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Fx F or NB Sub/Switch seeking Dom/Switch


Jul 30, 2020
Hello, gentle reader.
It’s been a while since I’ve craved a more submissive role and I’m not going to get my hopes up too much. I know dominant female partners are hard to come by. That being said, I need to specify that I’m only accepting female-identifying partners at this time. Nothing against men, they just write differently, and I’m really craving feminine energy right now. The character you play can be either Female or Futa.

I want to play out a romance with a bit of an age gap. My character would be a teen (15-18) and yours would be 10 to 30 years older. I’d like for your character to take on a bit of a “motherly” role in this relationship. Whether that’s as a teacher, boss, mentor, or actual mother is up to you. The RP can be as smutty and kinky as you want, as long as that element of romance is still there.

Possible Pairings and Plots
  • Mother x Daughter - MC was given up for adoption as a baby, or YC walked out on her when she was a kid. Years later, they’re reunited, but instead of a typical mother/daughter relationship, something more romantic blossoms between them.
    (B) It could be cool if maybe they have a steamy one-night-stand before they realise that they are mother and daughter. Then once the truth comes out, they have to deal with the reality of what happened between them and the attraction that’s still there.
  • Stepmother x Stepdaughter - MC has always been cold and hostile towards her stepmother, no matter how hard YC tried to be nice. After some kind of medical procedure, YC is the only one there to take care of MC. While loopy from the pain meds, MC confesses her romantic and sexual attraction to YC. This makes YC start to see her in a different light and things progress from there.
  • Sister x Sister - Due to their age difference, our characters were never really close. When MC visits her older sister during the summer break, things start to blossom between them. Maybe they get drunk one night, have sex and then have to deal with the consequences the next morning.
  • Teacher x Student
  • Boss x Employee
  • Older woman x Young girl
  • Anything with these kinds of vibes. If you have other pairings or plot suggestions that you think might scratch this itch that I have, feel free to shoot me a PM.

Rules and Requirements
  • I only roleplay via PM or Discord
  • No one-liners. I need at least one meaty paragraph, written in the 3rd person perspective. Multiple paragraphs preferred.
  • No cartoon or anime reference images. Written character descriptions or realistic face claims only.
  • No godmodding
  • Literate partners only. Frequent spelling and grammar mistakes turn me off.

Age differences
Sex toys
Light bondage
Hair pulling
Dom/sub dynamics
Virginity (MC)
Oral sex
Vaginal sex
Anal sex
Rough sex
Vanilla sex
Breast/nipple play
Large cocks (Futa)

Toilet stuff
Condoms (Futa)

Please don’t reply to this thread. I’ll be waiting in the PMs.
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