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Seeking Queer Stories and Smut (craving M)


Sep 2, 2018
Okay, here's the thing. I'm looking to play folks that go by they/them pronouns and have vaginas; breast sizes vary. I have a WICKED craving lately to play against male characters - I just want to play a lil enby who gets absolutely wrecked by a big dick, what can I say? So yeah, that's where I'm at and that's what I'm looking for. Now, with that said, most of my characters are switches. I can strictly sub or dom if asked, but my favorite is the power exchange, I find it a lot of fun. I'm more than happy to play against female characters or other enbies as well.

I won't go on and on about my qualifications but I will say that I average about 400 words per post, I'm a descriptive writer who enjoys character and worldbuilding. My characters are typically deeply flawed and have a lot of depth, though the flaws vary. Do you want to play against a jaded asshole? Or maybe a sunshine soft boy? Or a confident flirt? Or a well-meaning dweeb? Or a shy nerd? Or something else? I've got you covered. Let's work out something fun together. I'm happy to play against all the listed varieties and others - like I said, let's work out something fun together.

I'm online frequently, my life's pretty quiet right now, so you can expect posts daily or often more than that. I like to keep up OOC chatter, I think it makes the story more fulfilling, but I can lay off it too if you'd prefer. I'm a big fan of slow-burn stories with romance and adventure but at the moment I'm also more than down for quick and dirty smut - like, really dirty. I prefer PMs over threads and can do Discord, if that's what my partner likes.

Here is my F-list. It's kind of outdated and it's a bitch to edit, so maybe just ask if there's something you're curious about. Hard limits include scat, vore, snuff, vomit, pedo- and necrophilia, rape. Mostly everything else is up for negotiation.

I'm up for playing either role, typically.

Pirate/Dignitary (bonus points for magic or space pirates)
(Athlete or Performer)/Fan
Criminal/Officer of the law

*Monsters include but are not limited to: vampires, werewolves, giants, centaurs, Minotaur, satyr, and mythical creatures including mermen/siren (craving), selkies, elves, deities and divinities, and various fae.

I'm gonna include a couple things I've been wanting to play out, just to see if I can hook anyone.
This one is less of a plot and more of a setting.

Imagine the apocalypse. Maybe humanity's penchant for bloodshed did them in. Maybe a chemical weapon backfired, causing widespread casualties. Maybe an eldritch horror rose from the deep to destroy us. Maybe aliens decimated us in our first inter-galactic war. Maybe magic exists in the world and the use of it triggered something catastrophic. Maybe there was a straight up zombie apocalypse.

Whatever happened, it's over now - and so is the world. What remains is a wasteland, the Earth slowly being reclaimed by nature. Vegas is a ghost town. Forests are running wild. Cities crumble away a little more every year. And as for the people? Well, the ones who survived are few and far between. They eke out a living in whatever way they can, some more violently than others.

I don't have ideas for pairings as much as I have ideas for characters. One thought is to play a scavenger, someone who goes around cleaning out stores of canned goods or pulling scrap metal off of abandoned cars a few years after The End. Another is a more classic survivor sort of situation, someone in the recent aftermath of whatever broke the world. I'd love to play a rough-and-tumble sort of person in this case - the delinquent who finds themself well-suited for this new world, bitterly wishing they'd done more to enjoy their time before it all ended.

Open-ended and up to interpretation, I guess! Let me know if you have thoughts.
Once a generation, an oracle is born. Their talents are discovered at a young age and they are removed from their home, from their old life, separated from the world in order to be revered for their wisdom. It's not a bad life, per say; they're treated well, to the finest clothes and linens and food that money can buy, kept on an estate that is verdant, lush and well-staffed.

But it's lonely. The Oracle grows up with no real friends, no human companions to speak of, and as a teenager they begin to long for the outside world - if only to experience it once, to make a fleeting friendship before being restored to their lonesome life inside these lavish walls. A plan is hatched and as a young adult, they make their escape, scaling the walls to explore what they can before they're caught.

What they don't expect is the person they become entangled with.

In this scenario, I'd happily play either role. My 'person outside the walls' would undoubtedly end up being an Aladdin-esque street thief, either a flirt or more 'tsundere'. That last part is up for discussion, I'm willing to play to my partner's preferences. My version of the Oracle would likely be a more sunshiny individual, someone who smiles a lot and gets excited about the little things. Essentially I'm thinking this would be a 'run and hide' plot, keeping the Oracle from being dragged back to their palace so that they can be a part of the world. I have some twists and turns in mind but I'll leave that to the plotting stage.
Let's say the year is 2250. The world's changed a lot with the advance of modern technology and now most folks live in one of the multitude of supercities available across the globe. They're smoky cityscapes lit by neon and populated by flying cars, metropolitan centers of culture that never sleep. In the day, these cities gleam like gold; in the night, the sinister players come out to have their fun.

One of the dark sides of this world is the designer drugs on the market. People said it was unethical to create DNA-altering drugs for general consumption, but when has the world at large ever cared about ethics? A century after they were cleared for sale, their aftereffects have become apparent: the changes they cause in people trickle down through the generations, mixing to cause mutations that the victims never signed up for. Some of them are harmless - a blue tint to a person's skin, the ability to emit a small electric current - but others are horrible and twisted, designer genetics gone terribly wrong.

This story would take place in the city's underbelly, where mutated humans inevitably end up. There is no place for them in the light, after all, and so they survive in the dark instead. I don't have a specific plot lined up but I do plan to play a mutant/mutants. There are humans in the underworld too, of course, people who are destitute or who have dealings with those trapped with the dregs of society, folks who sell inebriants to dull the pain these mutations often cause. Maybe your character is another mutant, or maybe they're a person who ran away from their life in the light; maybe they're a socialite who's fallen from grace, or escaped their kidnappers, or any number of other things. This one's pretty open-ended too, so I'd like to hear from you what you're interested in doing with it.
This one could go a lot of different ways. Maybe your character is a college student who needs a little help passing classes at their school for witchcraft and magic. Maybe your character is a desperate loner trying to escape their past. Maybe they're fed up with how people treat them and decided they would try calling some muscle from the ether. Whatever direction it goes, it ends with a summoning circle, a puff of purple smoke, and the wicked grin of something not of this world.

I would play a demonic presence, a shapeshifter sort of dealie, so anatomy would be particularly flexible for this plot. I'm also willing to work with whatever sort of setup you want - I just really want to play an evil little demon enby.

I'll probably add more as I think of it, but that's all for now, folks.
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