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Searching for Dominant's for Yuri


Jun 22, 2010
So I will start this with a bit about my writing style. I've been writing for almost 12 years at this point, but I am far from an expert. I write because it is fun, but I do put effort into my posts. I'll generally match what I am given but if you're giving me ten paragraphs per reply, then that is likely beyond my ability but I will try!
I do only write in third person and past tense, I know that isn't everybody's flavor but it's my comfort zone.
I am a very smutty writer, now I love a good story, but it has to have it's spice for me.
I also do not have any prebuilt ideas, instead if you are interested in writing with me, I would like to ask some questions, which I will post here, so that we can custom build an idea that will suit both of our needs and we come out with something fun and enjoyable!
I tend to respond daily, often multiple times a day, and if I am having a break, I will inform my partners.
Now the downside is, I have a short attention span, and always love a shiny new toy. My longest roleplay was barely over 1500 replies, and I've had some that just didn't get past the first page.
I am willing to play up to three 'Subs/bottoms' per each 1 'dom/top' and I've had a few side chars meant for plot advancement become permanent chars, I'm very much a 'don't plan every step, make it up as we go!' style of writer.

So my questions!

1. Do you currently have any desired canon worlds to build the roleplay in? A game, an anime, a show, a movie?
2. If nothing specific desired, what is your favorite world to play in? Medieval, fantasy, modern, modern fantasy, sci fi, futuristic, post apocalyptical, cyberpunk, etc etc.
3. What would you say your top five kinks you like mixed into a rp or, are that you want to explore/experiment with in a roleplay?
4. Do you have a preferred universe role? OmegaVerse, Sub/DomVerse where BDSM Submissive, Dominants, and Switches are more of a secondary genetic set of puberty with obvious effects, or any other verse with particular quirks to them?
5. What is your preferred story to smut ratio? 30 smut to 70 story, half and half, 90 smut 10 story, so on and so forth
6. What is your favorite type of sub/bottom to play with? The bratty sarcastic kind, the fighter, the sweet and innocent, the tough façade delicate underneath?
7. Do you prefer the char's to be openly gay/bi/etc, closeted, or unaware of it themselves just yet?
8. Do you want to start from bare bones our chars don't know each other yet, they are familiar with each other but not overtly, or they're already dating?
9. What are physical traits you like, Red hair, neko, heterochromia, etc etc
Lastly 10. What are things that you HATE or annoy you in a rp? Specific kinks that you call Red on, habits or patterns you don't enjoy, IE writing in first person drives me crazy, I much prefer third person, and don't appreciate people guiding my char without asking first. I'm usually cool with just about anything, as long as it's informed/requested before hand.

So if you're hunting for a new roleplay, then please give me a try ^^ I know I don't have much of a history here yet, or at least none that any, myself included, can really recall, then I would greatly appreciate your attention!
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