Mx Any Poly Plots! MxMxAny


Probably a human...
Dec 11, 2018
Okay so this is one of my oddly specific cravings threads. If you want to see more of my stuff along similar plot lines CLICK HERE.


  • The MINIMUM I will write per post is a full paragraph although I prefer to write around 3-400 words. I’m also happy to write more and match your post length it might just take me longer to reply. Good quality writing is preferred over quantity.
  • I ONLY RP in third person past tense.
  • I play male characters. Currently craving a more submissive role but I adore switchy characters
  • I mostly prefer MxM plots. These plots assume we're writing more than one character each, so I may be persuaded to add in a female character.
  • I'm not really here to just write sexy stuff. I like some plot with my smut
  • I'd prefer to RP on discord, I don't check Blue Moon too often.

ABO Poly Werewolf Pack

I was cleaning up my discord a few days ago when I was reminded of this plot where my partner completely disappeared. I loved it, and it was one of the rare occasions where I was tempted into playing more than one character. Would absolutely love to do something similar. It worked well before with each of us playing 2 alphas, and 1 omega. I realize this rambling post doesn't make much sense, but if you're interested at all please PM me!! Happy to switch up any details of the plot :)

In a small, unconventional pack of werewolves (the shape shifty kind, not the scary kind. I love scary werewolves, but I don't think they work for this plot) 2 omegas lived in harmony with their 4 alphas. Being a small pack, they place less importance on hierarchy. They have an official 'alpha' who leads the pack protects the pack, but all of them know that the omegas are really in charge. It's the omegas who decide which alphas they want to take to their beds, and if an omega chose more than one alpha at a time then no one in the pack complained. The alphas often found ways to amuse each other when the omegas were tired.
They have their own struggles, a small pack cannot protect itself from outsiders or humans and a year ago one of their omega's was killed by a wolf from a neighbouring pack. The other omega (in the original RP, the other omega was the youngest member of the pack. Still over 18, but definitely young to be having a child) fell pregnant soon after, but still struggles to come to terms with being alone with a pack full of alphas. They aren't the only one. The entire pack suffers under their grief.

Most packs aren't like this. Omegas are rare and all alphas agree that the must be protected although most packs take another stance on exactly how. Some have arranged marriages, giving Omegas as gifts to the pack's powerful alphas. Some are worse, with omegas being used as little more than breedstock. Their neighboring pack has been known for their awful treatment to omegas.

When an omega escapes from this life and is found by our Unconventional pack, they decide to take the omega in, despite the risk to the pack and the protests of their beloved, pregnant omega. But going from a place where you're seen a little more than an object to a pack where the alphas would do anything to make you happy isn't going to be easy for the new omega. Especially when the pack's established omega is heavily pregnant and hates the idea of sharing their pack with someone who puts them all in danger.

The King's Champions

When the King of Tavara is blessed with his first son, two infants are chosen. One, already showing promise as a mage, the other from a line of warriors that has stretched back almost as far as the Tavaran Kings. The two are trained to be guides and confidants and protectors for the king. To accompany him from his coronation to his deathbed. At 16, the two are tested. Their skills are put to the test and the resulting bond ties them together for life. More than soulmates, most take the final steps into adulthood in each other’s arms.

Once the old King passes into the halls of his ancestors, the Champions are summoned. In an ancient and secret ceremony, the two have their bond shattered and reforged with the soon-to-be-king in the middle. He is crowned with them beside him, and there they will remain for the rest of his life.

Actual plot wise… I’m very open. I have a few ideas in mind, but I’d love to hear your thoughts. I’m writing this with MxMxM in mind, but I may be open to a Female/Non-binary character. Also 100% trans character friendly.
I’m envisaging us playing one of the champions each, and either one of us taking the lead on, or us sharing the prince, I’m happy to play more than one character for the purposes of this one.
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Still thinking vampire thoughts! Honestly... any slightly kinky vampire plot and I'm down :)
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