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Fx Male Seeking Sci-fi / Fantasy / Co-operative Story Plots


Nov 21, 2020
Hey you, welcome to my mediocre request thread.

I am always on the hunt for good writing partners that would be interested in some OC writing. More recently I have been enjoying player created fantasy worlds that have inspiration pulling from DnD and other High Fantasy sources, such as LoTR. There are a few fandoms that I like to write within, but I have a strong preference for OC characters versus canon. You are more than welcome to ask m my interest with playing canon characters, just know that I will most likely decline.

I am not defined to the limited things on this posting. Above everything, I am a sucker for a good story. If you happen to have something you are proud of or craving, throw it my way. With the right set-up and partner I could find interest in almost anything.

Modern or realistic settings/pairings will be the hardest sell of all for me. In my experience things can either get too vanilla or degrade into mindless smut. Neither of those paths interest me.

A few things about me:

I am a female in my 20s and write as female for main characters or love interests. I can write as any gender for NPCs but prefer Female x Male partners for smut and romance.
18+ with characters and partners. No exceptions.
I love to co-create stories with my partner instead of dictating or GMing the plot.
OOC is a high preference.
Searching for a lit/semi-lit writing partner. I’ll be the first one to admit that my writing in not perfect, but it is something that I put effort into. If you can show the same, we will get along fine.
I prefer writing OC over canon. Unless its a really good idea I will probably decline. It just isn't my thing.
My responses can range from 2-6 paragraphs but I can easily write more. I try to match my partner while making space for interactions and details. Please don't give me tons of short responses. If I don't have anything to work with I will lose interest.
If I find that we aren't a good match or I lose interest in our story, I will tell you. Its not meant to be personal, sometimes things just don't fit.

Some of my favorite things:

Dominant Partners
Intrigue, Betrayal, Trickery
Surprise or Risky Encounters
Oral (Giving and Recieving)
Hair Pulling
Orgasm Control
Old Male/Younger Female

Bathroom Play
Age Play

High preference to Fantasy and Sci-Fi writing.


Star Wars
Mass Effect
Dragon Age
Dungeons and Dragons
The Witcher
Star Trek
Ready Player One or anything VRMMO inspired

Plot Ideas
Fallen Jedi- Friends from the Academy fall out of touch over the years but are reunited in an unexpected way. One holding a blue saber and the other a red.

Unlikely Allies- Either the rivalry of a Dark Lord of the Sith and a Jedi Master (or of their apprentices) must be put on pause as the two find themselves trapped within an ancient ruin and in need of cooperation if they are to survive. Tensions will be high between the two as they are forced to trust each other in a place where they can't even trust themselves.

Failed Cover- MC successfully infiltrates the Empire and is enlisted into the Imperial Navy Intelligence. YC can be a high ranking intel officer, Sith of any rank or really whatever you want. After working a few missions with MC, YC begins to get suspicious and comes across my true identity. Instead of turning MC in, they decide to turn the table and begin blackmailing information and perhaps a little more.

Stolen Identity- Rumors of a Jedi Knight have been rampant at a seedy cantina located on Nar Shaddaa for days. YC, a scoundrel and galaxy acclaimed scam artist have taken it upon yourself to make use of the mystery and turn it into a little fun for yourself. Whether it be a new dancer who has caught your eye or another patron, you plan on seeing just how far the ruse can let you go.

Classic Master x Apprentice pairing. Sith only with a strong preference on playing the apprentice. Who initiates the intimacy can be up to us, but I have had little luck or interest in the Jedi variant of this.
Darkness in Plain Sight- YC would be that of a more sinister role, (dark king, evil mage or notorious bandit for example) MC would be a warrior, a survivor of a village or kingdom that had been massacred by you. Problem is, I don’t know what you look like. In my travels we cross paths. Perhaps you decide to join my party for entertainment. You could lead me into danger, befriend me, even make me trust you before revealing your true self. Very open to suggestions on this one.

Bandit King- MC is almost killed in an exchange gone bad between two warring nations. A trap was sprung at what was supposed to be a peace talk and few from MC's kingdom make it out alive. MC is taken prisoner while trying to flee, having been recognized as an individual of some importance. A group of freedom fighters, wrongly labelled as bandits, come across the wreckage while out on a supply raid. Realizing this was the doing of their own Kingdom, a tyrannical power that they have been fighting against for months, they decided to track down the camp of soldiers and ultimately come across a surprising prisoner.

The Monster Hunter- Some inspiration from this is pulled from the Witcher series, but not limited to that. It more so involves YC or MC to be professional Monster Hunters. The coin doesn't match the danger, you clients are usually poor country folk who are trying to protect their land, investments or reputation. Some contracts are mindless and dangerous beasts, while others are sentient, and not always the ones wreaking the havoc they are accused of. Sometimes the outcome doesn't always need to include killing, with more interesting or valuable rewards to be found.
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