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Fx Any Give Me Cute and Fluffy things? NSFW: Pictures.


Mar 22, 2021

Hello, hello! As you can probably tell by the title of this post and the tags, I'm looking to write a story that just has cute aspects. I want to play the sub, specifically with the girl I'm going to post a picture of in just a minute, but I would be willing to write the Dom if I'm given a fun story to do! You can check out my preference sheet to see what I like, but I mostly have dark things listed there. This is not going to be a dark story, not at all.

Here are the specifics of what I'm wanting:​
  • DD/lg, MD/lg, or CG/lg. I would love for my character to be a little. I think it would be a lot of fun to write her as someone who calls her partner 'Daddy/Mommy/etc' in and out of the bedroom, though she may come up with a different name for the partner when she regresses in age. There will be no sexual contact when she regresses. It will only be during the times she is Big. Don't try to make it happen.​
  • Cute Plot Developments. What do I mean by this? Maybe our characters get a puppy, maybe they learn a new spell that makes it so my character can change in size to actually be small when she's little. Basically if it's happy and would make her happy? That's what I wanna do!​
    • Exceptions: I will make a few exceptions to this rule/whatever ya wanna call it if it would make for a more exciting/interesting story, but just know that I am looking for fluffy shit, not sad shit haha Drama is allowed, but I don't want it to be like... Life or death type of stuff, ya know?​
  • Pet play. Make my character into a cute little pet for yours to pamper, please? This would be outside of the age play dynamic of our characters and would be for their sexual activities!​
  • Slow burn. I want this story to take place over the course of... Well, I don't entirely know, but I do know that I want it to develop slowly, and for it to take awhile for any sort of relationship stuff to happen. The exception I would make to this would be a non-sexual CG/lg story turning into a romantic relationship.​
  • Gender. I do not care whatsoever what the gender of your character is. I'll be playing either a trans woman or cis woman, but I do not care what gender you'd like to play, so long as our characters mesh!​
  • Species/Race. So when it comes to fantasy worlds, these two words are seemingly used to mean the same thing. This is, of course, not the same for real life. I don't care if you want to play a werewolf, vampire, dragon, or neko, the only thing I care about that they be a soft dom/me type who will care for M/C. The same goes for their race. No matter if they are Asian, Black, Indigenous, or White, I don't care.​
  • Faces. Personally, I really like to use real faces for my stories, but I am also really loving anime faces too! This one will just come down to you and what your preference is. The only thing I won't do is just give a description. I want to have an actual visual for my character!​
  • Soft bondage, with some fuzzy cuffs and light rope bondage. I can give some examples if you want them!​
On the other hand, there are some things I do not want to include:​
  • No violence. I don't want my character to be beaten and I don't want her to have to fight anyone. I would love for some light spanking, maybe even the use of a paddle, but that's about it.​
  • Sex during Regression. No. This is 100% a no go. I don't want this to be involved at all. I, actually, would prefer this stay largely nonsexual in fact.
    Extreme bondage. I love making a character immobile as much as the next person, but for this story, I don't want that to be involved.​
  • Rape/NonCon. If you've attempted to write with me at all since I joined this site, you'd know that I absolutely love writing out rape/noncon scenes. They're my favorite! I, however, do not want that involved in this story.​
Now that you've made it through that section of this post, I guess you're probably looking for the plot! This is all I have so far, but I'd love to expand upon it with someone​
Just starting college, M/C is being exposed to the world in ways she never was before. Upon her campus she joins clubs, a sorority, and is even able to drag herself to a few of her school's sports games to cheer on her team! One of these clubs leads her to become friends with Y/C. Both of them are kind of awkward, but that's okay, because they make up for it with jokes, hanging out, and just becoming really close. By the time M/C's first semester is over, she has developed feelings for Y/C and they have become best friends.​
When winter break is over, M/C comes back to campus and is ready to get the semester rolling when Y/C invites her to a new club that was formed on campus that is specifically for those interested in DD/lg, MD/lg, and CG/lg things. At first, M/C doesn't know what to think of this idea, but she lets her friend drag her along anyway because she wants to make Y/C happy. It was a few weeks into the semester that M/C realizes that she really likes what is happening at this club and grows interested in it.​
This would be when M/C and Y/C begin to explore a CG/lg dynamic! From there, we can figure it out!​
Oh! And here's one of the girls I'm thinking of using! I'll probably add more as I go, but I just like my little moth girl for now!​

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