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Mx Female Looking for wholesome slice of life pairings!


Aug 18, 2019
I'm pretty much looking to do some development with a character for a project I'm working on. The character I have in mind is named Avarie and he is a young adult male who just started college. I'd be open to just about any pairing that would work well with his character and can even adapt him to fit with certain settings if you prefer something else.

Mostly I'd like to pair him with another female student, which could end up being as vanilla (or not) as you would prefer. Avarie is smart in many ways, he has good manners, speaks, reads, and writes very well, but there are certain subjects in school he struggles with such as math and science making a tutor/student relationship a good possibility. Avarie has had a difficult life in more ways than people realize right off the bat because he comes from a very wealthy family and hasn't really wanted for much, except freedom. His parents didn't care about any of his interests and only want to groom him to be the perfect candidate to take over the family business. He looked to sports as an outlet for a while until he started getting into fights and lost the privilege to play team sports. Being a delinquent wound up working in his favor because his record led to him not being accepted to the college his parents had chosen for him, forcing them to allow him to attend a far-away university free of their influence for the first time.

I'm open to pairings outside of the tutor/student setting, like even a teacher/student relationship or something like that, honestly, I'm just really open to suggestions you might have.

Avarie has dark blonde hair which is shaved short at the base of his skull and around his ears but shaggy on top (Almost like Jean from Attack on Titan ), golden-brown eyes, and an athletic build. His personality is easygoing but he has a short fuse when it comes to people insulting his intelligence, mostly because it's something he is pretty insecure about. He's also generous and kind-hearted.

So anyway if you're interested just DM me or add me on discord @ littlekori #3151

Thanks for reading! XOXO

Bump <3 This is an old thread but I never found a partner and would still love some help developing this character.
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