keep it none the less.
Epstein Barr, with some major Low immune system problems. Colds put me down for a week or more. Problems vitamins and things could fix, if I could afford them. But I can't without money, can't get money without a job... and thus my dilemma.
Ouch. I have a shitty immune system and it causes me enough troubles :\ I could never imagine it being that bad. I'm sorry you got screwed over like that.
Too much built up, I am too caring of a person. I am just a few steps from a complete and total mental break down. -sighs-
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