Being ghosted for the -nth time really sucks


Apr 12, 2019
Ye olde Europe
Here I am, every now and then bumping my thread, every now and then finding someone new to role play with, only for those people to, sooner or later but almost always, abandon me without a word. It came to the point where I've added a paragraph to my thread in which I specifically ask people to not ghost me as it really ruins my day, and yet it still happens. I try being patient and waiting for days on end, I try gently poking people about whether or not they are still around, but whatever approach I take, nothing works, and I end up being left alone and with an erotica that might have been fun, and often started very well, but was abandoned by my partner.

I wish I knew for certain whether it is people being people or am I the one that does something wrong and somehow put you folks off. The way things go, it becomes pointless for me to still hang around Blue Moon, because 9 plots out of 10 that I start end after one or few messages due to me being ghosted.
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