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1-800-Date (pista & zombiequeenkai)


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Nov 9, 2019
The Backrooms
Ping Pong~♫

The blue line, southbound, will be coming in five minutes on the right-side track. Please be sure to stand behind the yellow line. Thank you.

The subway station that was known to be a busy transit spot for travelers, was just about empty saved for the homeless, some office workers, and drunk college students. The bright LED clock that reads ’12:11 AM’ looms over the sleepy group while the robotic announcement echo from left to right. A reminder to those who don’t call this station home that the last train was soon to arrive, but no one seemed to care as the homeless zipped up their tent for the night and the rowdy young adults began a piggyback race with the girl climbs on the backs of their chosen male friend. The only ones that seemed to care were the exhausted office workers who swayed back and forth while checking their phones. The outlier of the bunch was a young woman.

Sitting on the bench in a hoodie and jeans, she doesn’t seem to be a part of the drunk crowd, yet she certainly doesn’t fit the late-night workers. With her backpack right next to her and headphones plugged in, she was nothing more than a college student coming home late from a study session. Despite reclining on the bench and nodding to the beat of music- EDM to be exact. This brown-haired girl was the most alert one in this station. Though she was apparently scrolling on her phone based on the reflection in her glasses, her eyes were instead focused on the swaying office worker who stood a bit too close to the edge. The older woman was impatiently waiting, tapping her heels against the concrete flooring and occasionally checking the time. She looked no older than 35 and was the only fresh face here compared to everyone else who frequents this station often. The older woman was awake yet paid no attention to her surroundings. That fact was the only thing that kept the girl calm as the distinct sound of a train whizzing nearby signal that it was time to go soon.

Gathering her supplies, the girl swung her backpack on her shoulder and began approaching the yellow line. The loud whistle of metal wheels against electric rails blended well with the loud cheers of the racing students. Running to see if they're faster than the train, they ran dangerously close to the edge and accidentally bumped into the older woman. Time seemed to slow down as the office worker fell in and several people screamed about her being on the tracks. As people panicked on what to do and the group of college students loudly apologizing before running away from the crime scene, the girl ran forward to help the woman up.

The momentum of running and suddenly stopping caused her phone to slide out of her pocket and onto the tracks next to the woman. With the headphones disconnected and dangling in her ears while her phone continued playing, unaware of its eventual death. A tragic loss for the girl but not as tragic as the loss of someone’s life. The bright headlights of the train were blaring with the sound of the horn disorienting. Getting low, the girl roughly grabbed the woman and pulled her back onto the walkway at the nick of time.

The two stumbled backward onto their butts and watched the train fly by inches away from their faces. The wind whipping their hair back and forth. The train was skidding to a stop as other office workers who were walking ran over to see if they were okay. The older woman, besides having a bruised forehead and chipped nails seemed fine overall while the young woman was only appeared messy from the adrenaline rush. With shaky legs, the young woman helped the older one up as the conductor was running up from behind. He was a heavy-set man who had a few words to say that were a mixture of panic and anger from the near accident.

“Um… Due to an accident on the rails. There will be a one-hour delay to the southbound blue line. I repeat, a one-hour delay to the southbound blue line.”

Unlike the robotic voice from before, a human worker came over the line to make the announcement after the conductor left to the backrooms to pass on the information. As the small group dispersed, it was only the older and young woman left behind. Guiding the older woman to the bench, the younger one helped carried her there before taking out a cold soda from her bag to pass it along for the older woman to use on the bruise.

“Are you sure you don’t want to call an ambulance? It’s not like you have to pay for them,” the younger woman asked. She removed the earbuds from her ears and began wrapping it up. Once she reached the end, she inspected the missing jack that was ripped right off with her phone when it fell. With a reluctant sigh, she tossed the useless headphones into the trash.

“I’m sure. The hospital is too much of a hassle when it comes to something as simple as a bruise,” the older woman said. There was a long, awkward pause between the two as neither was certain on what to say next. “Thank you so much for saving me,” the older woman said, “I’m sorry about your phone. I’ll pay you back for it.”

“It’s alright. I’ve been needing to get a new phone anyway and it doesn’t sit right to demand money from a victim,” the younger woman replied back. She dismissively waved her hand. “If you want to press charges, I recognize some of those kids from my campus- I would give you my number but…” she continued, trailing off for a moment as it wasn’t needed to say about what happened with her phone. “I can give you my name and student number instead. Would that work?”

“Oh, yes! Here, let me give you my business card…” the older woman said, trailing off to look for her handbag but only to find that she doesn’t have it. Seeing the awkward expression on the older one’s face, the younger one shook her head.

“No, it’s alright. Only one needs to exchange contact information,” she said. Taking out a piece of paper and a mechanical pencil, she wrote down her name, student ID, and school before passing it over. The older one takes it and reads it out loud.

“Kai… Corcuera?” she read, looking at the girl in disbelief by what she read. Kai crossed her arms, embarrassed but she doesn’t show it on her face.

“My grandmother has a bit of a sense of humor,” she answered.

“An awful one- it’s bad luck to give your daughter a boy’s name,” the older woman said, looking like she ate something bitter. Kai stared at the woman with no inclination if she was offended or not by the rude comment. Embarrassed that she said something inappropriate to the person who saved her, the older woman let out a cough and changed the topic. “Um… I see you’re attending Merriweather University. That’s one of the best schools both in the city and the state. What’s your major?”


The answer was short and brief, making the older woman feel that she seriously offended her savior. But the topic was changed yet again when Kai presented a train pass to the woman. “Here. You lost your transit card, right? Take this, it has about ten on it,” Kai said, offering the plastic card.

“You don’t need to! You’ve done so much for me already- it’s not mine but my coworker’s,” the woman explained.

“Nah, it’s fine. I got like five of these things,” Kai explained, flashing five other cards in her wallet. The woman let out a confused ‘oh’. “Anyways, just because it’s your coworker’s doesn’t mean it’s nothing. They trusted you with it, after all,” Kai continued, “But anyway, I’m going to call a cab. You want me to call you one too?” Once again, the woman was going to dismiss the kind act once again, but Kai simply shook her head. “No, it’s fine. It’s hardly inconvenient,” she explained, gesturing the woman to wait where she sat as Kai stepped away to use the payphone. It was a quick call since there was only one address needed for two taxis. Keeping the older woman company, Kai helped her into the first taxi that arrived and saw her off. The older woman once again profusely thanks Kai for all of the help and promised to compensate her while Kai was reassuring it wasn’t needed.

It was only once the older woman reached her penthouse did, she realized that Kai paid for her fare as well…


The following morning, Kai woke up far later than usual. Without her phone to act as an alarm, she woke up well into the afternoon both starving and just as sleepy as she did going to bed. Though, that couldn’t be helped as she was an unfortunate insomniac. Yesterday was no doubt a busy one as Kai spent the day hanging out at her friend’s place after class before saving someone on her way home. Stretching, Kai got up to start her late day. Thankfully she didn’t have school today or she would have been in more of a rush.

The inside of Kai’s apartment was way smaller than you’d originally imagine based on the skyrise complex. She lived in a studio apartment, unsurprising considering it was just her. The design was based on just one large room, but the property manager renovated the room with plastered walls to separate a bedroom, kitchen, and the living room/dining room combination area. An open design with no doors besides for the tiny bathroom off to the side. At least the place looked modern enough based on the design and Kai’s interior design choices. Kai’s bedroom, while having no door, was left in the dark save for some Christmas lights hanging inside. There was a full body cut out of some anime character in an eccentric outfit with the same figure as a body pillow on her bed.

Right at the entrance were a coat hanger, mini shoe rack, and umbrella stand. Opposite to that was a mirror that dangles over a tiny side table. Kai tossed her keys there the night before, next to a coin bowl that had a funny-looking rock in the middle of it. It was painted with a face and hand googly eyes glued to it. There was a notecard pinned underneath the coin bowl that reads “Feed thy hungry rock with coins. Pet thy god for luck.” It seems to be some kind of inside joke.

Her backpack was left unattended near the foyer, which she nearly tripped on as she made her way to the kitchen. The living room was the biggest area for the studio, unsurprisingly. There was a foldable couch that can have the back flattened to make a twin-sized bed, a coffee table, and a TV with its stand. Peaking from underneath were several gaming consoles. Above the couch was a corkboard with several greeting cards, drawings, take-out menus, and a map of the city. Near the entrance to the kitchen was a whiteboard that had a list of things to buy and important dates. Most noticeable was the balcony with its glass sliding door that acts as the main source of light as she pulled apart the blinds. Hanging right next to the glass, inside the studio were a couple of potted plants… all dead, unfortunately. A dead bamboo shoot and money tree. The only thing that survived was a cactus, a wheelbarrow one that had a tiny paper mache cowboy hat on top of a growing bulb.

Eyeing the list of things to buy, Kai let out a sigh before adding ‘phone + headphones’ to the list and circled it with a red marker. Passing it and into her tiny kitchen, Kai began searching for something to make for breakfast, she ended up settling for a bottle of water one realizing she only had a moldy bagel in her fridge. Seems like today was a shopping day. Drinking her water, Kai was forced to place it down once she heard the sound of knocking at her front door.

“Who is it?” she called out before opening the door. In an oversize gym shirt and polka-dotted pajama pants, she leaned against the frame to see who it was.
"And there's your change sir."

An elderly man with caterpillar eyebrows daintily drops a palm full of coins into his customers hand, along with a warm smile and head nod. The man standing across from him accepted each pleasant interaction by copying the man.

"Thank you so much again, your shop is just lovely" Gesturing to the bounty of flowers that lined the shoppes rustic shelves. coddling the bouquet of pink roses closer to his chest against the soft wool suit he took a few steps away from the counter, making sure to lock eyes with the man. "I'll make sure to come back whenever I need flowers, I have a few spots in my garden that could really use some sprucing up!"

The old man gave a polite laugh and waved at the man. The chiming of the entrance door was the last gift the old man would give his customer. Turning away from the shop and walking along the sidewalk for a few moments he found his way to the car he arrived in. His friend and driver leaning on the passenger door with a nearly finished cigarette in his mouth. His ruffled undershirt with dark blue vest combo gave off the impression he only wore it because it was apart of his job. His pants and shoes still had some dignity though, not a crease scuff or ruffle.

"God, took you long enough. Did you fall through the floor, or were you kidnapped." Taking the cigarette out of his mouth he tapped it a few times to get the pesky ash off. His expression was somewhere between a glare and completely disinterested.

"What do you mean did I fall through the floor?" His smile wiped away to show a child like confusion, he pushed his glasses higher up his nose.

"I mean that place looks like it's about to fall apart! Old and probably full of mold, you know we could have just bought some flowers at Walmart, would be better than taking this detour." Putting that cigarette between his lips he took a long drag to finish it off.

"Oh boy Jeff. You know it's a good thing to support local business... Also that place wasn't old or full of mold. It was rustic and really nice in there, reminds me of my grandfather. I'm sure he does a lot to keep that place in tip top shape. You know you could maybe take some of that pride and put it into your own work." Not bothered by the way his co-worker was acting he had gotten quite used to it by now.

Jeff wasn't the type to look on the bright side, rolling his eyes he flicked the cigarette butt off into the street and laughed. "If I ever take more pride in my work. Shoot me, I've been replaced by a replica." The two shared a laugh and Jeff strolled around the front of the car to the driver side while his companion got in the front seat. The driver took the time to put on a drivers coat, small insignia along the right breast that read "T.P.B.A Industries". The familiar hum of the engine along with the delightful sound of tire on concrete kept the passenger happy and quiet while he hung his head out of the open window. He looked down at the roses and gave a slow sniff to really appreciate the aroma.

Looking around and getting sick of his own car almost instantly he struck up a conversation "So Who's this chick we're going to meet? She saved the boss or something. I read the email but I didn't talk to anyone.."

"Her names Kai and she's a stude-"

"Kai?? I thought it was a chick... Aren't we supposed to deal with ladies." A quick glance like his co-worker didn't know what the hell he was talking about.

"It's just a name. I'm sure she's a beautiful lady.. I heard she was kind of a nerd. I looked into her file actually, she's going fo-"

"I don't care. I'm just the driver, I don't need to know every little thing about this... petite princess. She saved our boss and made sure we have a paycheck. I'll make sure to smile and say hello whenever she wants a drive, more than that I can't promise."

Momentum pulling the two forwards along with the whistling of the tires, it felt like a rather conclusive end to the conversation. With that the man in the suit opened his door and got ready for the introduction. He took a deep breath, adjusted his glasses and made his way through the front doors and up the stairwell. Apartment number thirty seven, as found out by the private investigator. With a delicate knock and some patience the man in the suit stood there with a warm smile holding out the flowers.

The door opened and without hesitation on his part.

"Hello Misses Kai! Good morning and a hopefully happy Saturday for you. I'm not a Mormon even if I do look like one." A small giggle and a moment to recompose himself to shake his nerves. "My name is Elisha and I'm a financial specialist working under T.P.B.A Industries, I'm not sure if you've heard about us or not. We're an all male working force that specializes in almost every work force, meant as a way to help men get a foot hold in the industry. As you know there's a lot of-" He realized he was rambling and focused his gaze back at Kai. "Excuse me. I shouldn't be going on about that when you probably don't even know why I'm here. I was sent directly as a client under our CEO Miss Waals was nearly on the unfortunate end of an accident. I'm sure you know the story you were there, you saved her!" He let out a smile that warmed the room and with that he held his flowers out to her handing it to his new boss. When Kai took the bouquet he clasped his hands together and just continued to admire her.

The flowers had a small tag tied around the base of the bouquet, hand lovingly written in cursive "Thank you for everything~"

"I wanted to say on behalf of everyone in the company, we greatly appreciate your brave heroism and you did quite an amazing thing!" He gave her a moment or two to really absorb the information before he continued on with his sales pitch. "Oh, and on the behalf of the CEO directly" He pulled out his phone and started scrolling through a few pages before holding against his chest like he was about to give a surprise. "You have one free year payed for by her for you! You're so lucky, this is a high value deal! People pay thousands of dollars just for one month of this package. You are now my personal boss, and... Others." He handed her his phone that had the listing for all the people that would be working under her with all the names.

Profiles of their personality and job experience "All you need to do is sign some light paper work and then you'll get this deal along with the phone I handed you. It's top of the line, newest model and I only opened it to download and set up the app for you. It doesn't have a password so go right ahead and set it to whatever you want." From within his suit just past his tie he pulled out a few papers and an elegant pen. "You set up the times and you set up when and where you want them to be! We're expected to follow any and all orders....." He did look a little bashful when he said that, slightly uncomfortable. "Within... The.. Limits of the law obviously."
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Opening the door, Kai couldn’t predict who could be on the other side. It wasn’t common for her to have unexpected guests. She couldn’t rack her brain for who could it be seeing how she didn’t order anything as of late. This is why, when she saw a strange man standing out her door, Kai initially thought that he had the wrong address. Looking him up and down, her eyes were uncertain on where to focus first. His face, those flowers, or the logo on his uniform. The acronym was recognizable but nothing she could put her finger on. Most likely a company her friends talked about once in passing never to bring up again.

Blankly, she stared at Elisha as he began his spiel. He had both a good speaking voice and a handsome face to matching. Of course, there was no reason for her to have an attractive man stop by her place unless something important came up. Only due to the fact that he knew her name, Kai narrowed it down to two possibilities. His appearance had something to do with the woman she saved last night, or the solicitors finally managed to get past the concierge in the lobby. Fortunately, Kai didn’t need to guess as Elisha easily parted with the information without even needing a coax.

Pressured to take the roses from him, Kai held it with one hand while inspecting the card attached. She found it rather tacky and unnecessary, but she doesn’t say these thoughts with the chipper man. The sale’s pitch wearing her down as she rather cut through the bullshit and get to the point as to why he was here. Kai understood that it was due to her saving the lady last night but was this fanfare really necessary? A thank you card in the mail with an Amazon gift card would be enough. Though as he finally wrapped up his speech, Kai realized what the women she saved last night were giving her. A free year trial of her company’s service? That’s insane.

When he finally finished, Kai opened her apartment door wider to give Elisha permission to step inside. “I expected her to contact me soon but not with this,” she said, shifting the bouquet in one arm while holding the phone in the other hand. “Come inside. I want to discuss the contract first- please take off your shoes and close the door behind you,” Kai said, stepping away to put down the roses. She didn’t know what to do with them besides setting them in the kitchen. It wasn’t like she had a vase to put them in. “You can sit on the couch,” Kai offered, taking one of the two dining chairs so that she could sit across from Elisha.

It was hard to be ecstatic with the offer as it was suddenly thrown at her It seemed almost too good to be true and her friends would no doubt make fun of her once they find out. “Don’t tell me you need my credit card information if I accept the free trial,” Kai said, starting the discussion lighthearted, “Water?” She would present a more diverse choice but tap water was the only thing she had in her home at the moment.

“Don’t worry, I don’t intend to give you a hard time. I know you guys have it rough. I just have some questions to clarify first,” Kai said. She placed the new phone down on the coffee table to show that she doesn’t plan to run with it. “Firstly, can you tell me more about your company? Specifically, what the acronym stands for? It sounds very familiar but-“ Kai cut herself off. ‘Isn’t it a gigolo service?’ is what she would have said if she continued her words but thought better of it. It was a genuine question, but others tend to take it as a tactless comment.

Kai pointed to the contract in his hand. “What does the contract read for your and the other guy ends? I’m all for helping people out in getting easy money, but I rather not take it if you’re getting cheated out of a stable income,” Kai continued. She pointed to the phone. “I read six names there, after all. Is your salary based on how many hours you actually worked? Are you expected to work for other women between callings?” she asked, “I’m basically trying to see what’s the best arrangements I can do for everyone since, frankly, I don’t need it even if it’s a nice luxury. This is my first time dealing with a… service package like this. I don’t sign any contracts without knowing the details for both sides- How does it work?” The first thought that crossed Kai’s mind wasn’t the fun aspect of receiving an all-access service of six different men but more of their employees’ benefits. She wasn’t doing it because they were men, but it was a concern she would have for any grunt-level worker in any company, man or woman. It was easy for her to put them right at work, of course. But it’s meaningless if there’s a loophole. “Ah right. What about Miss Waals? Did she see a doctor about the bruise on her head?”
He gingerly walked in and took a knee to untie his shoes, doing as she asked. He put the contract and the pen down on the living room table, corrected them to look neat and corrected them for a second time just to be sure. When he took his seat on the couch he noticed how old it felt, it was clearly a couch she got from her parents when she moved or maybe from the side of the road. Putting that thought aside he crossed his leg and coupled his hands together to rest them on his knee, sitting tall and giving her his full attention.

"Oh no no! Don't worry.. Your ID is and your written consent is all we need. You're not paying so we wouldn't want that." The joke seemed to pass over his head with a courteous smile. "Yes please, I'll take a glass of water. It's always a good thing to stay hydrated! So many people always pass up the chance to drink it.. Then they wonder why they feel so rotten all the time." As she came back with the water he took the cup from her and sipped on it. Another curious feeling, he wasn't expecting unfiltered tap water.. I've been away from home for so long Thinking about how his mother wasn't the fanciest person.

"Waals didn't see a doctor... I think she went right back to work. When she got home she contacted us directly! We've had the pleasure of working with her.. I talk with her on a regular basis actually." Closing his eyes and placing his hand on his chest a small egocentric smile crossed his lips. "But she seemed to be fine, she's busy at the moment and she didn't have any symptoms of a concussion. Freaked out and scared but she's fine."

Leaning into the couch a bit more he loosened his shoulders "So the name of our company is Tasks Possible for Beautiful Adults Industries. You can see why it got shortened." He chuckled and took another gulp of water "You don't have to worry about our salary or our working conditions. We get payed regardless of the amount of hours we work, we're on call for any time. You can work us to the bone and call us at three in the morning or you can never call us. That's the type of package deal we're signed on for, we're also.." He sighed a little and leaned over the table to point at the contract showing her some fine print. "We're required to also date and.. Escort.. Women who have signed this package. That's why we get payed so much, we're more than just our job. We're meant to be companions. That's every part of what a male companion would fulfill. So, it's up to you. We're not required by law to fulfill every aspect of a relationship but to make sure our clients are happy we may indulge.. in... romantic actions." He was clearly uncomfortable explaining this part but he soldiered through.

Leaning back he puffed out his chest and straightened his back hoping she wouldn't ask more questions about that "I do hope you sign. You won't be hurting anyone but yourself. Especially as a student, you get free drives from Jefferson, home cooked meals from Seff, your own butler! Oh.. On the very stressful days you get to call up Bastion. He has magic fingers, I've been told anyways. I can balance your checkbook make sure your finances are in order or just plan out your day more efficiently! That's my specialty. Oh, Yule... Uh.. He's not really someone you'd need often, but he's the electrician, mechanic... handy man. Need him he'll be here but since he's more specialized you might need to set a time and date. He's the only one out of the six that will be working multiple jobs."

Pointing to the phone "Now you can message and call whoever whenever you like, if you just want to chat or need their services. If you want I could set up a schedule for everyone! I'm sure you'd love to be driven to school every day, or have your chef come for breakfast and make you lunch. We're here to serve you." He leaned over and placed his hand on the contract, slowly pushing it closer to her like he wanted a decision. "Also you can cancel the contract at any time.. It's as simple as letting one of us know and signing another. If I may break curtsy for a moment, I want to work for you and personally pamper you for saving my friend." He took his hands away.

If she needed any more convincing she could just look over Elisha and see how properly dressed he is, there isn't a spec of dirt or a hair out of place. His actions this entire time have come off as royal and important.
Kai looked at Elisha with disbelief for a brief moment at how the man didn’t recognize her joke. But she soon let out a small snort; it wasn’t quite a laugh, but it wasn’t just her breathing either. She read his job title- it was funny to think that the finance expert was surprisingly naïve. Kai felt defeated facing this level of sincerity, but it wasn’t a bitter loss. Getting up, Kai went to grab Elisha a cup of water. She didn’t have any simple style cups as all she had were decorative glasses that one would see in a hobby store. This eccentric taste was reflective of the other tools and plates she owned in the kitchen. Some were souvenirs from far-off locations, others came from Asian flea markets, and others just had to be order online. Taking a glass that was shaped in a cat’s paw, she poured some water from the sink into it and passed it to Elisha.

Taking a seat once again, she listened to his answer about Miss Waals. Kai was a bit conflicted knowing that the woman decided not to visit the doctor and went straight to work but figured that she was a grown woman. A grown woman was a company and no doubt several years older than Kai. She didn’t have much of a say in the end. “Well, as long as she’s okay,” Kai said, “Be sure to give my well wishes and thanks for the… um, reward.” A new phone would be enough. An entourage was a bit of overkill if you asked her, but Kai could hardly company. It was her gain, after all.

Moving her arm behind the chair's backrest to prop herself up, Kai nearly choked when Elisha said the entire name of the company. Covering her mouth, Kai worked fast not to laugh at Elisha at the ridiculous name. Now she understood why the acronym sounded familiar. It was attached to that company! Kai remembered how it was girl’s night. She was at a sleepover at one of her friend’s places. It was three in the morning and they were each doing a google rabbit hole game where you must get from one word to the next. At some point, someone in the group stumbled upon the acronym and read what it meant. Kai was laughing so hard when she heard the name. Who would think of such a stupid name! There was a solid minute of laughing before reading what the place was about. They all concluded that the owner must have been some kind of pervert though some joked about wanting to try their services… Kai being one of them.

As the saying goes, be careful of what you wish for.

“I see. I understand why too,” she agreed with Elisha. A brief giggle escaped her lips but was quickly smothered and killed on the spot by Kai. Pulling back her serious expression, she focused on Elisha’s explanation of the contract. It seemed like everyone involved benefit from this proposition. It was obvious why that was the case for Kai but for the guys as well. This will probably be the easiest year worth of salary they’ll get as Kai wasn’t as demanding as some people. And as Elisha brought up the other part of the contract, Kai let out a brief laugh in disbelief. “Wow, this company does the whole nine yards. Home base and everything,” she said, reaching forward to take the contract and read it for herself. It was there alright. “Hm… as fun as this is, I don’t fool around with guys that long to get to this point- even I want to do something like this with someone I love,” she said, looking back to Elisha. She tapped the paper against her lap. “Don’t worry, I won’t ask something like this from you. I don’t like something like this if the affections aren’t earned,” she continued, “I prefer us being friends and hanging out.”

Tapping her foot against the artificial wood below her, Kai contemplated the contract as Elisha told her all the benefits. She can certainly imagine putting everyone to good use. Especially Jefferson and Seff. Kai goes out often and she loves a good meal more than anything. It would be nice not having to eat ramen several days in a row or not eating a meal that wasn’t partially burnt. The guys all get paid properly, won’t have to do anything strange with a woman for a year, and she enjoys all these benefits. With the push from Elisha, Kai finally gave in with a sigh.

“Alright, alright. I understand,” she said. She got up for a moment to get her wallet and pass Elisha her ID. He mentioned at the beginning that he needed it along with the signed contract. Leaning over the coffee table, she signed the pages Elisha pointed out and passed it back. “There. The deed is done,” she said. Rubbing the back of her neck, Kai couldn’t believe what she just got dragged into. Life really was an adventure, huh? She supposed that she shouldn’t complain. The more she thought about it, the more excited she got.

“Now then- I hope Jefferson isn’t busy today. I have some shopping to do,” Kai said, “Are you free too, Elisha? The more the merrier.” Smiling, Kai was glad she didn’t have to carry groceries on the bus. Oh! She can go to several locations and that fancy Korean grocery store that was on the other side of town. “I want to talk to you about my schedule- I have a lot to do, so I can’t really micromanage all six of you. So, it’s better if you handle it for me.” She tugged on her pajamas. She’ll need to change them if she wants to head out.
Taking the ID he held it in the air and pulled his phone out, taking a photo of her credentials. "Aaaaaaand. Done!" Sent over the internet to their company for a criminal background check, it was company policy. He placed her ID on the coffee table and took the papers back. "Normally we'd come back tomorrow after everything is made official.. But I'm sure I could make an exception." He got up from the couch and quickly made his way to the front door. "I'd be happy to take control of your schedule and organize your workers. Now, if you need to be driven around.. I'm sure you want to change. I'll meet you at the car." He slipped his shoes on and left the apartment.

The smell of second hand smoke infested the immediate area around the car. Jefferson couldn't help but smoke whenever the opportunity rose, especially when he had the added stress of meeting a new client. In a meditative state his eyes were closed and he couldn't even tell if he was alive sucking on his cigarette, just the way he liked it. The clack of high priced shoes on concrete stirred his mind, those eyelids parting from the relaxed position to see Elisha smiling annoyingly at him. "Jesus.. Do you even know the meaning of a bad day?"

"Of course I know what a bad day is. Everyone has bad days. Do you even know the meaning of a good day?" Rolling his eyes he walked past the cynical driver as he spoke, making it to the passenger side he opened the door. "Oh, by the way. I know we're not supposed to be working today. But I told Kai that we'd help her get some groceries done."

The most animated he'd been all day Jefferson spins and slams his hands on the top of the car "WHAT!? Oh come on! I was gonna go home and watch Stallone movies!! You can't do this to me!? I'll tell our supervisor I swear to go-"

"Oh come on stop being such a baby.. Do you really think our supervisor would enjoy hearing how you passed up the opportunity to make a good first impression on our new and very important client? It won't take long, we can follow protocol after we do this errand." He never screamed or shouted, his voice stayed at a normal talking level and the tone just commanded enough respect to show he was serious with what he said. "Finish up your cigarette and get in the car. She'll be here soon."

Jefferson grumbled to himself and rolled back into his previously comfortable position, arm crossed the other one held the cig to his lips as he impatiently sucked. Hurrying his lungs he looked more like a chimney than a person, then the cancer stick died out he threw it into the street still pissed. The car shook as he sat down in the driver seat, "You can be such a dick.."

"In through the nose out through the mouth..." Adjusting his glasses he just smiled at his friend. Jefferson took his advice reluctantly, but as he slowed down his breathing it was easier to focus.

The front of the apartment opened and Jefferson looked over at Kai exiting her home. "Is that her?"

"Yes. She's cute huh?"

"She's not ugly I'll give her that..." His window rolled down and he leaned out the car. "Hey, you're our new client right? Kai. My names Jefferson. Hop in the back I'll take you wherever you want to go, you wanted groceries right? Plenty of room in the back..." Putting both hands on the steering wheel he was putting on his best smile for work.
Though Kai knew that nothing should come up during a routine ID check, she can’t help but worry if something were to ever come up. The same time of concern when a cop car drove past you or you’re under the scrutinizing gaze of a superior. Kai has been fairly clean and mindful of her actions; her internet footprints were invisible as far as her collaborators can tell her. Gingerly taking back the ID, she placed it back into her wallet and set it aside. “That’s good. I hate long registration processes,” Kai said, dismissively waving her hand though she paused when Elisha mentioned that it wasn’t a common protocol for them to begin working until tomorrow. She looked at the man for a moment, wondering why he just went along and said yes.

“If that’s the case, it’s fine. I rather not…” Kai trailed off as Elisha was already putting on his shoes and was out the door Rubbing the back of her neck, Kai mused to herself if she made a mistake already. Elisha was eager but just because he was doesn’t mean Jefferson would be the same in being forced to work on his day off. Originally, Kai wanted to take a side quest and grab a quick bite to eat since she just got up and had nothing in her fridge, but she supposed that she’ll just make a fast trip. She can buy some instant ramen while shopping that she can cook when she gets back home. Though, an apology was in order once she heads down.

Letting out a sigh, Kai felt pressured to hurry up now as she proceeds to throw something together. She wasn’t doing anything fancy, and she wasn’t exactly trying to impress these two guys. If they’re going to be seeing her ugly mug for an entire year, they should get used to her casual wear. Armed in just a pair of jeans and a graphic tee with an infinite symbol on it, Kai was flying in her home as she picked up her wallet and keys. Multitasking in brushing her teeth and her hair, Kai was sure she beat her last record time in rushing out of the house. Missing the bus was quite the incentive in getting her moving but there was something about not inconveniencing someone that really make that adrenaline rush. Slipping on her shoes, Kai almost walked out with her new phone and ended up doing the walk of shame to retrieve it.

Down the elevator and skipping past the security guard that hangs out in the lobby to make sure no unwanted guests come in. Patting her pockets, she stepped out of the entrance and looked for the pair who was meant to take her places. Being called for, she turned her head left then right in confusion before landing on who it was. While she found Elisha to be more on the adorkable side on the attractive scale, the slider sailed all the way to the other side as she found Jefferson to be the definition of “handsome”. The realization that she actually found a man hot at first sight hit her like a brick. Momentarily, she was caught off guard by the intense physical attraction, but it passed as she rationalized it as a trivial affair. As the girl who was able to meet an actress on accident once and only mumbled a ‘cool’, Kai fit exactly what her friends call her: “not fun.”

Waving at Jefferson to show that she saw him, Kai walked over with a bounce in her step. Slipping to the back, Kai let out a sigh before looking at the two men who sat at the front. “Hi. Nice to meet you, Jefferson, I’m Kai,” she said, introducing herself in the car instead of yelling several feet away as he did. “I take it that you drove Elisha here?” she asked him, noting that he had to been waiting out here parked and not called her by Elisha. Though her first instinct was to notice the heavy scent of cigarettes in the air. It was hard to ignore as Kai cracked the window slightly though she doesn’t comment on it. It didn’t take a genius to know that Jefferson was the smoker between the two guys. Her eyes darted to other one. “Also, hi again Elisha. Thank you for indulging me on this,” she said before focusing on the both of them.

“I’m really sorry for springing this upon you two. Can I treat you to a meal or a drink or anything?” she asked them, “There’s a bunch of places between her and Global International.” Originally, Kai wanted to go to the fancy Korean grocery store that was farther away but nicer with a wider selection. Everyone talked about it if they were Asian and seeing how Kai was half Asian, it was obvious why she would know about the place. But instead, she opted for the closer Mexican market that was several blocks away. It was limited in Asian goods but if Kai needed pure cooking materials, this place does its job. Besides, she favored her Asian side too much when she should humor her Hispanic side as well.

“If you just stay on Seventh Avenue, you’ll see it on the right,” Kai said, pointing in the direction Jefferson needed to go before sitting back to put on her seatbelt.
Jefferson wasn't a fool and staring at her he knew she was hit with a small bit of shock at how he looked, he noticed small things like that. It pissed him off but he didn't show it, just another example of why he got the job over his other friends. He kept his cool and stared out the front window for a moment taking a deep breath through his nose to recompose himself and calm down, this wasn't atypical so he knew how to handle it. "Ah don't call me Jefferson... You sound like my mom. Call me Jeff, rolls off the tongue better." Not turning to meet her but looking up into the rear view mirror and catching her eyes he gave a patient smile. "I'm your driver and the driver for all those hunky guys you have on speed dial."

Elisha laughed "It's not indulging at all! We're your workers and we're here to follow orders." Unlike his grumpier counterpart he turned and leaned his arm on the chair looking her right in the eyes. "Sure our job starts tomorrow but we still want to make sure you're happy with everything that we do."

Jefferson piped up "Yeah we're your little slaves.. Whip us till we bleed, that's all we're good for." He didn't crack a smile or laugh when he said this just stared deeply at the road. But Elisha laughed pretty hard and gave a quick nudge to his shoulder.

"You're a funny guy Jeff... Don't scare her off just yet with your bad jokes." Seeing the two side by side was like seeing night and day, just like night and day they seemed to get along. The comment from Elisha got Jeff to chuckle and shake his head.

"Sorry about that Kai, I know my comments can be a little jarring. Don't worry about directions, I've been working in this city for a few years. So where are we going? Are we going to Global international super market? That place is a... Well. It's a fine spot, the best thing they have there is chilly powder. We can go anywhere you know, we don't have to go to the cheapest closest place available." While he said all this he was pulling out of his parking place and driving off down the street.

"Yeah! We can go to the fancy grocery store, with this all purpose package we have a budget for groceries and restaurants but honestly unless we were eating out every single night you can't really break the bank. If we go to the grocery store that would be on the company credit card I have." He smiled back at her only for Jeff to raise his finger at him.

"Actually... It wouldn't be. Because we haven't started work yet. You'd have to pay out of pocket Elisha." Jeff shot a glare over at Elisha with a devious smirk like he was getting back at him for all of this. "I mean, we can't let our new client pay for her own groceries. Especially after you decided that we could start a day early. Right?" He spoke like he was savoring every word, slow expressive hand motions accompanying his words.

Holding back how annoyed he was he just had a neutral face on before looking out the window and nodding. "You. Are. Absolutely right. I can't let her pay." He turned back to her for moment and smiled at her before turning back to the road. "So is that really where you want to go? I won't let you treat us to dinner, we can't accept that. It's company policy." He put his hands on his lap and closed his eyes never wanting to push the envelope or do anything that could get him into trouble.

Jeff leaned to one side with his hand on the wheel and shrugged "You could treat me to dinner... Would have to be after this pencil pusher goes home though. So I don't get written up~"

Elisha looked shocked "I hope you're kidding!"

Jeff lifted his hand and smiled "of course of course...." In a sarcastic way that would give Elisha plausible deniability, but it was clear that he would easily take their new clients offer.
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