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Fx Male Depraved Sinners Welcome (Submissive Seeking the Dark & Taboo)


Temptation is a Beast
Jun 21, 2020
Texas, United States
Main Points:
  • I am currently seeking literate, imaginative, lengthy writing partners.
  • I am a female wanting to play opposite of a male character.
  • I like taboo, power plays, and dark themes most of all.
  • Plot ideas are at the bottom if you don't want to read through the rest.

First off, I absolutely love to write erotica. I enjoy frequent back and forth with lengthy responses. Typically I'll adapt to the length of posts my partner puts out but I prefer anywhere from 4-6 paragraphs. I just really enjoy going into detail, especially when setting the scene up.

Literate and well formulated posts show respect for your writing partner and dedication to the story which is why I strive to proofread myself before each reply. If my partners posts frequently downsize to a few sentences with countless grammatical errors for no reason, I will probably drop that roleplay. If all of that floats your boat, then please, keep on reading.

I would have to say above all else I enjoy taboos. The naughtier the better, in most cases. Incest is a hot one for me, typically father/daughter and brother/sister. And if it's dark, even better.

Power plays and well played villains are a huge turn on. While stockholm syndrome and manipulation can get my character to love you, outside of that I like to keep it real and raw if we're doing innocent girl getting taken by a bad guy type.

Fantasy and supernatural are also genres I am intimately familiar with and enjoy. As far as fantasy goes with the bestiality side: I can definitely get into some bestiality but normally only if the animal or creature has some form of sentience/communication with humanoid characters.

I also enjoy delving into seedy crime underworld settings, dystopian realities, and medieval settings. I'm not much for futuristic sci-fi style worlds.

I will use Threads, PMs, or Discord and I prefer them in that order but I understand peoples' preference for privacy. Up to you. In that same note, I'm not looking for someone to flirt or constantly chat OOC with. I like to discuss details or ideas OOC but I don't need a constant good mornings or discussions about life.

Anticipation, slow burn, build up:
I enjoy when characters are played to stay true to themselves, especially if there is some reluctance going on for a slow build up. A part of that is staying true to a character and giving them multiple interactions prior to them actually getting physical together.

I play female characters ages 16-39 and it's usually a more submissive role but I will occasionally shake it up with a dominant female. I don't mind playing multiple characters to really bring life to a story, however, I do expect you to be willing to do the same should the need arise.

Hard Pass List
Excessive Mutilation(dismemberment, etc)
Adult Baby

Praise Kink
Rim Jobs (giving/receiving)
Anal (receiving)
Throat/Tit fucking
Age Difference


Plot Ideas


When Rose finds out that the father she has idolized and adored her entire life is not at all what he seems, it upends her entire life.

The man who has raised her and cared for her her entire life is actually a prolific serial killer and rapist, but it turns out that there is an even greater horror waiting beyond that revelation. Every one of his victims could all pass for her sister, their builds, hair and eyes all eerily similar. Refusing to turn him in out of love but desperate for him to stop, Rose offers herself up to his devilish appetite, giving him the one prize that he's always denied himself.

Can she contain his monstrous appetite and dark desires? Better yet, can she withstand them?

This is intended to be a deeply dark and depraved story of obsession, love, and sexual awakening. I'm looking for this to contain elements of dubcon/noncon, bdsm, and horror. Perhaps even so far as bloodletting and body modification if my writing partner is game. No excessive mutilation. Eventual character death could be the conclusion. Or perhaps it could lead to him conditioning her to be his willing sex slave. Could have them need to go on the run. Definitely up for suggestions as to where we want this story to eventually lead/conclude.
With this story, I envision young woman who was cursed or born as a beast. She's been mistreated in various forms and is quite open to manipulation and affection. There are multiple ways this could go.

-Locked up by family her whole life she is open to manipulation by a male family member. Taken advantage of by her father or brother. Or perhaps auctioned off to be someone's "pet".

-Studied and forced to grow up in a lab.

-Living on her own, she's captured by a hunter.
For this story, I envision a girl who is adopted at a late age(16-18) or is taken in by a family in a foreign exchange type program for college.

She's out of her depth and gets forced/manipulated into becoming a sex toy. This could be for a brother/brothers, father figure, or even teacher.
This is a story that would be filled with death and blood and mayhem. A killer finds something he didn't even know he wanted. A partner.

A girl whom he believes is a kindred spirit in bloodlust, and he sets out to mold her into a suitable partner. She's always felt different, only excited by more depraved acts and somewhat of an adrenaline junkie. Open to all sorts of interpretations and avenues. She could initially be horrified until he helps her see the light. Or she could embrace it from the get go.
Daddy/daughter fic(can be stepfather if you're more comfortable with that dynamic).

Single father who has been pushed to his limits by a rebellious wild daughter. Can take this down the cliche path of spanking to something more or get truly depraved by having him lock her up at home where things begin to devolve into more of sex slave territory.
A reaper shows up to a soon to be murder only he makes the first mistake in centuries and accidently claims the soul of the serial killer!

Now to balance things out he has to ensure that the woman he left alive kills the remaining victims before he can kill her. He grows somewhat obsessively attached since this is the first being he's made a real connection with.

End game is possibly that eventually, instead of just killing her, he changes her into a lesser class of Reaper to stay by his side for eternity.
Enter left, MC is a princess tired of the responsibility and decorum required of her station. Enter right, YC is a dragon, attacked by a knight and left with a sword stuck in his maw. MC comes upon him on her daily ride and despite the danger, she removes the sword and strikes a bargain for him to take her away with him. They form a bond and things slowly progress to more intimate waters.

Really the point of this is a Male Dragon x Human Female Pairing. I'm open plotwise. I just loved the picture and love the thought of them trying to pleasure each other.
So there are only a few fandoms that I will dabble in. But, if we're going to do a fandom, please know your stuff. At least the basics.
First and foremost: Harry Potter. I'm a huge fan of the world and will play canon characters or OCs. I love it. So pitch me an idea and I'll be all over it.

Naruto. This one I'm only interested in playing one character: Sakura. I'll play her against Kakashi, Iruka, or most any Akatsuki member. And though she will be fierce, I visualize her as sexually submissive.

This one seems more rare but I'm all about Labyrinth and a Jareth x Sarah pairing.

Assassination Classroom. I like the idea of playing a female Nagisa perhaps opposite Karasuma.

The Hitcher: Oddly enough this is one of my favorite movies. I would love a sick twisted Grace x John Ryder pairing.

Disney movies. I love animated disney movies. If you've got an idea involving one, let me know. Especially if it twists it into something dark or filthy.

I enjoy crossovers of fandoms. I also like altering a world with A/B/O dynamics. Just let me know what you're into and maybe we can figure something out to suit both our tastes. :)

I'm also quite open to any ideas you may have as well.
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