Fx M or F Lets Roleplay! (Different kinds of roleplay and plots which are all discussable)


Feb 4, 2021
Caution! Some of my roleplays may include sexual themes.

A few of my rules:

I always use one of my oc's, so if you want me to play a canon character i expect a double up.
I am used playing female characters, but in double ups i am able to play as male characters too.
(A double up is where you both play 2 characters at the same time.)

If you want to roleplay certain topics with me, make sure you are of legal age.

I have a few plots, but they are also discussable.

My writing length depends on your replies, if you give me something to work with i tend to write longer replies.

I prefer at least one or more Paragraphs per reply. When i get only one-three phrases i tend to get bored with the roleplay.

Do not control my character, i will get really annoyed if you do so and in some cases even stop the roleplay. However there are some situations where it is absolutely fine: for example when our characters are walking together and you describe that my character is walking next to yours.

Let me know if you have any triggers.

I roleplay onsite only (pm or thread), i don't have discord.

My favorite roleplays:
[*] Harry Potter
Oc x canon
Looking for: Severus Snape
[*] Band's
Oc x oc or oc x real bandmember
Looking for: Tim Skold, Nero Bellum, Chris Pohl, Dero goi, Symyster Gates or Till Lindemann
[*] Sons of Anarchy
Oc x canon
Looking for Happy Lowman
[*] pirates of the caribbean
Oc x canon
Looking for Jack Sparrow
[*] creepypasta
Oc x canon or oc x oc.
Looking for: The puppeteer or Laughing Jack
[*] supernatural creatures (vampires, sirens, witches, demons, etc)
Oc x canon or oc x oc
[*] Pirates
Oc x oc
[*] Medieval
Oc x oc

Other roleplays are discussable, but i don't watch anime's so that is off the grit.

Optional plots:
Tour (band or realistic):

Oc goes on tour either with her own band or as photographer for bandmember his band. Turns out they have to share a bed bunk together.
(At least 50% story)

Saviour(band or realistic):

Oc moved from the Netherlands to America because of her music career and current boyfriend. Oc works together with bandmember and his band and bandmember finds out oc her boyfriend is an abusive asshole after he sees some bruises and starts asking questions. After finding out bandmember becomes her saviour.
(At least 60% story)

Forever young (vampire x band or supernatural):

This plot is originally a Dahlia Adams (my OC) x Vampire Chris Pohl (vocalist blutengel), but i am also accepting oc x oc.

So i am looking for someone to play as Chris Pohl (if you need info about it ask me, i'll send you some info through pm) or a vampire oc.

What if you've always wished to live forever? Only to wake up one day, with a craving for blood and no heartbeat. You don't know what happened to you or where you are. As you touch your cheek your skin feels cold and as you run your tongue along your teeth only to come across two fangs. You have an idea what is going on, but that can't be true cause vampires are only folklore, a myth.

This is what happened to Dahlia. Her eyesight has gotten brighter, her senses are stronger. She has an incredible speed and hears things that happens from miles and miles away. It seems like her wish to be forever young, has become her nightmare. Cause in the end, do you really want to live forever? She has to find the one who did this to her, they need to help her to either undo this curse or learn to live with it.

Extra info:
Dahlia has been turned into a vampire by Chris/your oc. Who had been send on a mission to get newly turned vampires to join their tribe. Their tribe excists out of only original vampires and after a war a lot of their vampires had been killed off, so to keep their tribe, they have to make new vampires. Chris/your oc has to leave suddenly as he almost gets caught turning Dahlia into a vampire, so he leaves her on her own, deciding to look for her later when it is safer outside.

Our characters both start looking for each other, when they find each other? What will happen? Will they help each other? Will they even fall in love with each other? What would a life as a vampire be like?
(At least 60% story)

Modern day vampire(supernatural):

Back in the day, even far before medieval times it was easy for vampires to fit in with humans, feeding themselves in dark alleys that used to be all around.
Different tribes living among each other in piece. All tribes owning their own castles and all having their own rules and believes.

There following three tribes where the most infamous due to their own specific reasons:

The Ale tribe:
They where the oldest and most powerfull tribe, it was where vampirism started. It was founded by the first vampire alive, Thommy Ale They believed in brotherhood, loyalty to their own tribe and visiousness. Their downside was that they believed they where more important than any other tribes or creatures.

The Murphy tribes:
This where a tribe of ritch vampires. This tribe started out as a failed attempt to immortality, done by one of Londons most ritch and smartest professor Allistor Murphy. They believe being poor is a sickness and money is their answer to everything. Their downside was that they kill of any poor creature.

The Woodwick tribe:
They where a tribe of vampires that found a way to live of animal blood instead of human blood. This tribe excisted of only a few old vampires. It was founded by Ulrick Woodwick, he found a potion so that vampires could live of animal blood. Ulrick got killed by stake during a vampire hunt during medieval times, taking the secret of the potion to the grave with him. Thats how they have lost their potion to live this way so it isn't possible to help any other living vampire.

Now in the modern days, 21th century, it is not easy to live as a vampire. During wars tribes has fallen apart. Humans didn't believe in vampires and vampires where not able to roam the streets without being in danger, due to witches and vampire hunters. Vampires had to lay low and it wasn't easy for vampires to find enough human blood to feed upon without a chance of getting caught. Because tribes had fallen apart newly found vampires from the past 100 years wheren't being traint, vulnerable to insanity. Some of them would turn into bloodthirsty monsters, attacking any living human being they come across and there for bringing all vampires in danger. Others would starve themselves, not knowing how to cope with vampirism.

Dahlia was turned by an original vampire of the Ale tribe, she was one of the unlucky few that didn't get training, she had no clue how to use her abilities and after days of not being able to feed herself she just laid there on the cold stone ground in a silent alley, drained to be bone and starving in need of blood.
Will someone help her before she either turns into stone or ends up being an insane monster?
(At least 60% story)

Harry potter:

Rayna Riddle grew up as Tom Riddle or Lord Voldemort his daughter. As he didn't want kids she was brought to Malfoy Manor to grow up their and learn how to be a wizard at hogwarts.

The first time she ever saw her biological father was shortly after he returned, her being insecure and wanting to know about her real family agreed to secretly join the death eaters.
She finds her professor Severus Snape between the death eaters and this is where she starts to grow close to him, finding out his true tasks and intentions and decides to help him.
Eventually she falls in love, but finds it a problem since there is an age cap.

The roleplay will start after the battle of hogwarts, where she had to fight her own family to protect her friends.
After finding out the rumor of Professor Snape being killed she gets into a state of blind panick, sadness and anger. To escape any reality of the trauma's that had just taken place in her life and she runs into the forbidden forest. This is where she find Severus Snape alive and well and she only has even more questions. The roleplay will start after her running into the forbidden forest finding out about professor Snape still being alive.
(At least 60% story)

If you haven't seen anything that caught your attention, you're always free to come to me with your own ideas!
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