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Fx Male Family Betrayal, Historical Plot inside!


Apr 19, 2019
Hello there!

Welcome to my mini request thread for my one plot I really want to do. Before I get into it, here is what to expect from me and this RP.
  • I have a some what busy home life with family so I'm not on here every day all day but I should be able to post 2-3 times a week. If this isn't enough I'm sorry you should look else where.
  • I tend to write a few paragraphs per post (around 3-4 is my norm) but that does depend on what you give me.
  • Linking in with the two above, if a back to bake session is in order due to dialect to help move the story along this can be arranged, just message me if you feel we need it so I know to stick around that day.
  • I love detail...both giving and receiving.
  • I prefer 70-30% plot to smut.
  • I'll be playing the Female role here.
  • The age gab between out two characters I wouldn't more then 10 years but anything in-between is fine.
  • A LIGHT sub/dom relations could be fun. YC dom, mine Sub but their be switches at time. Something more romantic and 'realistic' like for example hair pulling, spanking, teasing (both ways), 'soft' restrains if this is something you would like to add, dirty talk just to name a few I would like to add.
  • I would also like to add pregnancy.
  • So here's what is a hard NO for me. Bathroom play, blood, torture or anything where my character gets hurt or killed, stories to do with obsessive milking, semen and incest. I have nothing against all of this but it's just not my sort of thing.​
Ok so here is a quick overview of the RP plot.

It's a Historical RP in our own setting. It's about a Royal family who wants to marry their only daughter off to one of the strongest Kingdoms in hopes to better their own Kingdom. They had plotted a great betrayal both on YC and their own daughter who they seem to care so little for. Their plan is to overthrow them both when their attention is on a mutual enemy who have decided to attack. Or so that is what our characters are to believe when it's all just part of her family's plan.(There could have been some issues with the two Kingdoms for some years and it’s only been a case of time or someone giving a little nudge to get things started) When their backs are turned and attention on the posing Kingdom MC Family set to take over the castle and possibly the Kingdom. Below are more details about this plot but I hope that I have gotten your attention!

YC could be very well known as a ruthless, headstrong, take no ball-shit sort sort of man. His people respect him and always know where they stand with him. YC hasn't had any interest in marring, his only focus was to his kingdom and how to rule it. But as of late his advisers have been nagging him more and more, in fact its the only topic they like to discus with him. Most of the other kingdoms have heirs to the thrones and without one it puts his kingdom at risk. Realizing that this could be the only fault to ruling his Kingdom he gives in and asks them to find a match for him. This task isn't easy as YC would be fussy. He wants a compliant wife, one who would leave him to his duties without being needy or fussy. Yet wouldn’t get bored and stray. And anything else you would feel YC be into.

This is where MC comes in. Now please don't think I would be playing such a plain boring character. Growing up she was her own feisty, determined being. Headstrong, smart, outspoken. She would rather play swords with her brothers than sit and sew. When she turned 13 her parents sent her away to be disciplined and taught how to act like a proper Princess. It took her some time but within 7 years she became the perfect example of a young Princess. She was almost like a new woman. Not that this came easily to her. The teachers had a very hands on approach and had beaten her, locked her up for days on end with only scrapes to eat. A few scars laid across her skin from some of the lashes she had gotten. But luckily these were hidden when she was dressed. They made sure that the few faint scars she would get would be kept out of sight from day to day living. You might think that her parents might have been unaware of this but in fact they encouraged it. After all they wanted her married off the the best possible King they could find when the time had come.

Over time she learnt it was best to do as they pleased and to become the ideal wife they had in their minds. To be oberdant, to not talk back or think beyond her duties. Even though she so desperately wants to. Soon she will marry and have children of her own. Her only hope is that your future husband will be less traditional.

With her return back home her parents wasted no time in getting in contact with YC advisers and quickly sent an 'application' for their daughter to meet YC. The details of this we can go through but I figured to sweeten the deal the would offer gold. I’m thinking they travel to YC Kingdom and stay a few nights to get a feel for one another, have a ‘family’ dinner and discuss partnership and what could be ‘gifted’ to sweeten the deal to marry off their daughter.

As you may have guessed her family isn't overly kind. They have 5 older sons who are their main focuses and only 1 daughter. Which to them is 1 chance to marry her off well or in this case their only chance of getting what they really want from her. They're the kind of Royal family that aren't overly powerful but have riches due to a fertile soil. They would joke that the women there where most fertile due to the foods they eat, which is just talk. But as of late, the Kingdom have had some money trouble due to her brother's lifestyles which have been kept secret. They would offer rich foods and even extra soldiers of their own to help aid him IF YC needs them. We can think of other things too but this deal would be done without MY Knowledge, She would expect the food as on offer but soldiers would be an additional bribe which would be done under the table and later she would find out.

Here is my idea of where this story would be going. As you know this is a big plan from the MC family. They plan to give YC their daughter and for everyone to become great friends, but in truth they plan to overthrow both YC and their Daughter. War would start between another Kingdom, a rival Kingdom of both. BUT in secret an alliance has been formed with MC Family and said enemies. While our characters are off in the war a small army from MC Kingdom has been sent to over take the castle, claiming it to be theirs. We can go as far as them loosing it all and coming up with a plan to regain YC Kingdom or that they just get close to doing it. MC would have no idea the plans of her Family since this has been plotted while she was away and she would only have returned home some sort few months when news that YC was looking for a wife.

Meanwhile before / during this YC would start to see the true nature of MC. That she isn't as sweet and innocent, or childlike at all. That she can hold her own and instead of being in the background of his life, in fact stands next to him as a supporting wife who is interested in his plans and ideas for their Kingdom. As they reveal more about themselves to each other their love grows.

This is all just a rough idea and would love to build on it to make it 'our' plot. If your interested feel free to send me a message!
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