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Mx Female Dealing with dungeons and maybe a dragon.


Jun 21, 2016
Hello everybody. I am looking for a high fantasy Rp. The general tone of rps I like are lighthearted, even when exploring dark elements. This current craving I have would take place in a Lord of the ring, game of throne type setting. When it comes to posts, I generally post between 300-600 words but I am cool with my partner writing whatever they are comfortable as long as there is enough posted for me to react to. When it comes to the plot/smut ratio, I generally prefer rps to range between 50/50 to 20/80. I generally like rps that explore sexual relationships/tension even when the characters are not physically involved with each other. I am very open/flexible so if you have any ideas I would love to hear it. If you message me, I'd like to know what kind of ideas you might have in mind as well as the plot/smut ratio you'd prefer. I'd also like to know if you generally like relationships that are consensual, dub-con, or non-con as well as any kinks you'd like to explore.

General Plots/Ideas
The general Idea I have would involve characters who are going on an adventure. There are multiple ways this could go and I am very open to ideas you may have. For example your character could explore a situation by herself and deal with the multiple men she comes in contact with or she could be traveling with my character and the two work together to handle the obstacles that comes their way.

Treasure hunters: Your character would be someone who is exploring the world for some magical artifacts. She could do this on her own or with a partner. Her partner could be a great mage and she could be his apprentice or she could be the great mage and he could be a warrior who is responsible for protecting her. This plot is flexible.
-example: YC could be a treasure hunter who is looking for magic items. One day she finds an item that curses her so that every man she comes in contact with finds her irresistible.

The island: Your character would be someone who heard that their is an island where weird stuff is going on. In a world where their is magic an island that is suddenly extra magical would be very rare. Your character could be going by herself, with a partner, or joins other adventures on the island. Again the plot is flexible.
-example: On this island, everyone is unnaturally horny. YC could be on the island trying to find out why.

Everything is fair in love and war: This idea is more about the political drama. Your character could be a fish out of water or trying to be the HBIC. Either way, she would be trying to thrive in a situation where she is living with royals. YC could be in an arranged marriage or a seducer who is gaining power. Again very flexible.
-example: YC is in an arranged marriage with a man she has never met. While in the new kingdom she could form a relationship with the new king or have an affair with one of the many other attractive men in the kingdom.

Almost total party killed: In this idea, YC was part of a party that was exploring a dungeon when all their party members got killed. As a result she is all alone trying to escape the dungeon that is full with monster or adventures that want to take advantage of her. She could meet a party who saves her or struggles to escape her situation. Again very flexible.
-example: YC was an adventure who lost her party members. As she tries to escape the dungeons, she runs into monsters that want to rape her. She could be a badass who fights away most of the monsters, she could be someone who negotiates with them, or she could be someone who is thoroughly ravished by them as she attempts to escape.

Happy wife, Happy life: In this idea, YC would be newly married. The idea would be to explore a happy relationship in this kind of world. They could have a home together or be adventures who are on an exotic honeymoon. Again very flexible.
-example: The two could be on their honeymoon. Normally they live very busy lives. Now they can focus on each other and start having a family together. Or the newly married couple could be exploring kinks with each other for the first time.

Types of characters I tend to play
Dragonborn 2
Dwarf 2
Elf 2
Half-orc 2
Human 2
Tiefling 2
Werewolf 2
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