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Fx Any Violet's female characters request thread


Mar 15, 2021
Hi there, it's Violet! 29F in EST. I have edited my search threads to be consistent. This one is for my male characters!

What I am looking for:

I am looking for well thought out characters with a solid backstory. I am looking for a plot with an intro hook to keep us going. I am looking for someone who knows how to transition from scene to scene, and to keep the RP moving from place to place so it doesn't stall out due to a scene going too long or a lack of story.

I am here to tell a good tale and I hope you are, too, and I am open to a variety of genres.

Things I like:

-Deep, well-thought-out backstories
-Characters that are morally grey
-Characters from wildly different belief systems
-Characters that need to work together through their differences

Things I dislike:

- As a rule I will not write smut out in graphic detail. A handwave is fine. I don't want to describe everything that's happening mechanically so if this is your goal I'm not your gal.
-Glorified abuse
-Trauma porn
-Characters that are one dimensional and/or defined only by bad things that have happened to them
-Plots that exist only for romance without a compelling reason for the characters to be interacting
-I’m not into mafia, straight horror, or crime RPs, anything to do with a pandemic, or anything to do with cops
-I am for the most part not interested in fandom characters. Characters loosely based in fandom are fine.
-I am definitely not interested in characters that are IRL real people. Do not give these to me.
-If you try to lie about either of these (fandom character, IRL person) and I find out I am going to be upset. Don’t do it. Just be up-front.

What I expect from you:
Inspiration and two-way flow when plotting. The ability to give and take. Decent spelling and grammar. At least a nominal amount of effort (no one-liners, but otherwise I'm flexible). Respect for times I can't rapidfire, but willingness to do it on occasion. Not panicking when I use the same OC with someone else or I post a search thread when I'm still RPing with you. Communication when you don't like something, or if you want to end the RP.

What you can expect from me:
Respect for your time and ideas. An equal amount of effort and attention given to plotting. LOTS of OOC chatter. Headcanons and other various nonsense about our characters if the situation is appropriate. The same level of communication and thought given to the RP. Attention given to boundaries and respect for things you say you would not like to write about.

I am generally very friendly and chatty so if this is not you, I respect that but we may not work together.

Some other requirements:
Heads up, I am not a novella writer--I consider myself lazy lit and write 3-5 paragraphs on average. However I do like to get deep and write about my character's memories/thoughts/feelings so I can go on a bit if it's relevant, it's just not consistent. I can write an essay if there’s a reason for me to.

99% of the time I only play LGBT pairings. If I know you well and you are also LGBT, I may consider running a MxF pairing if you pitch me something really stellar. Otherwise I’m going to say no. Please keep in mind that the vast majority of my female characters, with very few exceptions, are not interested in men.

I generally really enjoy authors that elevate my writing and know the meaning of show don’t tell.

If you have something a little outside this document please come to me with it anyway, I’d rather have someone come to me and have me turn them down than not get to see a stellar idea I would have loved that’s slightly outside what I’ve listed.

I use premade characters unless you pitch me an absolutely great plot that isn't appropriate for one.

I require all my partners to be 21+. I do not tolerate racism or LGBTphobia and if you are in your communications with me OR I see you doing it anywhere else, I will drop you no matter how much I like our RP.

Now, onto my list of OCs!

Phina -- 27. A walking disaster. Phina was the daughter of a well-regarded politican. She has since cut her family the fuck off and now owns a coffeeshop she lives above. No-nonsense, really not here for bullshit. Can be catty and emotional and is honestly known for starting drama with other people.

Wren -- 24. Can be cold and distant. Had a family with too many expectations of her which she fled and cut off contact with--they didn't like that she was a lesbian very much at all. Had a previous short-term relationship which ended terribly so she has fled across the country to be a blacksmith.

Aster-- 24. Second youngest of eight kids. Wild child. Life of the party. Pretends to be her younger brother Rue's voice of reason, she's lying. Vivacious, well-adjusted, and fun despite the fact that her father died at a young age. Easy to get to know, but can be snarky.

Rosa-- 28. Rosa works as a kitchen maid and is full of snarkiness and wit. Once a prostitute, after getting arrested in her homeland she moved far away and now uses kitchen work to get by. She's happy like this, but is hiding a dark past.

Elena-- some kind of very old, powerful being. Elena does not really understand who or what she is, and works as a secretary at a law firm. She flies under the radar and would like if her identity as some sort of supernatural creature was not discovered. Does not suffer fools lightly, but enjoys entertainment.

Lydia-- 21. The widowed wife of a powerful emperor whose kingdom was sent into ruin by rebel troops. Lydia is shy and slow to trust, but incredibly steadfast in her (often challenged) beliefs. Lydia has not yet found her place in the world, but would like to.

Liora-- 31. Liora is the daughter of high-up dignitaries but fled from her homeland some years ago after a family falling-out. Always the black sheep of the family, she has since taken up the life of an adventurer and mostly makes a living fulfilling extermination contracts for the local guild of monster hunters. Sarcastic and witty, Lydia's true self is something not seen by very many people, but she can be fun even for a stranger.

Ella-- 25. Ella is a fire mage who lives in a cottage with her many cats and a flock of chickens whose eggs she takes to market once a week to sell. Cheery and bright, Ella has crippling social anxiety but just really wants someone to like her. She's enthralled by mages that are better than her and though she is in love with fire magic, her true passion and skill lie in other, less flashy areas such as herbalism and animal handling. Someone to help her see the value in herself would be great.

Clara-- 20. Clara is a young mage in a world in which this is discriminated against. A ward of the state since she was five, Clara had a terrible accident which killed her foster mother at the age of fifteen. She fled after, and has been living in a small village acting as their herbalist since. Pragmatic, but feral, and distrusting of strangers. From my current WIP.
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